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Resolution No. 99-2 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH GREG BERNA FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES UNDER THE FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ( 168-172 East Chicago Street) BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that Joyce A. Parker, City Manager, and Dolonna Mecum, City Clerk, be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement on behalf of the City of Elgin with Greg Berna for architectural services under the Facade Improvement Program for the property located at 168-172 East Chicago Street, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. s/ Kevin Kelly Kevin Kelly, Mayor Presented: January 13, 1999 Adopted: January 13, 1999 Omnibus Vote: Yeas 5 Nays 0 Attest: s/ Dolonna Mecum Dolonna Mecum, City Clerk AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into this 7f day of January, 1999 , by and between the CITY OF ELGIN, an Illinois municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City" ) and GREG BERNA (hereinafter referred to as "Archi- tect" ) . WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City has agreed as part of its Facade Improvement Program to assist in improvements to the exterior of the facade of the building at 168/172 E . Chicago Street, Elgin, Illinois; and WHEREAS, Architect has submitted a proposal for the requested improvements to the exterior facade of the building at 168/172 East Chicago Street to include exterior masonry cleaning and tuckpointing, cornice repairs, storefront resto- ration and window reopening, all as set forth in the Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect attached hereto as Exhibit 1 . NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual agreements set forth herein and in the attached Stan- dard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and for other good and valuable consider- ation, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowl- edged, the parties hereto agree as follows : 1 . That the foregoing recitals are incorporated into this agreement in their entirety. 2 . That the Architect is hereby retained by the City of Elgin to perform architectural services consisting of improvements to the exterior facades of the building at 168/172 E . Chicago Street to include door and window replace- ment, tuckpointing, brick cleaning and exterior lighting. The terms and scope of work for the architect services shall be as set forth in Exhibit 1 attached hereto . Compensation for the Architect ' s services shall be the total amount not to exceed $6 , 365 . 3 . That Article 7 as set forth in the attached Exhibit 1 entitled "Arbitration" is hereby deleted in its entirety. 4 . That in the event of a conflict between this form agreement and Exhibit 1 attached hereto the terms of this form agreement shall control . 5 . That this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and may not be amended without the express written agreement executed by the parties hereto . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed and entered into this agreement on the date and year first written above . CITY OF ELGIN GREG BERNA, ARCHITECT By 'Z� /5 ity Manager ATTEST : ,City Cl jr FIP3ERNA/COWMEMO . 99/JAN13 E k h( E R l C A N I N S T I T U I �I I y f <r A1A Doculfl(s)r( 8141 Standard Form of Agreement Between owner a nd Architect 1987 EDITION . 7-HIS DOCUfVIL•'/VT HAS l/til! UI:TI/\ l ! � � A AN AT(URrVGY 1S FN000RAGFU tl lIT� KESIICT TO TS COPL17UV OR 11UDlF/CAT/UN• AGREEMENT ill the year eel, Clay O F January made,,JS of LIAC Nineteen I-lundred and 99 BETWEEN the Owncr: The City of Elgin, Illinois, a municipal corporation (,\'culr< 11111!111111„��) (hereafter referred to as "OWNER") , 150 Dexter curt, Elgin, Illinois 60120. \urnt• Architect, anIllinois eot?o (hereafter ,Inc the Architect:-Greg Ierna, as "ARCHITECT") , u?ag StElgin «1111 wltll—sl ref erred to Illinois 60120. For Elie fO1lOwing PvOjc:ct: (flrt'fud<•11t•fnil<•c1 d«t'rip(iu1+ojlhY,jtil, frx'rrlirur, ncfdnx<rulr/:c„/+<'•1 The project involves improvements to the exterior facades of the building of attention are to include painting, at 168/172 E. Chicago St-In general, areas tuck pointing; brick cleaning- 1*1-le owner and Architect agree aS set forth bclOn'. py g w;o1iin,nm, D.C. 20006. Rcpnl�lu,ti('ht or n�Ii of the l niticUrtit tcs n(1 wilitbc Co ri ht 1917, I9'?G, 19tH, 1911, 19ji, 19i2i. 1961, I9bi, 1966, 1967, 19 u, l9'�. 19%7,©Iy ute l'herein ur subs tiuttt: of Architects. 1735 New York At'cnur, �•\\,• b tluut:uiun of Its provislons Without w'rlttun purmissiun of the AIA('iul tt the cup,rte subject to h:9:11 prosccuNou. AIA DOCUMENT B14I • 0WNF.K•AKCItITkL?A4KF.E�IE�I'• FOl'itl'liENl'll lWA.S1UN • O.S. 'iSi 1')K- 8141-1987 1 1'llk A\(I:IIICAV InSI'1'l'(Il'E nF AH(:llll'E(T.I71S t�F:�L•1'()ItK,�VF'_\l:F:.�.\'I'..�'A�IIIN(�l'()�.l)(:._'rr"' to legal prosecution: EXHIBIT ) WARNING:Unlicensed photocopyln9 violates U.S.copyright laws and is subject •f[:IZ1vIS AND CONDITIONS U1. AGRE-ENIENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ARCHITECT schedule or construction budget, the Architect Shall PrcP'Irc, •al b te Ott' cr, 1) i mvetopment Ducuntcnts ARTICLE 1 fur apprut ARCHITECT'S RESPONSIBILITIES the,;ize and charactrr'of ill(: Project+'L;cit)3"chic ctu ahstrur 1.1 ARCHITECT'S SERVICES rural, tttcchunica and citxtrit al systentN. I "ter and such other clement.,;:I' may be :y)pnupriate. 1.1.1 The Architect's scr'iccs consist of those services Per' 2.3.2 T'hc Architect shall advise the Owner of any adjustntcnts funned by the Architect, Arch c7ttl)lo 3 of tliLs Agrc(ncnit It) the prclimiltary c;timatc of Construction Cost. eunstde(nts:i enuntcr let►in Articles_and. .Ind any other scrn•ices included in Article 13. 