HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-154 Resolution No. 11-154
pursuant to Elgin Municipal Code Section 5.02.020B(9) the City Council hereby finds that an
exception to the requirements of the procurement ordinance is necessary and in the best interest of
the city; and
ILLINOIS, that it hereby ratifies and approves the execution of a Contract Completion Agreement
with Arch Insurance Company and Orange Crush LLC by David J.Kaptain,Mayor,and Kimberly A.
Dewis, City Clerk, regarding the Waterford Subdivision Neighborhood 3 development, a copy of
which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference.
s/David J. Kaptain
David J. Kaptain, Mayor
Presented: August 24, 2011
Adopted: August 24, 2011
Omnibus Vote: Yeas: 7 Nays: 0
s/ Kimberly Dewis
Kimberly Dewis, City Clerk
'rb;s Coniroct Compledon Ag eement for Nciglrbutltoud 3 in the.Waturfurd Subdivisiou,
Ellin,Illinois(the"N3 CoinpletionAgreemcnf'or"Agrucmcnt") is made and entered into this
L]th_d3y u1 August,2011,by and hetween the City ul'Elgin, Illinois C'Elgin")i Arch
lnsuritrtcc Company. Mehl, autil �'� f �'`. Y�G`��� L 4 ��. . (tile
"N3 Contractor').
R E C I T A 1, S
W111:11F.AS,Knitall hill bores,Inc.("Kimball 1•fill")undertook to dcvulop certain teal
pruperty in Fiviu, Illinois ("Elgin"). commonly known as the WutUibrtl Subdivision, which
Waterford Subdivision is divided into Neighborhoods fur file purpuse of dewtupuncut:
WIII;RF:AS, to secure the construction of certain improvements in the Waterford
Subdivision, Kimball Hill procured and delivered to I{Igin the following, performance bond
issued by Arch. us surety: $und No.SU:019730 dated _0arcb 10,20116: in the nriginal amount
ot'S 1,4?r,0:3.3G,which amount was subsequently reduced to S61 i,S 0.26 on Amuary 30,21108,
and is subject to being further reduced,pertaining to certain improvements in Neighborhood 3 of
the Waterford Subdivision(the"N3 fiend");
WHEREAS,un or about April 23,2008,Kimball Hill tiled a voluntary petition for re)iel'
under Chanter t 1 of the United Slates Bankruptcy Cvde in the United States I3unkruptey Court
for the Northeta District of Illinois,Eastern Division.ss C'ase Nu.OV 0095; j
WIWREAS. Ligin has nutid;ed Arch that Kin r-all }litl in deiaul: ul' its bonded
obligations snd made a demand upon the V3 Mond(the''\,:3 Bund"); j
WHEREAS, Elgin and Arch have entered into a Settlement Agreement whereby Arch
has agreed to satisfy certain obligations under the N3 Bond by -making arrangemcttts for a
contractor(s) to perform and complete all of the work identified on a punchlist prepared by
Trotter and Associates, Inc., dated Reviscd 6123/11 which is attached hereto as Exhibit I (the
"N3 Punchlist");
WHEREAS,the N3 Contractor has examined the N3 Punchlist_the situ of the Work to be
performed,qte relevant plans and specifications;the Elgin Municipal Code and the requirements
thereunder, and is familiar with the procedures required by Elgin for th. .completion and
acceptance of the public improvements wluch are the subject of the N3 Punchlist;and
WHEREAS, the N3 Contractor has agreed to complete the N3 Punchlist in accordance
with the leans and conditions set forth herein.
NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants contained herein,
including the above-stated Rzcitais which are incorporated herein by reference, and for other
good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged,
Elgin,Arch and the N3 Contraetor agree as follows:
I. The N3 Contractor agrees to perfornrthe pork and supply the neeesm q materials
17045 V: ri Cr. fX ! . %—L}, AL .%` �. x11. �. AYE 11A..O
to complete tile N3 punchlist and the public improvements in Waterford Peighburhood I which
are the subject of the N3 Punchlist in accordance with the Engineering plans wid specifications
for the Waterford Subdivision 3, as prepared by Manimrd Consulting dated 06/17/03 and last
revised October 7,2005,(hereinuRer referred to as the"133 Punuhlisl Work"). (iF MORE THAN I
r '
PARTICULAR CO'MPIXTION AGREEMENT) The :y3llunchlist Wxk :hall also be
performed in accordance with the Elgin I-lunicip+ai Cryle, applicabl' regulations adopted by
Rlgin's enainecring department including standard details, general nodes and engincering and
construction standards and specifications..and Al other npplicable requirements uF law. The
Standard General'Conditions of the Construction Contract prepared by the Enginccrs Joint
-Contract Dmumc:nts Committee, 1996 edition,,hall apply to this Agreement and to the work to
be perfurmeot pursuant Id this Agreement(die -Guneml Conditions'}. In the event of any
conflict between the terms of this rAgrcemew, and the !cans of such General Conditions, the
terms of this Agreement shall supursecle and control.
Z Elgin shrill pay to the N3 Contractor dhe sum �,f jr ' j{�V l for
eornpleting the N3 1?unchlist Work, which psynienis shall be made in iwcordanee with the
General Conditions. Arch shall My this sum to Elgin upon exeeurian of this W Completion
Agreement, which Elgin shall use to.pay the V_Cortrtctor for lilt: N3 Punchlisr Work. To the
extent the penal limit of the 1:3 Bond exceeds this pivnu:nt, the ditterence shall be available to
pay for repair of any Additional Storm Sewer Dcfccts as described in Paragraph 4 hereof. Under
no 6rcumstances shall the penal limit of the N3 Bend be exceeded. if die penal limit of the N3
Bond is reached as a result of the Additional Storm Se,-ver Dcrccu identified in Paragraph 4
hereof, Elgin shall reduce the amount of the tzpairs liu the Additional Sturm Se•xcr Defects to
stay within the penal limit of the N3 Bund or, nt l;sin's nptiun. pay rite N3 C'imtractor any
amount over the penal limit of the N3 Bond to complete(lie repair of the Additional Storm Saver
I Ilia N3 Contractor shall warrmt all (if its work perfanned pursuant to the
N3 Completion Agreement ttha-N,Wbrmnty WorV) for n period of one v t ar from the dote of
Substantiul Completion, as reasonably deternined b-,• l-lpin's I,nnineem For the purposes of
ciarificution, and not as a limitation on the N3 Contractor's warranty, claims which ary covered
rind may be made by the City during the one year wurntilly period include,but are not limited to,
claims for the failure of grass in restored areas or the f;dlure of.other htndscuping installed by the
N3 Contactor,
d. The V3 Contraactor respunsible for sewcri nkrecs to tclevisr the purlion of the
storm sewers that had not been previously filmed, as identilicd in the letter dutt:d February 1,
2011 iron;Trutter&:associates,which is attoched hereto;ts Exhibit 2. 1 he:13 Contractor shall
provide to Elgin's Development Engineer the tiddco ol'cuch televising For the lilgin Development
T:ngineer's determination as to whether any additional de..iects are identified 11-nm file televising
which require additional repair (the ''Additional Sturm Setr•cr 1)clirts"), the N13 Contractor
shnll repair such Additional Storm Sewer Detects as directed by thu lil'in Development
Friginaer. The N3 Contactorshall notify Arch ofany A,iditionol Storm Sewer Defects prior to
performing the repairs. Arch and the N3 Contractor slutll agree on the amount of compensation
to repair the Additional Storm Saver Defects, and Arch shall pay the cunetrnt to tltc N3
Contractor within thirty(30)days after Elgin approves the•repairs cf the Additional Storm SUWCr
Defects by qtr jN3 Contractor. Elgin shall have no respunsihilitV Ibr Di1.iII2 I'nr the repair of any
Additiomtl Sturm Scwcr Defects unless and until the penal limit of the N3 Bond is reached as
described in Paragraph 2 hereof.
f ,
5. The N3 Convactor shall complete all of the work and improvements set funh in
the N3 Punchlist and that the repairs of the;Additional Jqairrn Server Defects in accordance with
the fallowing procedtttes:
A. When the i:3 Con.tractor has substantially comple!ed the work, it shall deliver the
Billowing to Elgin's Engineers: as-built drawings oi'its work signed and sealed
by an authodzed.professional engineer: storm sewer television testing results.for
repaired stonn sewer actions;and a letter from Manitard C'unsuhino as the design
engineer (or such other engineer as is occeptahle to Hgin) stating that all N3
Punchlist work lias been completed in accordanwe wi'h the ;ruor0V'ed plans and
Spec!f cations.
B. Elgin's Engineers wilt conduct u tfeld review ol'ihe\3 !'t:nchlist\VOrk io identify
any duliciencies or uncompleted items of work. These items, toglether with all
deficiencies discovered upnn a revie%v of the above described as-built drawings or
sewer tapes, will be compiled into n purehlisr letter and fon; t-led to the
N'3 Contractor for completion or correction.
C. 1�'lten the N3 Contractor corrects any deliciencirs and urtnr!cte.,; all the work,
Elgin's Crigineers shall review the conip!eted work, whieh wort:will be approved
if it is complc[cd in accordance Nvith the encineerinu plans and ordinances. It
deficiencies remain,those will he identi tied.
