HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCDATE=MARCH 08, 2007 (9) thought Should be recognized. Some departments nominated env person; other's ' nominated several front their department, They put Io sethur little things that were passed .•, out to Ill them at the meeting. This went nary well and this will be done every duamr at heir meetings. The meeting was a success. About 64 employees were preset. Scott . asked about he pont-it note advertisement if it will error a Ike one day pass. Amy responded that the pos -it rote ail[ have a one day face trial as well as the promotion of do - initiation and a month for Imthe final proof was not available at this time, B. Cunneen[ Ca.d Lng: The Log was distributed with the board packet. Amy asked if - 1 there were any questions pertaining to the log. Kevin asked when the Staff'sec's the. - - ment card toy. W ayne responded that it is passed out at tileW stairs edy s nesda meeting usually the week prior to Advisory Board. C. N1 min penance Update: Wayne stated not a lotto report on life maintenance update. Wayne informed the board about the wirwil lag of h:miture and the quotes were kceived from several companion were very high The Centre is looking at some other alternatives tothe furniture for example looking at nicer chain for the ballroom area, instead of - - purchasing leather. This is more cost effective. Scott commented that them are a lot of deals that come in through auctions and that he would keep his cycj s open for somehow appropriate. Wayne then discussed the security update, nothing to report at this time. They will he putting in the acoustical dance Boor in the ballroom and doing the men's washroom- byLifeb-allroony re-oling and grautine it.. Amy eonnnuuW that It will be really nice to . have the permanent dance fluor. this sell save the staff a lot ofeme. - • - b.,Memhrridip Beparn Wayne save us the Jamery-and February membership report. I . 'I here was an error in the January report that had to do with the way the employee 111 emherships acre added. 'Ihcy were not put in the _first month, as q result we did a little bit be(Irr is January than they did the previous year. Uriononatcly in February. The Corti re was off about $5000.00 postal the prc. os year. The big goal is to by to knock down the three month Irani Ships- Many people were purchasing the three month - embership, this avas not cost effective. Another factor was ]he Centre stopped aharglnc a fee for memberships that were canceled. 'I he previous manaeer did out want to charge a cancellation l'ac of 550,00. 1.17, the current membership courditiamr was very adamant - thmnnotlosingthisfee. People would conte fit tile window when they want to cancck she - ould imbue them of the fee. It ended up that pcoplc lid not want to paythe fee; therefore they did not cunceli ear membership. Wayne presented this to the board, slating fhnl if the ice %sat rcu sinted it would be a benefit Atiry stated when someone signs a conlmet, they nsigning for a contract for a year. Once that contract is up they cut come in and purtheir otice in for cancellation. Scott asked what would stop a member from informing lhch bank to umit the draw front their account. Wayne stated that they would conic up as KSp, - they are seal to finance, which sends them to vullwtimIS. Wayne stated it is a small revernesiream. Amy a cnted that wood (here be a lot ofcomplaints and does not ' ! ant a relator effect unit thio: Scott commented it may tum away people from rejoining. Amy stated that people can turn in their cancellation forms for any reason. Stint staled that it should only be for medical reasons or a move, Wayne stated than is We way it used to be • - prior to fire change and it is an issue the board should review: Scnu asked what the - numbers are in terms of mvsf uc Wayne suggested having'Liz attend our nest matting with Paget .� ,