1.1.2 The Architect's services Nlt:tll be pert"rmcd .0 c.xj)cdi 2.4 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PHASE tiuusl) :u L, consL,tcnt tvitlt Pr (tile skill:(til o-O% :std tits orderly pnugreSS of the\\'urk. Uponrr,tiuc rruttdla scphculule Efor nco(s u+u1 un�n furldtcruadjustmcitt; III til�seolpr�orcyual tytuf Architect shall submit for the owns { 1 the perfon»ance of the ArchitcC1nd er%-ices ludccallotc'(nc (O••ncr,lthc Architect Shull PrrPsture,l•nc'apprt><ud by Elie O%•nrr, adjusted.L5 the Projcct pruccccls, .( fur periutLi of time required fur thel0%-ve siurLsdiction u.'tcr uutt;tscuingt forth+incdct•.(il(�the�rc(I ircirnuus for tuhe cut;tlruc- approval of subtnLssions b)•:auhontuc. g thr Project. Time limits estahlishcc( by this schcdube Plcccdd 2.4.2 Tile The,\rchi�`ct shall:L;sist the Utt'ner in the preparuiun of by the Owner sh:(11 nut,except litr rcau)+tahlc c:nu<c. by the Architect or owner. the nccesNarp hidtling infurntation, bidding forms, the Concle 1.1.3 Tile services covered by this Agrccouent arc subject to bolls Owner and C llinicturnd the form of Agnrntcnt hetRCCn the the time limitations contained in Subparagrtpl) 1 1.5.1. 2.4.3 The Architect shall advisc the Ut\•ner of any adjuNtntctl ARTS 2 to previous Prclintinary cstimatrs of Cunstcuetion Cost indi c:ucd hr changes in rcquircntcntN or general market conditions. SCOPE OF ARCHITECT'S BASIC SERVICES 2.4.4 The ArClti(CCt i11a11;ts;ist the p;t•ncr ill connection tc•ith the Ot;ncr's res{xnsihilitt' for tiling documents required for 2.1 DEFINITION the uppro%%tl of governntcnctl authorities having jurisdiction 2.1.1 l'he Architect's Ii:tsic Scr;ices consist,of chose describes o�'cr Elie Project. in Partgr:q)hs 23 through 3.0 and ally other urcices iJcntiticd in Article 12 as part of 11:L;ic Scrt•tces,:uu1 incluulr nonn:i strut 2.5 BIDDING OR NEGOTIATION PHASE turd, mech:utic-.d and elcetrit:tl englnccring services. 2.5.1 T'hr :\rchitcct. (ullu�•ing the OtVner s :(pprot':(I of thr 2.2 SCHEMATIC DE51GN PHASE Construction Documents and of the 1 ties preliminary estim;uc 2.2.1 The Architect sh:dl rct ic;;'the prugruit furnLshed by the of Construction Cost, Sha11 .Lssisc the Owner in obtaining bitL, Owner co scerctin the requirements of Elie Project std Sha11 or negotiated proposals and assist in a�'arding and preparing ircncnls will'the conracts for construction.uuling of such ret{u arrive at owner. 2.2.2 Thu: Architect shall prot•idc a preliminary et•:du:uiun of 2.6 CONSTRUCTION PHASE—ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT the O%vIlcr's program, Schedule '-"It' con;uuctiun budge( 2.6.1 'Chc Architect's responsihilitu to phut ills 13.is Scrt•iccs requirements, catch in ternis of the ocher,subject to the limi(a 2.6 the Construction Phase unticr this Agrct:mcutt c0numcnc•cs (ions ;ct forth in Suhpartgraph 5.2-1 for 2.2.3 'flue Architect ;hail review With the ovvttcr :ltern:Live with the apt:urtl of the Cuntrtt t liar Cunstr weer and tcnni• appru:IC(teN to design:Ind c'onstruc'tion of lice I'rojcct. (t:crtilic:nlcditr I•'n,ntcnttor Cdl eLn aftcrctl�`(late 01'tile ul)sronl ly' agmet•upo+t progrtm, sc•heelulc 2.2.4 ikt;ct on the m tial Completion of the \Ci>rk. ;std construction budget rcquirente�t;. thr ,\rehict shall 2.6.2 The Architect ;hall provide administration of the C:("�' prepare, for approv;+{ by the Owner. ,chcntatic' Ucsi'n Ik)cu menus c'un;isting of ulrat;'itt};;:std other ducuntcnts illuSmiting tract for Construction .is sct forth bclute aid in the edition of the scale and lig of dni t i -.111d t compuncnts. AIA 1)ocuntcnt A201, General (:ontlitlnnN of Elie Contract for Construction. current as of the date of thLc Agrccntcnt, unless 2.2.5 'l•hc Architect Nhall submit u) the ()\\ 'I a preliminary' other%\isc prof iJcd in this Agrerntcnt. e;tlm:ue ul'Colt.;•lrUed(m Curt b:u;cul on C" 2.6.3 arc:u.t ulunte or 2.6.3 Duties, responsihilitics'-"Ill lintit:etions of authority of licit Lit other unit costs. Architect shall not be rustricicd.ntudilicul or cxtcltdcd \vitl ) 2.3 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE wriucn agreement of the Uut'ner:End Architect tt ith consent of 2.3.1 Based un the approved Se•hent:uti Owner iigutthhprc)grmtt a,ihl eId truculr, which canscnt shall nut be unre:uonahlr alit{ally adiwitntents aulhurircd by the U AIA DOCUMENT 8141 • utc'�tat•tltc:ut'rtaa'At:ut{F:?tF:�1' • rut u1 ra�11I t ul nux • Au' •. tvN� 6141-1987 2 1'1 IF ANIRNICA\(\iI'I'l'l"1'It OY AuCI u1'K rS.I'S+Nt:u 1tUIII: K.tt'.,\t',tNI IIXGI'OV.1).(:.9xNlG WAIINtNG:Unlicensed Photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and is subject to legal Prosscutlon. 2.6.4 The Architect shall be a repracntitivc of and sh:dl:Idvisc quantity of the \vur;c,(2) revicwccl construction means,meth- anti consult w{th the Owner(I)during construction until final ocis, techniques,sequences or procedures,(3) reviewed topics I);tyntcnt to the C.ontrtctor is due,and(2):u an Additional Scr• of requisitions rcccivetl team Subcontrtcturs and m:ucrtal sup• rtCe;t the Ot+'ttcr'S d11't't'IIUII Irl)lil Iltlll'It)tittle'during the Cor• pliers alltl other tali rcducstcd by the Owner it) substantiate rcctioll period described in the Conin.1c ter CUnsrucc) The wh:uox rpor,: the (lonlractorth'cc ttuxl)moneyti�re•it a ly)I at l . mhitect Shall h:n•e :auhority to act on hch:if of the (crwisc I I only 10 the extent provided in this Agrrenlent unless othcnvise nn account 01 the Contract Sum. nxl(liiied by written Instrument. 2.6.11 The Architcct shall have:tuchority it)reject Work%%hich 2.6.5 The Architect shall %exit the cite:u entrails:glpn)priate dots not conform t0 the Contract Documents. WIlctlE:vt:r the to the srtge of construction or :u Otherwise agrrctl by the Architcct Considers it necessary or 3dwlsablc for implcnlcnta• OwDer and Architect in wrilinK t0 brionle generally Ctmiliar tion of the imeot of the C onmict Documents,the Architect Will with the progress and duality of the \\'urk Cuml)Icted at+tl to Work tilltaccO:clanCc with the provisions of the tColimact DoC,i- tletcrntine in l;cncral if the\C'ork is heing performed in a mall• ncr indtcuing'teat the\\'urk when iulllplctctl%+'ill Ile in xcor• meats, wlictht:r or nut such Work is fabricated, io.