D. Alter Elgin's Engineers have mviewzLI and approved [lye N3 Contractor's
submitted as-built dr wines, ilia N3 Con[cretor most suhrnit an.-huilt drawings in
etc:trunic krona[aiung with ardor copies of the apprvvcd os-built drawings. j
f �
H. Final payment wili be nTade to the W Conractor upon acceptance of the
N3 Punchlist Work by(Agin.
b. The N3 Contractor shall commence the work !o he peribrinod pursuant to this
Agreement no later than thirty(30) Jays of the entry into this Agrceni nt. 'File N3 Contractor
V Fag yylilcq tT is oeF5peN.0 R3LC
shall substantially complete all of the N3 Punchlist Work 4iNS41RX rirrr orr121cr9
PU rqs UA,VT 7-9 7-f¢Js A(�,967FM CW 7
(tTrnl,i-.rr 14 RSS.PelrjBIBr E PG. C+i_1 A 11.1 T'n'T 11 1 11T 1.11 W�r97%% TI_iJ_].711�S.0
.. �7�rz, raSTCa er`ii'�7'-r•a 7-r tr?'*�t�TC'GT_.rrL rem—rt z
' ) by October 15. 20.11; and shall achieve Final
completion and acceptance by November 30, 2011. It is agreed and understund that the X13
Contractor(s) responsible for the mstoration of disturbed ar us or '.he .installation of other
landscaping its part of the.work to be performed puruan, :n this agreement is required to triter
such restored areas or other landscaping as is ncTessury until the gran- or other landscaping is
viable. It is grecd that the further tvtering of reti�orcd areas or other landscaping to establish
viability of arras or other landscrtping shall in and of iiselif npt lrrrclu&the detr.t-nitration of final
completion provided, however, die N_ Contractor shall ;urnethcless ceminue wi:h such further
watering until the viability of the grass in restored areas or oti;er l;usdscupin�, is established. in
Iliv event of my cunlliet between these dates acrd dates elsewhere in the docitments referred to in
th;sAgrcem;mt,these dates shall prevail. ?ime is of the LssereL of this Agreeincnt.
7, It is agreed that as reasonable liquidated d;taiages for delay(but not as a penalty)
the M Contractor shall pay Elgin 5200 for each day txtyund the tune specified for 5ubstantiul
Cumpletion. Aller Substantial Completion, if the M Contractor shall acglect, refuse or fail to
complete the remaining %York within die time specified in this Acreement(here'inaf'ter referred to
as the "Agreement l"imes') or any proper extension thcreul'granted by Elgin, the N3 Contractor
shall pay Fkain 5300 for each day beyond.he tune for final comillction. in the event more than
U v
one N3 Contractor is retained to complete the N3 Punchlist %Vork, caci \'3 C'ontractor's daily
liquidated damages shall be determined by multiplying the contract percentage of the total N3
Punchlist aVork by 5200. This calculation shall be mails at the time of eorimiciin,and reflected
on.the N3 Puncilist for each N3 Cnntractor. The N3 C'onrracmr agrees and;acknowledges that
such liquidated damages constitute a reasonable cstinuttc of FIgain's acruTtl damages. Such
liquidated damages shall aonb6tute.Elgin's sole recourse for and shun consiiure lull satisli ction..
of Elgin's actual damages resulting from the N3 Contractor's May, The N3 Contractor further
acknowledges and agrees that in the event any provisions in any of the other dwiments referred
to in this A-recinent conflict with the provisions of this paragraph or otherwise provide for
V.darwigvs wsulting from the N3 Contractor's delay,tltc provisions of this pargnph shall control.
and such conflicting provisions in any otter documents referred to in 'his;�Grcement shall not
constitute, and shall not be construed as, a basis by which to render the provisions of this
paragraph imenforceable.
S. In the event the N3 Contractor is delayed in the prosecution and uvinpletiun of the
work to be performed pursuant to This At7eement or achievemunt of any ot'the Agreement James
because of zuiv delays caused by Elgin or the Engineer or other causes herons:the control of the
N3 Contractor, the N3 Contractor shnli have no claim npiinsr Elgin or the Engineer for damages
or contract ad.usonept other than an extension of the Agrivment Times as provided herein and
the waiving of liquidated darrtaees during the period ncouioned by the delay.
9. Elgin shall make p.a}anent on ibe basis vi' the i*3 C'wttmetor's .application for
payment as mcornmended by the Engineer, in cont'onnance with the City ur Figin's accounts
payable schedule. All payrnents should be hascd upon :hc prf gntss of ikc work,measured by them
schedules provided in the agreenient documcnts. Nutvtiithslandine anvdting, to the contrary in
any other do convents referred to in this Agreement. Erin shall be entitled to withhold any
payments pending, the snbmission of parlinl or full waivers ui lien ur.:l4x certificates ventyinb
the receipt of payment for all work performed by all subcontractors op to tae date of the v3
Contractor's application lbr partial or final payment in Ouin`s sole discretion. Elgin shall Further
be entitled to make such payments dITCCtIV to ally subcontractor as may be necessary to obtain
such lien waivers an(lor certifications. Tn the event Elgin makes arty such paynicrtts directly to
any subcontractors,the amount of such pa)zncnt shall be;deducted tram he total amount due the
td3 Contractor pursuantto this Agrecmdur;and the h'3 Contractor shall provide a writt.^.n release
to Elgin in tite amount of arty such puymeuts upon ten days written derttand. Concurrent:viLh.all
applieatdons lbr payinent,the N3 Contractor shall provide Figin with.t_,,wont certification of all
work performed by tilt subcontitelors and the amounts paid to all suhconlnictwrs as of the dulc of
W. Elgin may withhold, from Ml payments prior to Suhstantial C.,ontpletion, an
amount equal to tat percent .(10%) of work completed, at Flgin's sole discretion. Upon
Substantial Completion, Elgin may release a: portion of the rctninage to the N13 Contractor.
.retaining :u alt times an amount Still-lCient to cover the costs of the wu;1t r"nalining to be
completcd,at Elgin's sole discrelion. Puyment of any retainage front Elgin tr,the iti3 Contractor
shall not bt: mireasmtably withheld. Elgin shnil net be required to make IT.-ml payment prior to
completiun and acceptance of all cWthe work by Gigin.
11. The N3 Contraactor shall provide to Bain a Perlomtauce Bond and a Payment +
Bond, each in the amount of the N3 Completion Payment, with rc pecr to the work under the !
N3 Completion Agreement. which bonds shall be issued by a sorcry ;icueptable to Elgin
(collectively the '.W3 Completion Winds"). The scope of coverage under N3 Completion Bonds
shall also extend to the N3 Warranty Work.
12. 'flit N3 Contractor shall also Provide to F'Igin the insurance as described in the
supplemental conditions which is attached hereto is E%hibit 3 (thC"Supplencntaf Conditions".).
The N3 Contractor agrees that any third-p;uly claims against the N. Conu ctur and/or Elgin
shall be properly forwarded by the N3 Contractor to the N3 Contractor's insurance company for
the appropriate resolutimi of said .claims. Unresuivcd claims ;nay al}cct/delay final payment
13. The\3 Contractor shall take all nt-essury precautions t'ur the pi-o ction of public
and private propeny. This shrill include the louition and identification orprnps.•rty markers prior
to and.durine construction. The N3 Contractor is responsible liir the t?tunttge or deslruetion of
property resulting from neglect,misconduct or omission in his rnanncr or method of execution or
non-execution of the work, or caused by defective work or the use of unsatisfactory ninterutis
and such responsibility shalt not be released until the work has peen completed and accepted and
the requirements of these specifications complied with. i1"lmnever public or prig;itc properly is
so damaged or destroyed, the N3 Contractor shalt, at its expense, restore such property to u
condition equal to flint which existed prior to such damage or injury by repairing, rebuilding or
replacing it as may be directed,or it shall otherwise make good such damage or destruction in:in
acceptable manner. If the N3 Contractor fails to do so.).assn will withhold any payouts toward
completed i-.ork until armngtements arc rnadc to correct any daniere as described bclov;•.
14. llie N3 Contractor shall comply with the Illinois Prevailing Wage;pct: 820 ILC'S
130;0.01, et seq., including. 'ut out limited to, paying the ptvyailing wazc :i:i acquired therein
and completing all necessary documentation and reporting requirements
15. Notwithstanding any other provision of this N3 Completion Agreement, it is
expressly agreed and underswe-d that the N3 Contractor shall comply with ali tipplicaNe Federal.
State; City imd other requiremerts of law, including, but not linitcd t5., -,,ny applicable
requirements regarding prevailing wages,minimum cape. workplace s tfcly and Irgal.SUItUS of
employees. N3 Contractor shall also it its expense secure ill permits and licenses, pay all
charges and Fees and give all notices recessnry.and incident to the duc and lawful prusccution of
the worlc,.nnd(or the products nrtdlorsci-iees to be priwidcd for in this Agr eclncnt.
16. Tlie N3 Contractor rep.csents it has made a reasonable insmetion of the
construction site and herx-by volunturily waives the ineurpnrrtion of Ilse provisions of 30 11-CS
35.7!1 et seq. and represents that the negotiated contract pried is (he sule consideration for the
constntetion of the improvements described in this Completion Contract. Further,Elgin skull not
be liable to the N3 Contractor for any amount of money over the negotiated contract price unless
Upon a duly e ectited change order prior to the work peribrined by the N;Contractor.
17. The ti3 Contractor shall be responsible fix the proper handling ar:d disposal of
any construction or demolition debris removed from the construction site in accordance with
Public rlet 90-761, and other applicable requirements of law, ['he cost of th•_ documentation,
handling or disposal of any such construction or demolition debris shall be the responsibility of
the N. COrItraetOr,which amount shell be included in the contract amot:nt shoed in Pardgraph 2
above. Without limidne the foregoing, the i43 Conimcior s al! not conduct any generation,
transportation. or recycling of construction or demolition debris, cyan or general or
urcontarninalcd soil generated during; construction, remodeling, r•puir. :end demolition of
utilities, structures, and ibads that is not comingled wid) any taste, t iiltouc the maintenance of
docunienl4tkor. idttnnlyin,"tlle.ltttuler, �enerittor, place ul orrbin of the Jebrt�, or still, the %yeight ,
U "
or volume of*the debris or soil, and the location, owner and operator of the facility where the
debris or soil was transferred, disposed, recycled or treated. This ddcumcnfation must_ be
maintained by the N3 Contractor for three years.
i 8. The terms of(his agreement shall be sverable. In the event ;any of the terms or
provisions of this agreement are deemed to be void or othwru•ise unewi rueahle liar any reasons,
the remainder of this agreement shall remain in.full.force and effect.
Itt. •Jltis agreement shall not ix construed so ns to create a partnership,joint venture,
employment or other agency relationship between parties.
20. "this agreement shall be.subject to and .governcd by the: tans (it' the State of
Illinois. Venue for the resolution of any disputes or tl:c MFGTCcmcnt of any rights pursuant to
This agreement shall he in the Circuit Court of flame C:oumv. I llinois.