%MIIcd or tl:otce %wtdt the Contract DUCUn1enl:. FIowcvcr, the Archilect completed.I•!oa'ewer,neither this authority of the Architect nor SI1:11I not be required to imikC CxltatlSllt'C Or condtluUt'S 0'1' c a decision made in good faith either lO exerctsc Or not t0 cxer- illspeitlons to check the quality or quantity of t11c Work. On else Such authoril} shall give rise to a duty Ur responsibility of the h:uLs Of on-site Observations :Is :ut :trchitcct, the Architect the Architcct to the Contractor, Subcontricwrs, material and >hall keep the O%%ner hlfonncct of the prcoGrrss;ux(quality of equipment suppliers, their agents or employees or other per- the Work, :uul Shall elltltawor to turd the Owner ag:cinst sons performing portions of the Work. del'CCtS lilt' delielellCICS in the \\brk. (.litre e.vic•NsA'e• $Re 2.6.12 The Architect shall ci:V1c\v anti approve or take other rc/ncsc)rlet llnrr rN(r{'he rr,Sr'vvd to Its(In:Iciclrrirmell CI•t•ice. (IS ,l{tpropriatc aCtiOn upon Conractor's SuhmittaLs such :u Shop rlc�e'rlbcr!lu f'(n•(rgrnp21,i.?.) Drawings, Product Data :old S:unplCS, but only for the limited 2.6.6 The Architect shall not h;tce control over or Charge of purpose of Checking for conformance wills ill for"nation givcll and the design concept expressed in the Conmlct Ducumcllts• anti shall not be rtspultsihle for conmr-Liction 111ca13,methods' rite Architect's action shall he taken with such rta<onahle tCchltiques,s quclices or procedures.or for sallety l+recautions pronlptnex, :u u+ C:utse rn, tick"' in the Work oc in the Coll- and programs In connection with the Work. Since thtse arc structioll of the Owner or of srparue contnictslrs, while:lio%w- Solely the Contrtc'toCs responsihilit%' under the (,ontccct Iir ing StlfliCicnt tune in t1le :\rchitect's prufessiunal jud{;nlenl to Construction. The Architect sha11 not hr mcltunsihle for the permit acletimtc review. Rcwie%w of such submittals is nut ion• Contrlc•tor's schedules or iailure to carr} out the\\'ark it actor• ducted for the purpose of doirtnining the accuta0 and 01111- tl:utce %vith the Contract UoCUnlcnts. The Accilitect sh;dl not plcteness of other dctatls such as tti11lcnsiorts anti qu;t lities t,r h:n•e control over or charge of acts ur antic io11s 11 the(:Dilute• Ior suhst•.mtiating instructions for installation or performance of tor, Subcontractors, or their agctlts or emplowec`,, 1r of:u1w equipment or s�'scrn+s tlesignctl by 111c((mmictor.all 11'+%•hit•h other persons Ilerlorming portions of the Wc)rk' rcnlsill the respollsihility of the Conoactor to the extent 2.6.7 The:Architect shall at 311 times have:1Ctess It' the \\"(k SITIII'Iloit icolt?liltttel:ipprtl\ Iltkif s Ifcty Ipr cautions or,tunless \vIlcrewer it is in prcpartion or progress. uther%\•L<e speciliiallw sruecl h%• tie :\rchitr0t, of Consullctiun ' 'fire 2.6.8 Gxccpt :t3 arty other%\ise he provided in the Cons:lcl n1e:111s, methods. te0hni(tucS, seeµlcntcs or procedures. Documents or when direct a)nununic:ltlons h:n•e I)CCII spC• Architect's approv:iI of :t spccilic item s11:111 not indicate dally authorized,the Owner and Commc't,r shall Communicate :Ipprt al of an aSsetlthl\ of Whiilt the item is :1 Component. through the Architect.Cunutlulliiatie+ns by anti%with the Archi- \C'hcn professlonal certilication of perforn+:ulce CharcCtcristics lee'''s Consultants shall he through the:\«hiteet, of m:ucriells,symcnls or equipment Is required by the Contrlc't DOCUnlcnts• the Architect sha11 he 'entitled it) rc•h upon such 2.6.9 llagrcl on the Architect's uhsen:uiuns:old ewalu;nions of ccrlilicaction to CsclhlbAl that llu: nntcri:cls, s)slents or equip• the CuntrlCtur's :\pjtlk:uilns for Pa}'nlenl, the :\rrhi(co shall lucnt %%•ill nec•t the perlorm-micc criteria required by the Cull• i review and certify the anlountS duc the Conoactor. tract Documents. 2.6.10 The Architect's certilic:niun ter pa%lIICrtl sh;dl Ct,llmi- 2.6.13• The architect shall prepare gc Ureters :uul Con- lute Il representation u) the O%vocr, lased on the Architecl's ;truction Change Directives. with supporting clocuntcntalton olsryalions at the site as pnowiticll ill Slibliar.Igry%h 2•63 mid :utti Llata if dccluco nccexsary by the Architect :u provided in on tie d:tln comprising the C Pill rtca,r's :\pplitalit,n r 1'ar Subparlgrg)hs 3.1.1 anti 3.3.3, Air the Chvnc•rs :ippro%:d anti 111c•nt, that, to the htst of the :1rChiEvvi's kno%viCCIttC. i1110111t•.'' execution in aicord:iocc with the Colloac't Doeununts. :t1c1 rein and hclirl',the Work has pn+Lressid cu the lx,imt imtlic-mcd limv authorize minor ch:ulges in the Work not ilwoh•ing :ul anti the duality of \\irk is in acco«Iattce With the Conu:l0t :lcliustnuttt in the Contrlit Sum oral extension ol'the(:unlnil Ducunenls. The f6rCu talions are suhic0t to alt Time which arc not inconi>tenl %%ill,the intent of the(:it g C t e%•aluaion of the Work for comormallc•e with the Conine' Documents. Documents upon Sulu:tlti:d (:omplctitul, u) results of snhsc- Llucm tests and inspections•it)minor deviations from the Coll. 2.6.14 The Architect sh:dl conduct insprclionS fu dcic' 11" trlct Uocunents eurrrit:title pfll)r I1I eUlllplellln ;11111 it) spe• the date or tats of<uhst:Intial Completion:old tile'late of 1111:11 mica I)occil:uiunsr�prci-able ) the it)C Architect. ll:xt1:11XVof a completion, shall receive and tiraard u1 1he O\wncr li,r the cific-Certilltate for Ptynient+hall further Constitute;l wlires'lltatton Owner's rcvic\v mid «cureL< %written %rarruuics anti rrI lictl lhal the C:onmic'ur Is enddl-l it)pad nlcnl In the alnuunt 0crii• documents rcquirt-d hw llte Comnic•t DocunlCmis and :ts�Cm- IlCtl. I lo%%'CwCr, the Issu:utt'e ul a (:Crtilitale litr P.1w111cnt shall bled by the Comrlctor.and shall issue a lira(:crtilicalc for I"iy- not he:I «presentation that the Architcct ha:(I)nettle que:dxilttaw us• Mont uxrn compliance with the «duirnlctls of tilt:C 011r1ct live or cominuotls on-sicc inspettiutls n, check the or Documents. AIA DOCUMENT 0141 O WNEX-AHCHIt'Et:l',\1;1:EE�IE�1'• FOL•K•rF.E.NTII EI)I'r10;( • MAY S?1 91' 3 8141-1987 rnE.