21. No official, director,agent or employee of any pirty shall he ch:artled personally
or held conirautually liable under any term or provision of (his Agrecmenl because of their
"ccution,,approval or attempted execution of this ALreement-
22. In ati hiring ur employment made possible or resuftin. "min this:\grcement,then
shall be no discrimination against any employee or:applicant (hr emplo}•anant because of sex,
aoc, race, co!or, crm. 1, national origin, marital status, or the presence oi'an:disability, unless
based upon it bona tide occupational qualification. This rgUiremunt :;hall ;apply; but not be
limited to: Employment advertising, iayofT or tcrminution, ratc9 of pay or other forms of
compensation and selection for training, including apprenticeship. No person shall be denied or
,ubiected it)discriminatiou in receipt of*(lie benefit w.vic-es or activities made possib)e by
or resulting tTOm this agreenenl or, the grounds of scx. :aee. color, epee!_ fm6orial origin, age
except artinimurn a-ae wad retirement provisiuns, marital ::t;atus or the presenc:- of:any disability.
Any violation of this pruvision shall be comiderod u violation of a material provision of this
Agreement and shat] be grounds for cuncelladon,,termination or suspension,in .vhtile or in part.
of the Agrecrnent by Agin.
23. To the nillest extent permitted by law, tlic N3 Contractor agrees to and shall
indemnilly, detcnd and !told harmless Elgin, the Engineer, .N gineer's consultants and the
officers,employees;boards and commissions of each and any of thorn from and against any and
all claims,suits,judgments,costs,attorneys'lees,damages or any and all outer relief or liabifity
arising out of or resulting from or thmuJ,i, or alleged to arse out of. any negligent acts or
omissions of N3 Contractor or N3 Contractor's officers.employees,agents rr subcontractors in
the performance of this Agreement;or arising.o%of or in connection•.vitli litigation based on any
mechanic's lien or othur claims,suits,judgments and.1or dcmanils for damages by subcontractors.
in the evert of any action against Elgin, its officers,empioyecs. agents. boards or commissions
covered by the foregoing duty to indemnify, defend and hold harmless, Stich action shall be
defended by legal counsel Elgin's choosing. to the event and to:hc extent ihru any legal work is
performed by Elgin's in-house Deal counsel.pttrsuani to the priwisimis raj this section,Elgin shali
he reimbursed by N3 Contractor for such legal work tit the rate of 5200 per hour, which rate N3
Contractor hereby agrees and acknowledges to be a reasonable rate For such in-house attorneys'
fees. The provisions of this puraeruph shut( survive any expiration and/or!ermiration of this
2d. If more than one N3 C'ontracior is used. _ash amirgenwi l wil!be r:netted on the
\3 Punchiist to be attached to each of the contmel completion agreements wi l'_oich requelive !
NO Contractor. In such instance,all N3 Contractors shall lufly courdincte in the scheduling and
- 1�-
performance or the work;provided, however,each'43 Contractor shall he solely responsible for
its oven work;md no N3 Contractor shall be responsible For the work oi'another I\3 Contractor.
2>. Ibis Agreement and each and every portion thoreof.hall by binding upon the
"successors and the assigns of the parties hereto;provided;hmkr,cver. that no assignment shall be
.made without th.e prior written consent oft he other parties.
26. The N3 Contractor shall also complete at the time of the execution oC this
Agreement additional agr cment documents to include the City of Elgin, Illinois, certification
requiremutts: City of Elgin, Illinois bidder's cmploi•cc utilizmion linen: City of Elgin, Illinois,
ctpual employment :vrintm commitment guidelines; City of Elgin, fllinois sesual hamssntent-
policies and programs; City of Elgin. Illinois wageilegal
status of employees ufiidavit.
Am not ice given under this Agmement shall be in writing mW shall he deemed to have
weep given when hand-delivered or deposited it the t!.ti. mall, certified or registered,
return receipt requesred,postage pre-paid as follov:;:
As to the City of hlgin:
Ron Rudd,City Development Engineer
1900 Holmes Rand
Elgin,Illinois 60133
Iciephone; (847)9;t-6081
E-mail: rudd.r,0!cityofelgin.or.-
With it copy to:
44 idiom)A.Cogley,Cotporatiun Counscl
City ufElgin
150 Dexter Court
Elgin,Illinois 60120
Telephune: (3471 93 1-5659
E-mail: co,tc)° tY([1tCilyhli �iaArg
As to Arch Insurance:
Will Pearce
Arch Insurance Group, Inc.
1601 Cherry Street
3 Parkway,Suite 1500
Philadelphia,PA. 19102
T lephonc:,(215)606-1577 !
Fax: (566)455-7099 ;
ti-mail: Nvpearccfwttn;hinsurancc.com
with-a-Copy to:
Joel R.Pave,Jr. j
Leo&Weber,P.C. !
One N.LiSalle Street
Suite 3600
C'hieauo.IL 60602
lelcphune: (312)857-0910'
L-'-mail: jpagt( leoweber.cum
:1Ls to the N3 COIMMU nr:
-HI±5eE1--[ - 60162
?7. As a condition ul'This Agrccmunt.the`] Contrtcwr shall haxc;in place a V%ritten
substance abuse program which meets or exceeds the pmbram requircmenis in the Substance
Abuse Prevcution Public Works Act at 530 ILCS 36-VI ei seq. ;1 copy of such policy shall to
provided to Elgin's Development Engineer prior to Elie entry and exectifion of this Agreement
28. Notwithslanding anything to dic contrary in this Agrtcment. with the sole
exception of the monies F.lgin has agreed to pay to the '4; Contactor pursuant to Paragraph 2
hereof. no i:ction shall he commenced by the N3 Contrwor. any related `er.;nns or entities,
andior rnv of their successors and/or assigns, against I1-11Lin for monet.=.ry dam:%cs. No action
shall be commenced by the b'3 Contractor, any related persons or entities, and any of their
Successors ancUor assigns against Arch. The provisions of this paragraph Shull survive any
expiraliou,completion and/or termination of this AereMMT.
M This Agreement is and shall be deemed and construed to be it joint_and collective
work product of Llgin, Arch and the \3 Contractor and, as such, this ALrmcmcnt shall not be
:construed against. any patty, as the otherwise purported drafter of same; by :any court of
competent jurisdiction in order to resolve uny inconsistency,ambiguity,vargueness or conflict; if
any,of the terms and provisions contained herein.
30. The N3 Contractor herby waives any and all claims to interes!nn money claimed
to he due pursuant to this Agreement,and waives any and ail ri;iils it)inicresa which it claims it
may other wise be :.ntitled pursuant to law, including, but not limited to. the locai gorcmmcnt
Prompt Payment Act,ss amended(50 ILCS 50/1,car seq.)or the Illinois lntefeSt Apt.as amended
181 5 I LCS 2i! 'I,et seq.1,
31. it is agreed and understood that the provisions of the Public Construction Contract
Act (30 1LCS 557/1 el seq.) as amended, 511011 not apply to this Agrcement er the work to be
performed by the N3 Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. No claim whatsoever shall be
allowed to tine N3 Contractor for chnngcs,extra work.or material not included in the Puy inent to
the N3 Contractor as provided for in Paragraph ? 11ercnf, based upon a cluitn relating to
subsurface or latent physical conditions, or unknown rhysical conditions at tlic site. The \3
Contractor shall be responsible inr making a careful etuminatiun of the site t�f prt:posed work,
the contract (!ncuments. _he specifications,general conditions, platens,special provisions,contract !
torts and !hc N3 Puncltfist prior it) entering into This :\awc mcnt_ flag. 'i? Connractor is
responsible liar fully intrnining itselfas to the quality and quiniity of*ruateriul.:roquired and the
15- 1
character of work to be performed, including, but not limited to, any n:auers relating to
subsur{ace or lutent physicul conditions_ or unknown physical conditions a: the site. The N3
Contractor shall ftu-ther make an inves-tigution ordic site prior to entering inu>this Agrecmem.
33. -this Agreement,the documents it inuorrunttes and its anachtrums constitutes the I
entire Agreement between Bigin and the N3 Contractor on the_uhject matter hercol'and may.nnt
be chcingcd;.modified-discharged or extended except by ::ritten a miendmem Futly executed by S
the parties. Eig)ia and the N3 Contractor agree that no representations or . atrrnnties shall be I
binding upon the other party unless expressed in uniting herein or in a duly executed amendment
hereof,or change order as herein provided.
33. It is understood that this Aemcment nvy be executed in counierparts by the
parties hereto, and that electronically.transmitted signatures shall huve Sc game Iecal effort as
originpl signatures.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersi,ned have placed their signatures this _17th day of
r11"I'LST': CITY OF :LGIN,ll,Lt S
Its --- Ma}nr
By'--- _ By. --
CA#4- 1t.4n� A SS I TP1 F Pl�3;r7w�-
k-y Its resident Sacks (�
I'-d.ce_t t?:pi+A;.ycc:a�0.i'nmp:eta7n P}arch(n;ura+w�?--rcw-o-'_- 1 t d;x
_ )6_ i
Waterford Neighborho.od 3 Scope:oi Work Fb,." c)jMiljfjt= Lr�ulH
Listed below arc the items"that the Contractor must complete prier ro the;tc ceptan-,c or the _
subdivision improvements.Please.refer to the.Pr p ose Improvement Plans pmpared by
Manitard Consulting LTD;inc.dated June 17,2003 with the latest revisitn date of October 7.
2005,Preliminary Landscape Plan prepared by Jun land Design dated July 19,2002.and Park
Plan prepared by Gary R. Weber Associates,Inc.dated October 4,2004 with the latest revision
data of August 1,2006.
1. Once the final asphult surlace is installed 011 Elie rnadw,ys, the contr /or ust
provide as-built center line elevations to the City i'or review and a roval. The
--built information must he shown.incurpormed into the \Haler' nl Subdivision
Re- d Drawing Plans prepared by Manhard Consulting.
It. Soil and Erosion ntrul
1. Silt Fence shall.be emoved on both sides of 119 184 and the orange construction
fencing Shull be remo •d From Tong lets 13}�and 132.