+>1EFt +�lSsl*ll•t"rE OF.RCIIII E 7S,1.31 NEW YORK A\•ENVE,v.W.,WASHINGt'o�, WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. 2.6.15 The Architect shall interpret and deride matters eon• 3.2.3,Through the ohsrn•:uions b)' such Project Rtpresctt• rerninK performance of the Ot�'ner and Contrtcutr uncicr the talit•rs, the Architect shall rndt:at•Wr to prot•ide further pn)tee- requircments of the Ctuurtct Uueuntrnls un tvriucn request u( tion for the Uct•ner against elefeits:uul elcficicneies in the\C'urk. either the nt.'nrr ur Cuntatrtor, lire Architect's rc'sht)ttie to but the furnishing of sorb project representation shall nut such requt�ts shall he made with re:tumahlc prumptnt'ss :uul nx,dil')•the rights,respunsihilitics or obligations of the Architect :t•ele'srrihrd elsewhere in thG r\grcclnent.' tiithin any time limbs agrreel upon. 2.6.16 Inteepretatiotu and decisions of Arc Architect shall be 3.3 CONTINGENT ADDITIONAL SERVICES ruttsL,lcnt tt'Ith the intent of:oral rc:uun:thl)•inferthle from the 3.3.1 �L•tkinl, ?• 1 rrt'isiuns in Drttt'in'�, J xrilii:uiuns or other Contrtrt lA)runtents anal shall he in t.'riting or in the fora) of elucun,cnts a•hcn such «•Visions arc ctr'.ta•ings. \G'hen making such intrrprctatiuns anti initi:d deri• siuns, the Arrhitrrt shall endt:.tt'ur u) secure CaithA,l pt:rfor• ,1 inconsistent ta'ith approt•;tls ur insuurtiunc prrt'iot4<I}• manrc b)•both Ott'nrr and Contrtru)r,shall nut shoe'partiality ,art, ht• atljti<tntrnts in the O��'ncr's progrun or I'rnj• to either,:utd sh:dl not he liable li)r results ul'interpretations or git•en h)• the Utcner, Including ret'isiuns n,aelc Wcc'rs• decisions su rcnticred in guutl Iaitlt• eit huclger, ,Z rcquirecl b)• the enactment or ret•isiun of eocles,I:nt•s 2.6.17 l'hc r\rchitert's elca•isions un nt:uters rel:uing to acsQtc• or rcgul:uiuns subsequent to the prcparuiun of sorb tip el'fert shall hr lin:tl if curt<istrnt tt'ith the intent c�pressrd in rite (:ontrn•t Durutitcnts, eluiuntent:; ur� .3 ckte to changes reeluireel as a result of the Ot�'nrr's li,il• 2.6.18 'l'hr r\rrhitcrt shall ender R'rittcn decisions tt'ilhin �t urr to render clrcisions in a tintrh' m:utnrr. reaan:ti)le time on all claims,disputes ur other n,aurrs in clot's• tion bcta•cen the Otrner:uul Contrteu)r relating to the exeru- tion ur progress of the \C'ork a< pnn'idcel in the Contr:,ct 3.3.2 Prut•iding scn•icrs required because of signitirtutt Dtxuntents. � rlt:utgrs in the Project including, but not limited ro,size,quaff• ' .e it)•, rompleeit)•• the Otcner's schedule, ar the method of Biel• ' � e freer:utd cling or nrgutiating and contr:uting fur eunstntitiun,esiept for m:uters, inchtding those in qurstiuW h' I srrt•ic•cs «squired uncicr Jubpar.,grq)h i.2.5. CoWtru•tor, except iffy ntg to aesthetic effect:u xv riled i �rgth L.G.17,shall br subject a)arhitr:ttiun as 3.3.3 Pre{,acing f)rt.vin};<, tihee'ilir:nions and other locomen• , t:uiun soul supporting elata. ct•alu;uing Contractor's prop„saL�. . anel prrn�iding other serrires in runnection tcith Change Orelcrs:oral C:onstrurtiun C:h:ntge I)ircrtit'cs. ARTICLE 3 3.3.4 I'roriding�cn•ices in ronnertiun with et'aluating iuhui• ADDITIONAL SERVICES ttuions pn,puscd br the Cuturartor :uttl making subutlurnt ret•ision>a, I)rttrings.til)ccilicatiuns and other dueuntenruiun 3.1 GENERAL resulting therefrom. 3.3.5 Prot•idin¢ron.ult•,uion ronc•erning rcplarcmcnt of\�'urk , 3.1.1 'l'hc sert•icts described in this Artirlc i :uc not included cL•unagel ht• fire or otltcr rntsr clueing consuurrit„t, ;uul fur• in 11:t�ir tierrires unless so ilcntilied itt r\rtirlc 1 1,ant.l the}'shad Wishing sert•iies rcquirecl in connt:ctiutt t�•ith the replarrntent he paid for h)• the Ott•ncr :u ptt)t•iclecl in thL, Agrcentcnt, in „I'such ��'urk. aldition to the eontl)ensation fur liasie tien•ic•es. "('he scrt'ires ele:<rrlht:el uncicr P:u•aKrtphs i.3 ane! i.•i shall only he prot•ickd 3.3.6 1'rut'iefing srrt'irrs nrtdr necessary'b)' the cleCtult of the it'authurirrel ur conlirmrd in reciting by the(}freer. If scn•ires C.untr,ctor,hr major dcl'eits or letieienrics in the\C'ork of the eksiriheel under Contingent Alditional tiert•ires in Par,,grq)lt (:ontrtitur,or ht'lailure of prrfunn;,,tce of either the On•ner or i.i are rryuired clue a) circuntseutres he)'und the Arihitiit s control. the Architect sha11 notify the Oweer prior to cunt- Cumrtitor uncicr the Contr.,et Cur CuWStn,ctiun. 3.3.7 Pn,t•idine srrt'iccs in rtaivating:ut extensit'r nunther of nxncing such sen•iies. if the Utt'ner dccnts that such scn•ices rL•tints sul,mittcd hr the (:untrtctur c,r others in anutertinn descrihcd uncicr Par,,gt:gtlt i.i arc nut rcquirecl, the Ott'ncr sh:dl girt prompt trritten nonce u,the Architect. If the Utt'ncr frith the \�'urk. indic:ut's in t�'ritltig chat fall or part of such Contingent r\ddi• 3.3.8 l rot'ldin� p tional grrt'ires are not rce aired,the Architect shad hate nu ob6• etrhilnt i,n pn,c�eeding or tleg:dtproc•edi tg except I�'I ere trio g:uiun n, prut•ielc those srrt•ires' :\rrhitert i� part)' thereto. 3,2 PROJECT IIEPRESENTATION BEYOND BASIC 3.3.9 PreharinK duc•untents lur alternate.srp:uatr ur sequential SERVICES hick or pn,ridinu sen•ires in comuction ta'Ith bidding.ncgutia• 3.2.1 11' nu)rr rxtensirc rrpre5imatio,t :u the ;ire than L� tine or ionstn,r[iun prior to the completion of the (:onurui• lesrrihcel in Suhp;tragry)h 3.