2. Inlet filter protection is on required o the Ibilowing inlets:C13-3-IC; DB-3-I1);
Di3-3-21C;CB-3-2 IC and C -tit
3. All areas disturbed by the co Etc r must be restored utilizing wpsoil/seed and.
blanket. IF required,the cu tfaclor in water the restnred areas emri}an adequate
mat of gross is establish ,
Ill. Grading and Drain
I. The Folio >nb undeveloped lots must have 4"ort:�ps-k 'mtallt in the right.-ni'-
%vay( W)and graded ror positive drainage bet ncen the rb and sidewalk(to
be . stalled by contractor). Class IA teed, rcrtilili-rer an blanket must be
stalled in Elie ROW for undeveloped lots: 125, 131, 1413, H-I. I, 152. 153,
1511, 164, 165, 166, 167, 1112, 183, and 185. The contractor also m -t instal! a
topsoil slope from the top ol-sidewalk to the right-o1-way line on the un eloped
Iota. The topsoil slope must be stabilized :utilizing Class M sect!, fcnilize and
40NY201 Wascn[toad Suite D - 5t.Charles.Illinois 60175 I°hone 630/587-)4?0 • ;:az 6301587-0475
Lr1t?:ItT I
Page 2 of 17
=. ytfAL'let-tT i15f--t @-'p+fet�t-8-iv'.'T`•cn;?-vi-si-12err<'1?,•r� r•-�„-+ l+/.
issue in the infield area. All disturbed ire-as must he restored utilizing"topsoi
Class I seed,fertilizer and blanket.
V. Lan upping
3 ha follow S.add=scs have Irecs that arc dead or dying and In us:he rcpld.
1. 603\. �l'o�d Ct.(Rcinove/Replace red maple true)
�. 38921Cill' eyDr. .Remove/Replace red maple tree}
3, 2972 Share ro( Circle (Remove red maple nest to driv G;y, reniavelrepince 3
red maples on t4 errord Dr side)
4. 2976 Shamrock Cir t:(Remove/Replace syoumure 'c)
5. 299•I Shanlroek Cin.1c t" cmtwclRcplace 8ycamo tmc)
6, The Following undcveiopc ots do not hnvc,r�s insialled: Lots: 125, 131. 143,
141, 1.51, 152, 153, 155, 164, 65, 166. 16_I R2. 18 , and I SS."I1s:29 missing
shade trees un these l'dts must b instal, as per approved engineering drawings
and landscaping phtns (Jeri Lan }stgn Ptun dared July 1`), 34x)2) and the
disturbed areas rcstumd with topco�n d sued.
7. The .baseball park does not h•dru all and scaping instullcd us per approved
engineering drawings landsq ing plans. u d(:echiper must install J.9 shade
trees, 19 ornamental trees Srfd 3 evergreens r ilia Jen land Design Plan dated
Judy 19,.'.002- ��
8, The improvements to antral Park art:cut compicle. Complete the improvements
in accordance with. e"Park Plan For WaterFord"(pr Tared by Gary Weber and
Associates,dated ptober 4.2004)as tatcd on Slrcel 6 the engineering plans.
Listed beluw a flu)items remaining to be cunst:UCtcd or tv` rr:paired.
a. Cunstru t the Pavilion perdetail C17(including 3 pm-k bent,-'s)
/d. Supply Goat the Gazebo per detail Dn(including 2 park henchcs)
C.- ty and install the following playground equipment: ). 'addlemate
blkes; 2 Saddlemute Pony; I Linear Lane; I tittle Climb an We; 2
ctime Swing wi 13e1t Swing;miti Add ) l.)av Saving(-,-'.)inclosed To 'cat.
anti install the 3 Heavy Duty Picnic"l'jML:S IOCUted in the southct�t _
e. '1 here are several sections of-broken ;idr r:ilk rbal must ire :emnvcd and
replaced(approx. 125 Sr").
� „tA t±>•n-temp an til e i-.94 SiEle�_{-t#tt+-pll
g. w:nn Wk.
h. RemuvelRe I tae-LI melt'bent" min Ua
'o�teft-t•Ite-h.>??tle�l-�n.T�u,-.-«_t.,.—_ i
r t rrlLEStCCIiC'UECA!•IA'•('orrrzpordnxr_'Ol!ASn'_!JI%3 Sc,rr vrl4a,k Rr.cccf Fdl,I tic: I
fake 3 of 17
ilia Pavilion. y
't The tennis court landscaping area hac I dead Miss Kim t ilac tha/pproved
removed and replaced.
V1. Sanita Sewer Improvements 3 Appurtenances
Sanitaryyscevcr improvcmLnts were reviewed for compliance with the
subd'ivisior`improvement plans, the Standard Spec itic:ttions, lbr 'Wat�r�nd Server
Main Construction in Illinois,and the City Code. //
I. SNIH-3L'\The manhole.has debris in the strut:ipre and must dented.
?. SI 14-31 �'he manhole is not adjusted to the,proper ajj vation, 11 must be
adjusted to match the surrounding grada.resiled and tested.
?. SNIH-31- l e unhuh!has debris in the wucture a must he cleuned.
d. SN114-3Q The ma thole has a font uhimn:y se and must be replaced and
5. SNIH-3T The manitol has a leakin/donol y seal. Replace the chimney
seat and test.
6. The following locations on Nate ord i)rk have an"S"inscribed into the
concrete curb: Lots 182, 183, 13� and .address 5711. In;ariFte an "S" into the
concrete curt in liront ol'the sewer sc/�t c lecatinn.
7. 'rhe undeveloped lots 125, 131. (1 (i 1 151, 152. 153. 158, 1511, 165,166. 167,
182, 183,and 135 mast have the y# x d"ee'ness pt;sts installed tit tht wrinination
of the sanitary sci-ice. The pdsts mtl�t he aintcd real and uxtend at least 36"
above dic"round.
VII. Storm Sewer Improvements& /pprtcriances
Storm server itmproveme �evere reviewed fo\com nr-ce with the approved
subdivision improvemc plans, the 5tandsrd Spcciiicnli\-, a\1`atcr and Scwcr
N,Iain Construction inj inais,and the City Colic.
I. All repaired sto saver detzcts and corrective%vork c.)mpleted and re-
televised(il'r loired)prior to City review•and approval
2. NfH-3-I I/ The munhole has debris in:Ire structure t b cleaned.
/- M,H The manhole and inlet hasher have dethem nd must be
cleaned out and the inlet basket removed
A The catch basin and inle t basket Nava dilicin :end lust he cleaned out and the inlet basket removedThe manhole has dehrrs in the stricture st be cleaned, c bottom of the manhole is hru kun and rouaii�:d.The neanhulc his the tvroq, lid and ricet lid must be
IR5i�lZt1—[-�Rt�tAt3flh Hlt lttt:t—cICIJ�TrI , ,
H?Y;L1f5:Cr::'i01 P)13A:Cdrnrnmicn:z\?Ol l-0S^�Z Nit]SciryeoltS,;r6 rc.i:ceL43•tl�xa
Page d of 17
\ the rings adjustcil,accordingly.
7.\ MH-1-7 The manhole has debris in the structure and must be cleaned he
steps in the manhole structure are 61'I'set and roust be re ovcd,
realicned.and reinstalled.
3. CB-3 li The catch basin has debris ill the sttue.ure:rod must be caned. 1
9. (:8-3-71 The catch basin has debris in the stnrentm and ww, e cleaned.
Io.M1I-_-6 The manhole frame is utl'sci and must he rcali• ed and the rings
adjuslt.•d, accordingly. The manhole has the vrung lid rind the
rrt t t lid must be installed. +
!i. CB-3-24A )Ii catch basin frame and rings were nt momired and must be {
13.IYIH-3-23 The,nm1 tole rim is at the wrong•aev Oun and must be adjusted to
match the 'urrounding grade.
13.CB-3-23A 11iu catch b 'in rmine and rin iverr.not mnnnmd and mtr_St be
la.CB-3-23B The catch basin me rand 'roes were not mor+ared and must be
15.CB-3-22A The catch basin and i et basket have dchris in them and must be
cleaned out and the i ct asket removed.
16.CB-3-22B The catch basin d inlet b sleet have debris in them and must be
cicaned out and ie ihIct bask removed.
17.CB-3-220 The catch ba In and inlet b,-iske have duaris in (hem and must be
cicaned out nd the inlet basket ren ovcd.
IS.%M H-3-25 "Phe ma olc rim is at the wrong clev lion and niusi he adjusted to
tnatchic surrounding grade.
19.C13-3-251) Tlr catch basin flame is oil'set and must b utljt;_:iud.The curb bux
the catch basin is damal cd and must he r dacud.
20. NIII-3-16 The manhole frame and rims arc ofl'vt and in 5t he realigned and
the rings udjustcd,accordingly.
21. tell 1-3-1- The manhulc frame and rings are alTset and must h realigned and
the rings adjusted,accordingly.
22. CB -I 1 The ctach basin and inlet basket have debris in them a I must be
cleaned out and the inlet Imsket removed.
-,1 CA-3-iB The catch basin and isle! basket have dchris in them and m a be
cleaned out and the inlet basket removed.
! i
• 1. CI3-3-2A The catch basin and inlet basket have debris in them and must b
..�.a;let#-ctrl-nrt+I-fi;a-inlet':le.,':e:r�-n:•.uo{l. -----..-_..
N'.Fp.FStt'r!i•'r't)f•I)]1•:,\L';4:t�,+�:dc�r-�?AI 1.OS+?_tit?3 S:orc ullYirA P.cis�d G2]•I�du:t �
Page 5 or 17
'_'-•o-•---;;;':-sateta-bas't�-ttna:4-i�ct-b�kuN+r -
cleaned out and the inlet basket removed.
3fi, 13-3•?5,1 The catch basin has debris in it and must be clearted. The atch
basin is at the wrong elevation and Inu:a he adjusted to m¢¢cil the:
surrounding grade,'rho structure is inaccessible due Lit a f,ficc.'fhe
contractor must removeh-cp(ace a section oi'the fence-n order to
complete the work.
27, DR-3-6A The drain basin is offset and must be realigned ;t cordingly. The
drain hasin has debris in it Hiid must be cleaned.
23. DB-3-21C tc litter fabric In the drain basin is damaged' d rnitst be removed
an replaced with an inlet liner basku.
29.CR-3-9A The •tch basin is at the wrong cicvatio and must tie adjusted to
match c surrounding gnrde.
30.CB-3-SA fhe strut re is inaccessible:due to fence. The contractor must
remove.'rcp cc n section of the fence in order to clean the
structuru, co nut the City fo an inspection and repair any
deftcilncies dis tired.
:31.M1 -3-12 (rte manhole is h! ked ol;' .the forth and mum he cleaned out.
32.DB-3-7E the drain basin is t: ck• and must be repaired. The drain basin
has debris in it and mu c cleaned.
33.CBa3-713 The catch basin has bris'n ii and must ba cleaned.
34.CB-3-7C Die catch basin h debris in't and must be cleaned.
35.CB-3-7D The catch basi tas debris in it d must be elcancd.
36. 1313-3-213 The mortar around the drain b.yin is elatnaged and most be
.17.CB-3-2C 'fhe catg basin has dehris in it and rn be cleaned.
A DB-3-1D 11tepin basin has debris in it and must c cleaned. A new inlet
fil`yr basket must be installed.
=9-C13-3-IXhL Z.area around the cutch basin is at the wron> cicvaiion Lind must
graded appropriately. The lifting rings u:t-tlt�cuich basin are
till attached and mint he r.maved. A new inlet M cr basket must
e installed.•U).DB-3-3•' he drain basin is maser and must he realigned rl"or ingly. The
/ drain basin has debris in it unit must be clennt:d.
41. 1B The catch basin has debris in it and must lie cleaned. Th filter
fabric it) the catch basin is damaged and must be remove \and replaced with a nc%v inlet filter basket.
2 C13-3-20A The catch basin has debris in it and must be ::Icancd. The jt
_. 4brie—ir- 01e stela bRiir, in .'BRIa�-O I
It'i9LFCli�lf•ti;tEaJ1.3.\:Carerrandmelat;1��7=tilti5eoprarlt';ai H.•.w•d b?x•11::s
}'age o of 17
( elf c
basin is damaged and must be repaired.
43. :13-3 2OR i"hc catch basin has debris:n it and must he Cleaned,
44.D'-3-20C The drain basin has debris in it and roust he cleaned. The rain
basin is wTset and must be r aligrcd accuntingly.
'.S,CB-3- A The catch hasin has debris in it and must be cleaned.
46.CB-3-18 The catch basin is off'sct and rnusl be realigned acct rdinely.The
vetch busin has debris in it end must be::leaned.
47, DB-3-171 he drain basin is located within the fence, backyard ol' u
idence and must be-cleaned turd inspected.
48,C13-3-17C The ipes that tun into the catch basin are of mortared properly
and. ist be repaired. The catch basin s offset and must be
realign acc,rding�y.l'he catch basin h debris in it and must be
-19.DB-3-10B The drain ba n has debris in it and h use be cleaned.
?0-L)B-3 40C The-drain.basil has debris in it and malt be gleaned. The drain
basin has dre wro tic!and thz orrt Ct lid must ha inswilcd.
i I.CB-3.40A The catch basin has debris a it and mutt be cleaned. The area
around the catclt Bas i, at the wrung elevation and must he
graded npprupriately.
52..t-he following sections orstotm se -er havNet:
fici ncia th=s(m:1st in repaired and
any disturbed areas restored with opeoil and scvd:
;t. CB-3-8A \
'I"here is a moderate fPset in the pipe joint at 1 1.10' Irvin i'IH-3-8.Thi;
"-,gment must be bated.Ilherc is a crack (rod) 7 to S u'cl=�. in the pipe
joint at 5=1.90' f m MH-3-8.This must be rep.'red by lining.'Ilhcre is a
service connc ton at 11 o'clock at 77.80' i m N•;'11-3.8, and this
connection s ou}d be remvved. :he pencn'atibn r ircd, :uhd connection
made to 1 a appropriate storm heater strucntrc a per the npprnved
Lngineeri.g dra�tings.There is a service connection at n'riock ar 79,90'
!'rum [-3-8, and this connection should he removed, the penetration
repai d,and connection made to the appropriate storm WD r structure as.
per a approved engineering drawings. Once these n:pairs \niRde,se ntent must be re-televised.
b/CB-3-7A to CB-3-78 The ppe is broken at 112.70' f-um C13-3-7a. This ;;cu(n
/ removed and replaced,then 11-w1c,iced.
11�FILI-SCOr'1't?f:G(}t-!:1tCw:nrcnJeneeUUl I-TS 02 N7{3 SwT,urWed He.cai n?31I�hn;t
Page 7 of 17
Thorp,is-o ^rrvirn rnnnrrtinn�1 111 r'rtn••t 1t If15�1n' t'„m \fU 4�g�
`this connection should be removed, the penetration repaired, a id
'onnection made to the appropriate storm water structure as per he
a�provrd ungincering drawinJs. Lance this xpair is nude. the se cot
rows be re-televised.
d. M14-3 4 to CIA-3-24A
There is a severe offset at the pipe,Joint at 2.01' :rem v,11f,-24. This
segment a tsi be removed and repincod,then re-tclt visa/4,nient
c. MH-3-24 to, Et-3.23_
The pipe is b ken at 148.70' from Mt-1-3.24. This must be
repaired by lining then re-televised.
I M11.3-23 to MH-3-��
111c pipe is broken at\.50' from Nit-1-3-23.This use section be removed
and replaced.There is t d and debris in the pip at 97.50'from 141-3-23..
This must be clrunt d o� artd m televised, ' ere video_provided to TAI
terminates ut 100.00' fro m 41i-3?3,which gives an incomplete vice+of
the pipe. Once dlc pipe is cleaned out nd all repair; me made, the
segment must tic re televised.
g. NI1-1-3-16 to MH-3-15
The pipe is broken at W.00' f\ N11-i-3-16. This segment must be
repaired by linin—then re-televise
h. CB-3-213 to CB-3-2C
111c pipe is broken ai 62.2 from CB,3-2?l. This segment must be
wmovcd and replaced- Th,e is a separation in the pipe joint at 69.50'
from CB-3-2B. This seg nt must be grouted; Once ali repairs arc made,
the segment must be re-t eviscd- \
i. hdH-3 7111 to CB-3-19
The pipe is broken at the;joint at 11.00' from MI -.3-19. this segment
must he repaired lining.'['here is debris in the Batt n of the pipe.This
segment must cleaned out. The video provided to "Al terruinatta at
28.20' from NI}9-3-1'),which gives an incomplete view t 'the pipe.once:
die pipe is V-1 aned out and all n pairs are made, the set n at must be rc-
televesud. f
j. CB-3-17B to CB-3-17C
flee pjoe is broken at 97.60' from CB-3-1713. This :ragment ust be I
rem head and replaced. There is debris in the bottom of nic pip . This ;
scg�!!cnt must be cleaned out. 'flee video provided to ['At terming es at
100.10' from CB-3-17B, which gives an incomplele view of the p>pe.
nce the pipe is cleaned out and ail repairs are made,dlc segment must
?L`tl t�2t1f?i+)1i�91-iA+Con:rrrtJ r::_01 I GS•J?NII 7 5,vt di W A Ro irN G tl-t;.itKZ
i4t�e R of I7
C to DE1.3,6B--tn,,.,,;P';.g 'd pipes
The pipe is collapsing at SO.Ot)' t?gym t)13-3-6C. "Ihis segment must
removed and replaced.Once the repairs me made,the segment must b rc-
I. "B-3 GB to LB-3-GA -iZ"corntgated pipe
'he pipe is collapsing of 137,00', This segment must he ; noved and
.r Laced. There is debris in the pipe at 137.00' fn;ln 1) -3-0. This
see ent must be cleaned out.Once the pipe is cleaned oil and all repairs
'arc M1\1 c,this segment must be re-t:levisod,
m. CB-3-713 o uB-3-7C
There is a bris in the pipe txginning at 15.50 Fran CB-3-713. This
segment mus liu cleaned out. I ht re is n blaeage in the pipe (Remove i
blockage;) and- he pipe appears to lac broken at 59.8,0' Crom CH-3-7J3
(Remove this sc ion ol-pipe acid replace. Hic vidan pnsvided to TAI
terminatia tit 59:3 ' from CB-3-71i, wfti�elgdves an incomplete view of
ttic pipe. Once the ipc is cleaned t and all repairs are tnrdt, lht
segment must be re-tel wised.
n. CB-3-25A to DB-3-250
The pipe is hoping water it v -.3-255.This segment must be cleaned out
snd ru-televiserJ. /J
c. ,141.135 to N114-2:27
Al 44.5' there is a hole at the joint. hix segment nwst be remoecd and
rapihced,(lien re-rclevised,
p. DB-3-313 to/CC3-3A
'11te video to TAI was underwater d1kring filming. 'Ihis segment
must ba re- d and any deficiencies repairer!.
q. DB-3- to DB-3-71D
fher is mud and debris in die pipc.'Diis segment nu t lie cleaned and re-
W vised.
Grill. "later tvi-tm improvements&Appuricnances
4 ;
�'ater train improvemrnls wen rcviexcd for compliance a+ith the approved
Stl division improvement plans; the Standard Specilleations fur `.\'wer an Server
Main Construction in Illinois,and the City Code,
1. All lire hydrants in the subdivision have r:tperienced lading. ehipped or flit "ne
-�']allilr-illSL spots !UU an+_rn°:!:jCrLt II11;=•p l::kl-- c-.I—dr-w?t'i--t*-till'
H'�JLFS:�:pF.:faicWi-1�`Cua�:purdc:»r�OF:-US-0:Kt!3 Jcgic utlYck 4c.sn:F23-t 1:!uc. f
page 9 of 17
' cLpaint.-or
2. A fire hydrants in the subdivision were difficult to olictate.The contractor s to
Opp lubrication its specifted by the manufacturer.