(x.5 is requirrtl,the Architect shall tion Uuruntents I'hasc. pnlride one ur more Prujcit Nrprr;cnt:tlirrs u,:LC�ist in care)'• ;,,+;out such adlitiun:,l on•sitc resptnts,l,tlmea' 3,4 OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3.2.2 Project Kcl)rescntatires shall he selected, entl)lurcd;uul 3.4.1 I'n,t•idinu anah•scs of the Utt•ner's necl�;reel I)n,ttrun• dlret•ted by the r\rrhitce't, soul the r\re•hitee•t shall he ron,prtt ming the requirenu•nts ul the I'rojert. . • s;ued thcreli,r :c. agreed h)• the Ott•ncr and A«'hitrrt• �i•I'r 3.4.2 I rut'ieliu;t lin;tneial I'c;tsil',ilit)' or other s{,reial>tutlir<. duties, respunsihilitirs soul lin,itatiuns ul authority ul' I ro tit , Rrprrscntath'cs shall he ;ts drscrihrd In the edition of AIA I)ucument I1i53 current as of lhr date of this Agrecntent,unless 3A.3irler`ttulirsgol�pnspt:c'tit1et. tes,site eralu;uiutts ur runt• otherwise agreed. AIA DOCUMENT 8141 e)W�Iilt•Alt<:111'1'1:t;l'AC:NgIi�II:V'I'• FUUN'fEEN'1'll h:Ull'IUN • AIA' ' ,:',I')>+� 8141-1987 4 '1'lIK AAll:ltll:,tN I,,\s1'I'1'l:'I'1:t)1•,tltt:lll'I'1:(:I'�, 1715 t+tstc'YUHI:At'I•:�l�F.,x.tC.,tttAilII�GTUx,t).(:.?t>,xx, WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and Is subject to legal prosecution. upd3rc-.in overill budget for 3.4.4 Providing special surveys. enviroc(ienentatluttir7rities 4.2 ie ProjecOt including the Cunst ucdo Cos the Owner's other subinisslOns regtllred for appr0 a13 of go costs and rc-asonable contitlgencics related to all of these costs. or others havfng jurisdiction over the Project. 3.4.5 Providing services relative to !inure: lacilitirs, systems , 4.3 If requested by the Architect, Ihr:Owner shall furnish evi- dence that financial:arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner's obligations under this Agrecmcnt. 3.4.6 Providing services to investigate existing conditions or L•leilities or to make mrtsured drawings thereof. 4.4 The Owner shall designate a representative authorized to ICE on the Owner's behalf w 'Ch ith respect to the Project. e 3.4.7 providing services to t'erift the accuracy u(cfnteings or Owner or such authorized representative shall render decisions i,thcr in(unnation t'urnished b} the Owner. in a tintcly niwiner pertaining to clocunients submiucd by the 3.4.8 Providing euordinalion of Cunstnaetion perturtnccl by Architect in order to avoid unre unable delay in the orderly ;cpante contractors or by tilt Ot%•ner's ow•n forces and Crw(di• t - anti sequential progress of the Architect's services. nation of services required iii Connection Will) cotlstluCfi0II 4.5 'fhc Owner shall furnish surveys describing pllysirtl per(t)rnled and equipnletlt supplied by the 0-ner• charaetcrisdes, leg-.d limitations and utility locations ror the site 3.4.9 Providing services in conrectioll with the work of a con- of the Project, and a written legal description of the site. The struction manager or separate consultants retained by die surveys and leg-.d in(ornlation shall include, u applicable, Owner. grades and lines of streets, alleys, pavcnicilts and adioining property and structures; adjacent drlinage; rights•u(•way, 3.4.10 Providing dctailcd estimates of Construction Cost. restrictions, easemcnts, encroachments, zoning, deed restric- 3.4.11 Providing deckled quantity survey's nr inenturies of tions, boundaries and contours of the site; loc:nions, dinlen- nlaterial, equipment and labor. sions mid necessary data pertaining t0 existing buildings,other inlprot•enacnts and trees; and information concerning aeailablc 3.4.12 Providing analyses of owning a)d oper•Iting costs. utility services and lines, both public and private, above anti 3.4.13 Providing interior dcsi jn :uuf other siulilar service,; below grade. including int eras and depths. All the inConn:uiun required Cor or In cunneeton %vith the selection, proeuremetlt on die suety shall be rctercnccd to a Project belichn)ark. or installation of furniture, furnhhings and related equil)IUe11t. 4.6 The Qwncr shall furnish the services of geotcchnica engi- 3.4.14 Providing services Ivor planning ten:u)t or rental spaces• racers tchcn such see ices arc requested by tilt st borings.ent.Such sCCt'ICeS Ili ly include but are nut limited u) test borings, test 3.4.15 \I:LUig in•estiv-IIiolts, in..entoriLs of nlaterkils or equip- pits, determinations of soil hearing t;tucs, percolation tats. men,or w.iluatiolls:old dctailcd appr.ILsas of existu)g faeilitics• eV illlations of har)rdous tna;crials,ground corrosion and resis• 3.4.16 Preparing a set of reproducible record drt�'illgs shoes•• tit ity tests, including recce<ary oprruinns for anticipating sub - 3.4.16 significant changes in the Work made during Construction soil conditions, with reports and appropriate professional hued Oil nlarked4ip prints,drawings and other clat.t burnished reconu»end:uions. I,)- tilt Contractor to the Architect. 4.6.1 The Ow•ncr shill furnish the services of other Consul• 3.4.17 Providing aasisrulce ill the (IiIT.1d011 of egtllplairll( Or tantS R'I1Ct1 such services arc reasonably required by tilt st opt lI systems such:IS testing,adjusting and b:dancing,preparation ut of file Project and are requested by the Architect. operation and niaitltetlance manuals, trtining personnel (or 4.7 The Owner shall furnish structural, nlecti:uhical, chcI ic:l operation and malnicnancc,and consultation during operation. ;air and water pollution tests, tests for hazardous nlatcriaLs,and 3.4.18 Providing services after Lsstiance to the Owner of the other L•tbortory and ellironnlellta1 tests, inspections and C111- Certificate for Payment• or in the absence oc:I fits:I[ Cer• reports required by Ia«• or the Contract Duculnctus. tillcttc (or Payment, more than Go days after the tae of Sub- stantial Completiol of the Work. 4.8 The Owner shall furnish all legal,:ac'COUnling and insuruue counseling services :c; may be necessary at any time (or tote 3.4.19 Providing services or consultants (Ur other th:atl :1rChi• Project, including auditing services tilt Otvncr ma}' require u) tcctur 1, structur'll, nicch;ulicd a)cl citi tricil engineering por• tcrify the Contractor's Applications fur Payment or to ascertain buns or the Project prof idt d as a part of ll:ctiiC Services. how or for What purPt)scs the Contractor has used the none) 3.4.20 Providing any other scr'iee.not ofhrrt•ise(nCludccl in paid by or nn behalf of the O%vilcr. Chi. :\grccnlent or nut ctlstumarily furnished in :uiordalwe 4.9 The.ervices.inCor naion,surveys and«•ports rcc{uircd by with gcncnilly accepted architectural prac•ticc. Paragraphs i5 through -i.3 shall hr I'unlishrd at the Ou'nce's expense, and the Architect shall he entitled u) rely upon (tic accuracy:old completeness thereof. 4.10 Proliipt written notice shall he git•elt hr the O\ent:r III the ARTICLE 4 .architect if tie Owner becomes anvare u(any lault or defect in OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES the Project or ilonconfortn:utc•t:With tilt:Contract M)C11111etits• 4.1 1'he Owiler shat provide (tall inforn)atiun regarding 4.11 The proposed language of ccrtilieaes or ccrtilicaiuns •requirements fur the Project, inciud(llg a prrgnnl which s11:111 requested or the Archiwc•t or :Architect's consulltuts shad! tic set 12)rth the Other's ohjecilves,<chedule,cunstrlints:and cri• submitted to the Art llitcT fur rrl'it it and :yip- al l : Icaof I•i icria, Including space requirements ;ulcl retatlullships. Ilc..xi• day's prior u)cx CU00n. '('lac(ht•ner shall nut request rertiliCa hility, espantlabillty, special equipment, systems :1110 site tions that would rc(Iuirc knowicdgc or services heavend the requirements. scope of thu Agrccnicnt. AIA DOCUMENT 0141 t)��'�EK•.1H1'ImTEt:r AGHEFVF:\7• Ft,l'H'I'1?l?�'1'It Iil)ll'IoN AI.\" 5 8141-1987 TI IF AMEHICL%-N ISM'I t'TE OF AHCHITECTS,I_%slaw NVKX AvF'_�t'h:.�.tt'..tr'a>I IIxt�Tt)x n.c as Ix, WARNING;Unlicensed photocopying vlolalrs V.S.copyright taws and is subject to legal prosecution. .3 if the Project is abandoned, terminate in accordance ARTICLE 5 with Paragraph 8.1; or CONSTRUCTION COST .4 cooperate in revising the Projcct scope and quality as required to reduce the Construction Cost. 5.1 DEFINITION 5.2.5 if the Owner chooses to proceed under Clause 5'.2.4.4. 5.1.1 The COnstrUcEiOn Cost shall be the wtal cost or csti• the Architect, without additional charge,shall modify the Con- 5.1.1 cost to the Owner of:dl Cletments of the project designed Erlet Documents:u neressan•to Cortiply with the fixed Umlt,n or specified by the Architect• established as a condition of this Agreement.The modification 5.1.2 The Constnicliun Cost shall include (he cost at Current of Contract Documents shall be the limit of the Architect's res)rnuihility arising out of the establLchment of a fixed limit. l-he Architect shal be entitled to compensation in accordance nuirket nuts of labor anti ntatcrials furnt hcc(by the Ot row ded `with this Agreement for all scr'ices pt:rformcd whcchcr or nut equipment designed, specifie(I, selected or speCiall} provided rue by the Architect. plot., :t re.uonable alluwal,c-e li'r flit (a)Ii the Cotucruction P11:1sC is Cunumcnced. trlcu)r's o\crhe ld and Pro"'(- In arlditl0o, a re:uonable aloe\ :uice fur contingencies shall be inClu(led for market Work di rilig at the time of bidding and for changes ill Elie ��'ork during ARTICLE 6 Construction. f USE OF ARCHITECT'S DRAWINGS, 5.1.3 (:otstnietion Cost dues nut i11cItIcle tilt�u doll.ati Ia o SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS Elie Architect and Architects cunault.tnts, the(t righcs•uf•way, financing or other costs whirl, are ate respon- 6.1 The Drawings, SI)ecifieations and other documents Pre• sibility of the Owner as provided in Article 'i• pared by the Architect fur this Project arc instruments Of rte 'il 5,2 RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONSTRUCTION COST Architect's service for use salcly l,\\ resl)cC[ to this Project aid, unless otherwise provided, tie Architect shall be deemed 5.2.1 EVatllBtionS of the O\vncr's project budget, preliminary cite author of these documents and shall retain all common I:IW, estintatt of Construction Cost and cietailed Cstimates of Con statutury and other reserved rights, including the copyright. stnuction Cost, if any, prepared by the Architect.represent (Ile The Owner shall be permitted to retain copies,including repro- Arcltitcct's best judgment:u a design profru'unal Flmili3r with doucible copies, of the Architect's Drawings, Specifications and the construction Industry. It is recognized. however, that t O other documents for information and reference in connection Cher the Architect nor the Owner h:is control over the cost of \t i(h die Ot�'ncr's use and occupancy of the project.The Archi: labor, materials or eduipniellt, over tilt Contrlctur's mimirkcs tect's Dm winl(S.Speeific.uiuns or other documents shall not be of determining bid prices,or over competitive hitl(ling,market rued b tic Owner or others on utl,er project,for additions ro this Pro ect or for co,mplctiun of this project by others,unless or negotiating conditions. Accardingly. the Architect cannot )' this Architect is adjudged to be in default under this Agrccmcnt, and clues nut Warr tit or represen:that bids or negotiated prices I will not vary' from the Owner's Projcct budget or from any except by agreement in trriling nd with appropriate compcn estimate of Constriction Cost or evaluation prepared or agrccd s;uion ro the Architect. u) by the Architect. 