I. rtlt ti " hydrants in the subdivision still have the cap chain;. These chains must
be remt ed per the fire hydrant detail on sheet 37 of the approved engineering
plans. l
d. HYD-3-1 I The auxiliary value box is tot)high and must be adj surd to grade.
f ,
�. #-IYD-3-8 annot locate,the auxiliary valve and die nozzle is only 12
L cote the valve,adjust to tirade.raise the hydntrit to the rctjuircd
clat�tton, and restore am disturbed are u tth topsoil, seed and
blank t.
6. I.1 YD-1-6 Cannot I cafe the auxiliary valve and thrinnzzle!eight is only 13".
Lucate th e' 'e
adjust to Bradt,rais�hc hydr.^,nt to the required
elevation, a d restore any disturbccVurcns %with topsoil, seed and
blanket. %\ '
7. HYD-3-5 Cannot locate Qt auxiliary valt;Locale and realign die valve,and
restore any dislur d arras.widi topsoil.scud and blanket.
S. IIYD-3-3 Cannot locate the au liar};.valve attd the nor.•ile heirltt is only 15".
Locate the va)vc,adju.t p grade,raise the hydrant to the required
elevation, and restorc-ky disWrhed area, midi topsail, scud and
blanket. ' \
9. 71;e undeveloped lots (Lots: 125,E 131, Id IAN:, l5{, 15?, !t3, 15$, 164, 165,
166, 167, 182, 133,and 185)n)tist have they 41"witness posts installed at the
termination of the Nvater service. The posts �tst be painted blue and extend at
least 36"about:the ground._/ �\
tO,The following water seryict were idcntiiied as db relent and require corrective
action along Wextbrd durUDrive.
6i8 /Inscribe"P�"into the curb in frt:n nfdte evater service box.
Ctub stop could net be kc•;c:d. N1 air the curb stop and
restate any disturbed areas with tupsc I and seed.
616 l Curb stop could not he keyed. Rcpai lice curb stop and
restore any disturbed areas with topsoil an seed.
61z Curb stop could not be kcv( . Repair Uic curb stop and
restore any disturbed areas with topsoil and sed.
603 Curb stop could not be keyed. !repair tic curt stop and
restore any disturbed areas with topsoil and seed.�\\
606 Curb stop could not be keyed and is located approxr :ttely
2' behind the back of*the side-milk. Repair the curb top.
relocate the curb stop to the ROW. and restore
1-05-W.1111 3 scope ortv&k ar,:�zt0.33•1:O'ct
Page 10 of 17
1rg} r u;b r rrtip-ceu{d-•:^. ;y K Rl;!AFiF—lblr 6liFb Situ aRt�
i restore anv disturbed arcas wtith topsoil en.d stied.
583, Unable to locate. Locate the service bm, adjust to - de,
\ and restore any disturbed areas wi(h topsoil atnd seed,/
586 Curb stop could not be keyed and is located appro imately I
3' bciiind the back of the siftwalk. Repair the urb stop,
relocate the curb slop to the ROW, and store any a
disturbed areas tvitli topsr�i!and sccd.
5S4 'urb stop lid is broken,. not at the proper ewation,and is
I ated.approxim.at,:ly 2' hehind_lbe bac of the sidewalk.
Re Cate the cuib stop to the ROW,ndj •t the curb stop to
die toper elevation, replace the I' . :end t:stori om�
distur d areas with topsoil and seed
580 Curb It is not adjpswd to the pro�r elevation.Adjust the
curb stop the proper alevatio and restore any disturbed
areas with t ,soil and sced.
581 Curb stop coo d not be kc d. Repair tic curb stop and
restarts any disht+trot:ireu, ith topsoil and sccd.
53: Curb stop could n t be, ycd,has the�wnmg lid,and is not
at the proper elevati,n. epair the curb stop,replace the lid,
adjust the curb soup t lie proper cleyatirm,and restore any
disturbed areas wit o ail and sced.
537 Curb stop could of be •eyed. Repair the curb stop snd
restore any dis ed areas ith topsoil end seed.
5,99 Curb stop cc� ld not he key 1. Repair the curb stop and
restore any isrurbed areas with ripscil end seed.
X93 Curb sto has the •.wrong rnanuf,lcturcr-s lid on it; the lid
(oust b placed with the pruper
/615b Curb-stop could not be keyed. Repair the curb stop and
re any disturbed areas with iopsLA'vnd:tcc;d.
b stop is located approximately 2.' ,y1?Iliad the hack n!
sidewalk. Relocate tic cluh stop w'..rhe ROW and
re any disturbed areas with topsoil and seed.
b stop could nut be keyed. Repair the t:U b stop and
e any disturbed areas with topsoil anti sccd.`
stop could riot be keyed. Rcpair tic curb 'skop and re any disturbed areas with topsoil and sced.b stop has a broko.•n nut on the lid,r.culd not be kc•cd,
is not at the p roper elevation. Replace the lid,repair the
slop,adjust the curb slop to the proocr elevation,inc�
—_ r°..SrOC�EII�L..'tiunrhr-I•vrn�,ui7h In:Lri1 eLrt•'•.';t _ .i
I l!1'tIFSf:Di i�Y'?tl-?A'.Curcapuid:ce.7411�lSt4`ai;Sccoe oriVark rtra:_d r.•?7-}I Jncv
Page I t of 17
r F12 ('earn ctr.n h-tc 16r wrnn..Ud nntl is Inrited rtpp roeimntr.l
behind the back of the;idcw:jIk. Relocate the curb stop a
the ROW, replace the lid wErh the correct manutactu is
lid,and restore any.disturbed arras with topsoil end s, d.
15 Curb stop could nai be keyed,is not at the proper a nation, i
and is located approximately 3' behind tit e b t of IN--sidmalk. Relocate the curb stop to the RM , repair the t
curb stop,adjust the curb stop to-the proper levation.and
\(_ tore any disturbed atlas with topsoil and t ed.
I I.'ihe following vices inert. idemiticd ns delicicnt , Id require corrective
292'* rb box is brolxn and the cur stop could not be keyed.
Replace the curb box,repair curb estop,and restore any
distu?b\eed areas With topsoil a d seed.
3976 Curb sta is not-it to the oppr elevation. Adjust the curb
stop to•lli proper clevat"sn and restore any disturbed areas
with topsoi tnd seed.
2978, Curb stop co Id it be keyed. Repair the curb step and
mstore any dish i d.arcas with topsoil and seed.
2989 Curb stop has Ili %~•rang lid. and is not at the proper
elevation. Re lace e lid With the correct manufacturer's
lid,adjust t c curb sto to the proper elcvolion,and restore
any distur ed area,tog do%with topsoil and seed.
2938 Ctirb 5 p is not at the p per elevation. Adjust the curb
stop p the proper elevation. td restore any disturbed areas
wit f topcaii and sc:d.
2992 orb stop could not be keyed. epair Ow curb stop and
restore any disturbed areas With to 'oil and seed.
2994 Curb stop is nut rt the proper elcr-; 'tin. Adjust the curb
stop w the proper clevatirn and restoty ny disturbed:areas
with topsoil end seed.
/HoNving Curb stop is nut tit the poorer etevatie�n. djust the curb
stop to the proper elevation and restore zny 'sturbed areas
Willi topsoil and seed.
12.The ater s ervices %yerc idumitied as deficient and r_quiru orrective i
acli n along Waterford Drive.
574 Inscribe "W" into the concrete curb in front of the , ater {
smite box. Curb stop could nut be keyed and does ut
have a lid.Repair the curb sten, install the proper iid,a
rretnrr nnv.ticmrl,rd•.r-i;%vi
t t ed
It'fIL ",COrCO[W!-)A'Gato�rordcn:P_Of1-05<C Nil)Scele-u-%',FeHc4dF•.3-tf6r.:,
Page 12 or 17
57?—It�se bt+-`-V> -finis thetene;e -c-ut441;4an;nf-the waw;
service box.
570 Inscribe"W"into die concrete curb in front of the water/
service box.
568 Inscribe a"W'into the concrete curb in front of hater
service box.Curb scup could not be.lceyed.Repa the curb
stop and restore any disturbed areas with to and seed.
13.`fJte follow' g water services °ere identified as deficient and quire corrective
action along "llamy Drive.
2$97 Curb stop could not be keyed Repsa')/the urb stop and
restore any disturbed areas with idpsoil and seed.
2891 C stop could not be key //epair the curb stop and
TWO any disturbed are with topsoil and seed.
2.889 Curb-stop ould not b eyed.Repnir the curb stop and
restore tiny ' turb areas with topsoil and seed.
2887 Curb stop could t be keyed.Repair the curb stop and
restore any d' urbe areas with topsoil and seed.
2888 Curb stop ould not be eyed and is not at the proper
elevati i.}tcpair the curb op,adjust the curb stop to the
pro elevation,and restore y disturbed areas with
to soil and seed.
2890 Curb stop could not be keyed.Repay be curb stop and
restore any disturbed areas with topsoi nd seed.
2892 Curb boat has the wrong lid and is not adjus d to the proper
elevation. Replace the lid with the correct man "' rer's
lid,adjust the curb box to the proper elevation,all restore
any disturbed areas with topsoil and seed.
2394 Curb stop could not be keyed.Repair the curb stop and
restore any disturbed areas with topsail and seed.
2898 Curb stop could not be keyed.Repair the curb stop and
resiere-arty disturbed areas with beg .
IX. Street Signage
Street traffic Signage was reviewed for compliance with the approved subdivision
improvement plans in which sign locations and a typical construction detail was
provided. Street identification signs were reviewed for complituice with the
subdivision improvement plans as well as the City Code. All defects Lund Failures
listed below must be corrected prior to final acceptance of the subdivision.
Restoration of landscaping due to corrective action shall be included.
H:UZi.E51CULlCOE(Y 1-3A1Ca�upcm @c�ca1 U;t-05-0?HH.i Seop,of wc:k Revi:-d 6-21.1 U.-M
Page 13 of 17
t. The,'STOP' sign on Londonderry Drive tit its intersection with Shamrock Circle
is missing and metst be installed.
X. Roadway
Roadway improvt menu%yeti rcviewzd fur t n 1plianc_with the approved subdivision
improvement plans,the Standard Specifications for Road and Iindgc Construction of
the Illinois Department of Transponation,and the City Code,All defects and tailures {
tmmst be corrected prior to placement of hot-mix asphutt surioce coarse.