5.2.2 Nu fixed limit of Cousuucliui, Ctist sl'aIt In)rvllos I ur 6e2 u1 torrtreyuirementsiurEfor s nii`cr purposes ill entnec[icim ate a condition of this A>;rcement ht the I'unii,hing,{ p F escthlishniellI of a Projcct I)`I'Ig t nlCd by LICIT nies hereto.if tiutniof(he EArchitect's[r served r'Igha.v public-Ilion in Jcruga• been agreed upon in writing. K C the Architect shat he such a fixed limit has been permitted to Include c°ntingcnCies for ticsign, bhlding :uitl price C5C1I:1(lan,to(IC(Crlmitie\What"imaterias,eyuipmetiE,tom• ARTICLE 7 punCnt systems and types of construction:ire to be inclutletl in Elie Contract Documents, to make reasonable adjustments iii ARBITRATION [he scope of the Project :old to inclucle in the Contract Duet• nie scope alternate bids to ada t the Construction Cu5E to the fixed limit. fixed limits,if any,shad1 he incrcasrcl in•ehr amount of an parties to this Agreement arising out of or relating to Ellis A eC increase in the Contra Sum occurring after execution of the nicnt or breach thereof shall be subject to and decide )'arbi Contract far Construction. • Arbitm- trntion in accordance with the Construction Ind lion Titles of the Anicriean Arhitniion Assockit n eurrcnty in 5.2.3 If the Bidding Or NeVIIat'on Phauc has lint commeneec► cll(ct unless the •meri nuuuall} a rec ooh isc. within )l) drys after the Architect suhinits flit Construction P g Documents to the Owner,any Project nutlgCt or fixed limit of Construction Cost shall be adjusted to reflect changes in the 7.2 Demand for arbitration shall be cd in writing with [his other part} to this Agreement an with the American Arbitri. general level of prices in the construction in(luslry between the lion r p:i elation.A demand gree n .rbitr*it shall be made within date of submission of the Canstrueciolt l)ueul»ems to the a rctsonabl( time after th claim, dispute or other matter ill Owner and the (l;uc un which proposals are sought. xo 5.2.4 if a fixed limit of ConLrexCierdCllh)`theilucb°na �cCmctdchtfterrtthc In c when Eln shall the delliand t'tution o!legal or cysuie�iblc pruce vklcd In SubpartKrtph 7•-••i) We bid or negotiated proposal, (his Owner shall question iwst bas e b-arrediby Elie ipplicable st nits of U'll u )IL1 .1 live written approval of ai incre;uc in such fixc(I limit; 7.3 No .rbitneion arising out of or relating to this Agreement .2 authorize rrhidtlin}; or renCgotia[ing of the Prujcct sh• ncludr,by Consolidation,joinder or In any oiler manner. ,within :t r(isonahlc first; AIA DOCUMENT 8141 U\\'NF:II•.\Itt:lll'I'ttt:l' • FC)UHl'I:F.E•n'II EDITION AIA" •719H7 6141-1987 6 TI IE A.%IF.Itl(:AN INSI'11'tJl•F.OF AIECI Ill'F.CTS,1735 NEW YORK AVENUE:,N.w..WASHI.VGTUN.U.C.2U()U6 WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and Is subject to legal prosecution. .2 !Iris Agreement signed by the O%%ncr, :\rchitcct,an other Addi(ioml Scrvica czrncd to due unction person or entity sought to be joined. Cons: o arbitration DCC(If5 ClUflll(� (hC DCSIgIt D tent Ph se; or involving an adclitional person or enti ta11 not Cortsliatte .3 Fivc percent u ot.tl compensation for Music and consent to arbitration orally clait spate or other matter ill A.ddi ' eryices c-u•ncd to c13(c if termination questioli not describer!it ntten consent or with a person I;!;;&-C. or entity not tamer! cribed therein.'Pile foregoing agree- nlent to 3rbitrat• c other agreetlems; to arbitr w with am additiowd on or entity dlly consented to by the parties o ARTICLE 9 this if shal be spccilic'all•cnforceatble in accurd:ulcc • MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.4 Pile awnrd rendered by the arbitrator Or arbitrators shall he 9.1 this :\grcenlcnt shall be got !toad,and judgment art}'be cntirctl upon it in accnrdalu:e with enictl by the: I'M'_uf till . applicable Lt%v in any court hating jurisdiction thereof. S/�T - ��' 1 ��� 0 /S 9.2 Terms in this Agrcenicnt shall have the same mllaning.is those in AI:\ Document A201, General Cundidons of the Cut'- ARTICLE 8 tract for Cons(rlictiun,current as of ili cl:ttc of tllis Agreemcm. TERMINATION, SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT 9.3 Causes of action bc(nccn rile p:uties to this :\grrcnlcnt pertaining, (o acts or lailums (o act sh:ill he deemed to have 8.1 This Agreement nett' he erntinaed by richer p:uty u{oii accrued and (hi applical)e $routes of liuti(a(ions $hall c'(11 not less than Se%cn days' %writtcm notice should the other lrtrtr nicticc to run not later than either the date of Subimndal Conn Tail substantially to perform in accurdancc with the terms of this pledun for acts or fitiltires it)act occurring prior to Suhsrindut \gretment through nu fault of the pater}'initrtting the tcmiina(iol'' Completion, or the ckuc of issu:uee of the !coat! Ccrtitic:uc fur 8.2 If the Proicct is Suspended by the Owner for more than 30 Paynicnt for acts or failures to act uccurring alter Subsrul(ia1 collseculive days, the Architect :hall be compens:ted for Scr• Completion. viers perforated prior to notice of such suspension. Wilvil the 9.4 The O%yncr and :\rchi(cct waivc -Al rights :iK:tins( each I'rojc•ct is resumed, the Architec('s conipensatkill shall he cqui- ocher and against the curimictors, consultants, agents and tably adjusted to provide for cspcnses incurred in the intcrrup- employees of the other for d:unages,but only it)the extent cov- tion anti resumption or the Architects services. creel by property insurmcc during construction, exccp( such 8.3 This Agreement Wray be terminated by the Owner u{x)n rights acs they nlat have to(lie proc'ecds orsuch insumtice as sc( nut Icss th:ui seven days' written notice to the Architect in the forth In the edition of AIA Document:\1111,General Conditions cvcnt that title Project is permanently.,bandonc(l. If the Project of the Contract li,r Construction, current m of(he ckte of this is ahandoned by the Owner for more Ell-all)U collseclttiye days, Agreement.'Chi O%%ncr and Architect each shall rryuire$imil:ir the Architect nlay terminate this agreement by giving %wrincil waivers from their iontnictors, consultants anti:!gents. notice. 