I. 'The roadways in\eighborhood 3 have anatsphul4ramp at the curb line that must
be rrmovcd`bcforc the"surface course ofasphalt can be instntled, Once the asphalt
ramp is removed, the area along the curb line will need to he revic%ved fur any
additional damage. caused by the completion contractor that would require
r.mov.—replaccment ol'the curb, j
2. All the roadways in ideighburhuod 3 musi have the wrl'ace course of hot-mix
asphalt installed ns showed on the approved :ngineering plans. The existing
roadways must be prepared/paved in accordance with the lD(YI* Standard
Specifications for Road and Bridge Constniction. lM contractor is responsible
for providing material testing for all asphalt paving viork in accordance with the
IDOT I-iMA-Plant Test Frequency and li.MA-QC,QA ,Acceptance Criteria to the
Ciro'of Elgin.
3. All structures locawd in the paverrttait must he properly adjusted to the slope and
grade ul'the surf ce course of asphalt,
4. The following sections ofconcrcte curb and gutter at the nddr•sscs and locations
provided were found to be de:feciula and in unacceptable condition. mach section
of curb and putter listed below must be removed and replaced wilizing full depth
save-cuts,dowel bars,and proper forming v.nd finishing techniques in accordance
tvith the Standard Specifications and City code. •17ic C:nniractor is responsible for
providing PCC material testing in accordance %:'ith the Standard Specitcations
and the testing results must be submitted it)the City. Any disturbed areas must be
restored wish topsoil and seed.
a. ;Vexforl CourUrive
580 13'
584 9'
.586 26'
594 5'
598 9'
11 tllLiS.C��L!i"U_?e'!•?.S l:cr.esGm+lcec'--71117 ti!J!3 Nit 1 S.op:of Wor:ik.r-J t:3•i t.ucs
Mage 14 of 17
610 I
614 3^_'
616 Al
615 1
609 5-
607 5'
605 2101
603 6'
593 30'
591 4'
587 16'
585 17'
581 15,
537 1'_5`
Lot 80. 61
b. l illamy Drive
2886 15'
2894 7-
2898 5•
2897 137'
2393 5'
2849 5'
2885 1'3'
c. Shamrock Circle
2958 15'
2986 16'
'984 6- I
Center Park 1 t1ti'
2980 15' i
2978 12, 1
(iSl.7LL'S'.COE'f0!•l4l-,AlCortapondmcdJ01 I•G5�1?rFI[3 tiwy.ul'tYarf;Rr�;a!n•2]••1 Jrx `
Page la of 17
2976 19'
2972 3?
2998 1p'
2996 11'
2992 5'
X1. Sidewalk
I. The following sections of concrete sidewalk at the addresses and locutions
provided %vere found to be missing or deficient and in unacuptable condition.
F..uch section of sidewalk listed below must be removed and replaced utilizing
proper forming and finishing techniques in accordance with the SuMdard
Specifications and the City Cade, The Contractor is responsible I'or providing
PCC material testing in accordance with the Standurd Specifications and the
testing results must be submitted to the City, Any dis;urN!(I areas must be
tistyrcd with topsail and set:d.
a. Wexibrd CourtiDrisc
582 25sf
606 5tlxl
612 10051'
614 12Ssl'
616 12551'
618 25sf
G13 7�sr
587 2Ssr
537 50sr
b. Killamv Drive
2386 5t1si
c. Shamrock Circle
11988 505 r
Cantu-Purk I UOst i
''982 25sr
11�6H.F.ST OV-UWCAI *.in?N11!Scope of Wwk 11
PPgc!6 of 17
3. The following undeveloped lots Jo no! have sidetvalls installed: Lots 125, 131,
143, 1?4, 151. 152, 153. 1513. 164, i 65. 166, 167. 1.12, 183, and 183. The
sidewalks on these huts must be insutfh:d as per approved engirgcring drawings.
�U:ri€h.L-.(if_u•nYC r��len• a•' r,+ lye,i.}--i�t:l•;3Ed•�nJ--graclecl•-•ray-tFid-epga�u+�
.dfl+ii>•C,GF•iti�-•f}laRti. -Pass!A �'<'�—fi'�i•I+i�C�:Jnd�-�?�dFt}:4:t-i31ii?:t--W-iff5ja ed ;A-11;
�ig3t{afwaun Tbe.ConlraeWr is respunaibl!:for providing PCC iaterial lsting in
accOr&nee with the Standard Spccilicaliuns and _the testing results must be
submitted to the Citv. *F14-4.- -t-=fl- +�+----
,rla-1 e 3-c
±. The following sidewalks have I a dttap rumps that -acre found to have slope.K
greater than ollosved per the current ADA Code{1:12}• 'These sidewalks must be
removed and replaced utilizing proper.lilrming and finishing wchniyue_s ,in;
accordance:with the Standard Specifications and the City Code, The Contractor is
responsible for providing PCC material testing in accordance with the Standard
Specifications and the testing results must be submitted to the City. Any
disturbed areas must be restored with.lopstiil OR44ct rd,
n. NVJ comer of(lie intemcclion of Londondcrry Drive and Wexford Drive-
Sidev;alk running Fast-West has a slope of about 13.5 1.'a.
b, SL comer of the intersection of Londundcrry Drive and Lismore Circle-
Sidetvalk running East-West has a Shupe ul'ahota
c. .SW cumcr of Ate intersection of Londonderry►drive and Lismoru Circle•-
Sidewalk center square has a slope that exceeds.1.6010.
d. ME comer of the Western intersection of Shamruck Circle and Water[ord
Drive-Sidewalk ninning North-South has a slope of ahottt 9.0%,
e. NW comer ofthe intersection ol"lhamrock Circle and I.nntlonderrj.DriYe
- Sidctvalk running North-Snuth has a slope ol•about 9. '6.
f. NW comer of the f1astem iotcnec,ion of Shamrock Circle tend Waterford
Drive-Sidtstvalk running North-South leas a slope of about 10.7%and has
a broken square.Sidewalk nnnling f=ast-West has a°lout:ni about 10.5°.•6.
g. SW corner of the intersection ui•Wexford Drive and Killamy Drive-
Sidewulk nlnning fast-West has a slope of about 1 1.9°4.
?ell. Drivelvay Aprons
I. Tate following driveway aprons are damaged and must be reme`lud and
reconstructed at the(biluwing locations:
012 Wexford Drive
614 Wexford Drive
616 Wexford Drive i
2976 Shamrock Circle i
I11t a.tiSeL'UL••i Y}Et=)1-)•1�urteror.Je-_c�41 I f1t�%?ti I{I tict;r ul'\'/.uk I:cc,�J:n?)-t.<SciL t
NEC 17 of 17
X111. Traffic Control
Once the Gnal surface course of asphalt l;tts been constructed, final pavement
markings must be installed by the .Contractor in accordance to the approved
engineering plans.
X]V. Acceptance by the City Council
•il}e acceptance of the required improvements shall be made only after all the items
%led above have been completed and 311 disturbed areas restored as provided in this
,cope of work, 1
IN,Aullowing items must he provided to the City Ftiginer:r fly the devetoper inunedirtlely after all
of the abnvementioned improvements have been eumltlmd The remaining i(vins shall be j
submitted in one tronsoiWal whiling a cover letter indiatling the coments.
Finnl Witivery of Licit -(unly front enrnpletion cuntructur)
,1•Taintenance Guarantee(l year LOC or bond)-(only frnar cpprpledun contrwor)
!I+FILL'S!l'OI:.CC}GP)1-1 MCare.�urxlrnre`2{II i-RS L_'litf J�:cFC o;tvni Un;ril+�2}•i 1;L;.,
R0TT 1*i_]
�bruary 1,2011 t
Mr.h'chael Hall,P.E.
City of in
150 Dexte ourt
Elgin,Illinois 0120
RE: Waterford division—Neighborhood 3 1
Re-televised S per pipe reviewlcemments
Dear Mr.Hall:
As per your request,of the tibove- fetenced Subd*v's* 6rotterand Associates,Inc.(TAI),has
reviewed the Sewer pipe DVD's an ports issuedm hick Murphy dated January 13,ZOl I
The following sewer sections were sub 'tted/revcd.Listed below are the items submitted for
review;TAi's review comments follow ea ite5minbuld.
Vl hem 7a. has been cleaned and re/ 7 eptable
televised. / 1
VII item 58a. �iMH-3G 10 C B 3- A NR ievised report supplied for this pipe
should he labeled MH 3-8 to section.
(misty ed on the Original;rC h(R)
V11 Item 5RF. Cleaned apd re-televised. Acceot:ihle !
Vll item 58k. Re-teley sed. Pipe has deft htionlungle point at 258.6'. '
This is not indica d in the hardcopy of this I
pipe section. This s tion of pipe roust be
replaced and re-televise .
VII Rent 58 ./Cleaned and re-televised. Acceptable
Vil Item S . Cleaned and re-televised. Acceptable {
VII IternAgr. Cleuned and re-televised. Acce tuule
VII Iteni 591 Re-tcicvised,Utility flag Acceptable
►ette to catch basin and removed
Item 59b. Re-televised,stick Acceptable
moved from Ripe. i
4OW201 Vasco Rnnd Suite D - 5t.Charles,Illinois 60175 • Phone 6301587-11410 • ?+ax 630/537.0475
Exhibit '
Mr.Michael HNI.P.E.
City of Elgin
Wxterford Subdivision—Neighborhood 3
Re•{elevisut Scwer pipe review/cunanairs
February 1.2011
Page 2 of 5
VIN m 5gs, Re-televised.(Not Pipe has sagged at "52.4'. This is of
inclu d an submittal letter) tndicuted in the hardcopy of this p pe
section. This secrion of pipe musbe
replaced and re-televised. `�
V11 I(Lm 59 Re-televised,(Not Debris has not been removed "m the
___. ..included-on-s mitre-!-tciter)---.---._._. __ ..invert._.uf--this_pipe_.seitiuri._T
indicated. in the hardcop3 this pipe
section. The debris must be. efioved from
the invert of this pipe run a.0 er-televlst4
The following is a list of items f the'Valerford Subdivision_Nei orhood 3 Revised
acceptance Review No. V'letter d ed December 20,2010.These rte s%vill neeJ to be re-
televised once they have been address
Vll. .^,torm Sewer Improvements&Ap rtenanccs
Siomi sewer improvements were vievied or compliance with the approved
subdivision improvement plans. the nda Specifications for Water and Sewer
,Main Construction in Illinois,the City Co
58.The following sections of storm ewer have iciencies thet most be addressed us
n. Mir-30 to CB-3=9 {Should be abeled as 113-8 to CB 3-RA)
There is a triode to ut7'set in the pipe joint a 11.10' from MH-3G.This
scgMent.musly grouted.There is a crack,fro 7 to 5 o'clock in the pipe
joint at 54.9 front h4H-30.This must he repair by lining.'there is a
service nnmliort at II o'clock at 77.80' fro M11-3G. and this
con/ccining should be removed, the penetration rt- ai J, and connection
madthe appropriate storm water structure- as p the approved
�n ' drawings.There is a service connection at?.o lock at 79.90'
rr m MH-3G, and this connection should be removed, ih penetration
epaired,and connection made to the appropriate storm eater A(aeture as
per the approved engineering drttwings. Once these repairs are made,the
segment must be re-Wevised. �.
b. CB-3-7A to CB-3-7B
The pips: is bmken at 112.70' from CR-3-7A. This segment must be:
removed and replaced, then re-televised. UtumovuU Rep iace/TY by
;qtr.Michael Ha1I,P.E.
City of F-Igin
Waterford Subdivision-Ndghhorhood 3
Re-televised Sevier pipe rcviewlcomments
February t,.DI I
Page of 5
MH-3-9 to CB-3-9A
There is a service connection at 10 o'cluck at 105.00' from MH-3-9,a (i
.this .connection should be removed, the per ralioo repaired, Ed I
cbnncclion made. to the appmpriatc storm water stntcture as p the
.approved engineering drawings. Once this repair is made, the gment
_----..--- --- _ ---_-- - _--___must`kcre-televised.-- Removal/Rclaceff.V-b -arch
c. 14tH-34' to CB-3-24A
There is "Severe offset a! the pipe joint at 2.tM' from li-3-24. This
segment. 1t�TL be removed and replaced, th i re-televised.
(RemoYDRep nceTV by Arch)
d. MH-3.24 to MH- 23
'rhe pipe is broken at 148.70' from Mli-3-24. Mis segment must be
repaired by lining,lb n m-televised.
e. MH-3.23 to MH-3-22
Tlie pipe is broken at 51.50' m,LtH-3 3.This must section be removed
and replaced.There is mud and ebris' the pipe at 97.51)' from MH-3-23.
This must be cleaned-out and r -1 evised. 'Rte video provided to TAI
terminates at 100.00' from N1H-3 3, which gives an incomplete view of
the pipe,Once the pipe is cleane ou the segment must be re-(elevised.
g. N1H-3-16 to MH=3-15
The pipe is broken nl I1700' from MU 3-16. This scgmant must be
repaired by lining,then/re-televised.
h. CB-3-213 to CB-3-29,
The pipe is broken ut 62.20' from C13-3-2B. is segment must be
removed and replaced. There is a separdtion in t', pip:joint at 6950'
from CB-3-2B./Mis segment must be grouted,Once c pipe is grouted,
the segment jrfust be re-tulevised.
j. CB-3-I)B to CB-3-17C
The ppfpe is broken at 97.60' from CB-3-17B. This scgne t must be j
Tern ved and replaced. There is debris in the bottom of the ' e. This 1
segment must be cleaned out. The video provided to 'r.Al terrni rea nt
1170.10' from CB-3-17B, which gives an incomplete view of the ipe.
Once the pipe is repaired and cleaned out, the segment must be c- 1
televised. (Arch to clean(TV) f`
IAF:Michael Hall,P.F
{Sty of Eigia
Wat urford Subdivision-Neighborhood 3
Re-televised Sewer pipe review/cornments
Febnmry 1,1611
Nge 4 of 5
.1 DB-3-6C to 1311-3-613-10 corTugatc-d pipe
The pipe is collapsing at 50'00' from DB-.1-6C. This segment must be
loved cd and replaced. (dig upfrepairfrV by Arch)
m. DB- 6B to CB-3-6A-12"corrugated pipe
e-pi bt; ren and
replaced. eru is debris in the pipe at 1.37.00' from D"-68, This
segment rn I be cleaned out Once the pipe is repaired and cleaned out,
the s(be re-televised.
n. CB-3-7B to DB-3-
There is a b lockage - the pipe it[ 32.50, rrom, c .-713. (Remove)This
segment MUSL be Clea d out. video prove �d to TAI (erminms at
3250-ftom C-B-3-713,w,��ch C"Ve'"n in te view of the pipe. Once
the pipe is cleaned out,on- "'tvid"'fti:OMP inust be.provided.
o. CB-3-7B to D8-.3-7C
There is debris in the pipe bey r.' g at 18.50' from C13-3-78. This
segment must bu,vleartcd OUL Ther s a blockage in the pipe and the pipe
appears to be broken ar 559.80' )m B-3-713. This must be removed,
-repaired and cleaned OUL The co pro ided to TA I terminates at 59.W
-e' er" debris
segment rn I b �Ie r'__� 1/713 C
�gment 1,
b blockage U
segment mus L be Cleo V'
p petE
from CB-3-78,which gives Zncompleie sew of tit:pipe-Once the pipe
is cleaned out and rupairev, another vid,-u the pipe segment must be
1. N-IH35 to MR-2-27
At 44.5' there/Iss hole at the joint, this section mast be
- I
removed/reply d and televised by Arch.
U. DB-3-SS L -8-3-8A
')B *
T-nc/Yide provided to TAI was underwater during filming. is segment
must.b re-televised,
v. 0 -3-7C to D13-3-71)
e.r i
re is mud and debris in the p!re.'l7his segment mum hi�cleaned on c.
Nir.Michael Hall,RE
City o!'Elgin
Waterford Subdivision-Neighborhood 3
Re-itle,ised Sew,-r pipe review/comments
February 1,2011
Pzgc S ors
if you ha any questions or concerns,please con a(me at 63.0•597-04-70.
u'a questions 0'C"
Lenard E.Lynn
Mr.Ronuld R dd,City of Elgin
Mr.Lawr�ep c Madmann,Hinshaw Culberts LLV
Mr.St iMollenhuuer.CashinSpiricli!&FcjTctii, L('
.Mr/ Murphy,Cashin Spinelli&Ferrviti,LLC
Steve Citzlica,Trouer and Associates, Inc.
berts ,LLV
'It" L(_
.SCOPE. These Conditions amend or suppietn=t the in>trenea Requirements and ocher provisions ofthe Contract
hneumenu ss indicated herein: All provisions which ara not so smendO orsupplemenit c!r--main in full force and
Each policy mast list the City as an additional insured. The Conirtclot and all Snbcontro.tors waive subrogation
rights against the Ciiy forall losses. Suclf insurance shall Oply as primary irsvrance with rte-peet to any other
insurance or seSf-insurance pragmin.af£orded to the.City of Elgin. There shall be no endorsement or modification of
siich insurance to make it Cxceis over otherayailable insurance,and altentafivcly.il'tlm insurance sures thus it is
excess or pro rain;it shall be criderstai to b:primury with respecuo the City or Elgin.
The insurrane required shall include all m:ior divisionofcav;ragc and shall be oil a cumprthtutsivc gencrul basis
including Premise and OpemBons(including X-C-Q,Produa:#end CumpletcJ Opmduns,end Otvrtid,iYon-otvncil,
LLstxli and Hircd:v1otor Whicics.Such insurmir shall be.,vrillen for not Irss than any limit:rf liability required by
:aw or tht fiillnwing limits,whichcrcr arc grtatM
Confinercial Liability
Oatcral Aggrcgale 3_4iillian
Products Complelcd Operations
aggregate S1;antlmnt
Personal itijutyold Advertising Limit $1 Milli,n
F%h Occurrcnce 31'`iilllon
Aulomptive-for all'otvnc.non-nwried,hired rind le.tced vehicles
Combined singic limit St Gillian
Bodily injury- torch person 5500.000
cash accident St 1Nllion
Property damage-r:ech occurrence Sl Mi:!ion
Combined single limit V-"lil:iun
Ouncral aggreple S2"'Galion
Worker's Campensmion.
Swtulnry Sl Millinn
rniployet'sLi,h;Fy 1100.03P
Builder's Risk- S N)A
he Contractor may purchase and muin:ain i.eerss liability insurance to the utrhrella krm in order to satisfy the
limits of liability required fnr the insurance to be ptirhascd and mainicined in aatordance wilh the requirements sot
Barth above. Any iueh amounts must be in addition to the umbrella limit squired,must list c11 underlying policies,
and must fist the City as an additional insured. Evidence of such exr_ss liability shalt Lac ieliscred to the City In the
same form and manner as the reyuircd insurance polities,
ncc City resums the right,of it-sole discretion.to amero the insurance rccuircmtnc craaainad lic"in.
MI insurance shall be written on an uecorrence basis,unless the City approsYx in writin cvyembc on it claims-made
hams. Coverages whether sailten nn orb accucrnce or a claimc-made hasis shall be maiu!uincd vAdiuut in.mtption
rrvin the date of wounencenncul of llnr Wur6 until the dui=el'Gnal paymcut and tr^a iinatie. ur any cvvcetgu ncyuirrd
to be muinLninrl filler linal payment.
Curtiticates of Insurance acceptable to ace City and confn-ning the insurantx cuveraec re•.luirtd herein arc atla.hed to
inc Contram.The City shall have no oblipwinn to execute the t:omract and may award tl!c Camract to the next
low,si rspensible Genf responsive bidder,lfsvch insuratre certificates have neat bten pro%ided to the City stithin five
(5)business days aria prescmarion ifthe Conlma to the Contractor for c-mcuuen.
I he Contretor shall furnish to the City copies of any endrrsemers that arc subsequenily sicad arnendiag limits of j
ctn•crugc. t
Exhibit 3
U `