9.5 The Owncr and Architect, rc•spictiw:ly, hind thcn)sclt•rs. 8.4 1':tilurc o(the Owner it)make p:I%'Ill:ills to the:%rchitcc,In their partners, successors, :assigns :tut Icga repmicnt-.uivcs to aeeonLulce%t•ith this Agrccmcnl Altill be considered subsruui:tl the other party (o this Agrccmcnl ant[ to the partners,surer$- nonperformance and cause for termination. sons, :coigns and Icgal represenl.tivcs of such other party with respect to all co%•enan(s of this Agrccmcm. \either o%wncr nor 6.5 If the Owner fails to make pawnlent %%•hell clue the .\rclii• Architect shall :ssivn this Agreement without the written con• tech for services and expenses, the architect may, upon seven sent of the other. !lays'written notice to the Owner,suspend perlornlance of scr- wiccs under this agreement. l'nlcss payment in full is rccciwid 9.6 This \grcinlcn( represents the entire and integrate.1 agree hw the Architect%within seven days of etc duce of the notice,the rent bet%yccn the Owner and Architect :old superscces al stc�pcttsion shall lake elfcct without further notice.In rile ct'ent prior negotiations, r:presenfaiuns or agreements, either writ- shall :t$tl$pcllsiott orscryices, the Art:hi(&t$11:111 11:1\1:no liahility tin or oral. This Agrecnent may Ile:uncured only by%%ritten to the Owner lie dclav or'Inmage caused rile U%t'ner because instrument signer! by holh Owncr and architect. of.such stl$Iwilsiun of scrwicvs• 9.7 Not ting cot tainc'tt in(his Agrcc•mc•nt shall crt-itc a cont-tc- 0.6 In the event of lennination not the fault ill(he mchitcm teal rclatioliship with or a c:ltuc of action in f.ivor ill''.I third the:\rc'hitcct shall he comprnsatcd f0c.services performed prior party against cithcr title U%wn:r ur Artltit:it. 1u Irnnin:u inn,together with Rcinthursahle l)spenscs then tltic 9.13 l'nless tit :r%wisc )royided in this Agnximi it,tie architect and all Termination E.xpcnsis as refuted in Vurigraph 8.7' ;%ltd Architect's ionsulrutts shall h:1\: nu respttnsiI I(y li)r the clisco%cry, pnsrnic.h:u it.lling, rcnu)wal or di$po$al of or ispo !!:rate:old :\dditiuna Sen'ices.and include expenses% tare s arc of persons to bar-t'dous materials in:tit%•format t11c I'ivicct tlireilly altrihula)le u)tcrtninalion.1'ernhimatio pen$:$shall' site, ulc•ludirlg but not limited to :0)tpl ,s, :cdnsa,s pan i%:Q<. he con)pulerl as a perccnrtgc of the conipens:ujon fiir poll'ihlorinawd hip11cnyl(PCB)or other toxic suhsrulcc-. Trade Sveyiccs and Additional Scry'• . c-.irncd to the little ul'tcr- n)ina[on, :IS fallow!:' 9.9 The Architect $hull h:tvv the right to include re•prmota- (ions of the design of the l roicct,including photognipll$of the .1 T%ycnty recant of the oral conhpinsaliun for IkLsic exterior -mid interior. :nnong the Arc•hitcct's promotional ;tld a t1ditiona Ser%iccs t-retied n) datc if tinnination plul'c,sional matcriAs. 'I'le :\rehire<'t's ntatcriaL: :h:dl tit t occurs heli)re or during the prcelcsiglt,$ice:ulal%sis,or include the O%wncr's contidvii(iA or proprietary intonnaion if the Owner has previously adviscd the Architect ill %%'ruin`of AIA DOCUMENT 0141 •OWNEH ARCI(ITELT AGREDIF_ST• F0CItl'EE;4TFI EDITION •mAl • 'DI`S7 7 6141-1987 'rnl••.0lrat1CAS lvsveer•TE OF AKCtuTEL71;,1735 SEW YORn•t1'ENUE,N.w..WASHINGTON.U.C.:txxt- WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and Is subject to legal pmsecullon. the specific information considered by the Owner to be confn• 10.3 PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF BASIC SERVICES dential or proprietary. The Owner shall provide professional credit for the Architect an the construction sign and in the pro- t. nlocional materials for the Project. 10.3.2 Subsequent p:n merits for Basic Services shall be matte nionthly and, wliere applic-able, shall be in proportion to sir• vices performed within ench ph:ue of service.on the b:lais set ARTICLE 10 forth in Suhpacigmph.11.2.2. PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHITECT 10.3.3 If anti cu the extent that the time initiall% establislied in Suhpartgnph 11.5.1 of this Agreement is exceeded or cxtcnticel 10.1 DIRECT PERSONNEL EXPENSE through no fault of the .architect, compensation for any scr- 10.1.1 Direct Personnel Expense Ls defined -is the direct vices rendered during; the additionall Period of time shall be sslaries of the Archi(ect's personnel enWaged uti the Project and eotliputcd in the manner set forth in Subparagraph 11.3-1. the portion of the cost of their mandatory and etlseomar)•con• 10.3.4 %X'hcn compensation N based on a perccncage of Con- tributions and benefits refaced thereto, such :is cmployntcill strttctiun Cost and :in)- purtions of the Project are deleted or r.1xLS and other smcutory employee benefits, insurance, sick otherwise not constructed,compensation for those Portiolti of Ir ve, holidays, :itatiuns, pension, and similar contril-6 "ts late Project shall he payable a, the extent serviecs are per- .1111.1 benefits. fornied on chose portions, in accord:once411 the schedule set forth in Subiximignph 1 t??,basetl on(1)the lowtst bona title 10.2 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES hid or negotiated proposal, ur(_>)if nu such bid ur proposal is reecived,the most recent preliminary estimate of Cutstruccion 10.2.1 Reiniburs:tble Expenses are in addition to cumpelisa• Cost or derailed estimate of Construction Cost for such por- tion f is U:sic and Additional Services and include expo axes tiolis of the Project. incurred by the Architect and Architect's entPluyccs anti con- suic.ims in the interest of the Project,'Z identified in the 1.1.1110-- 10.4 SERVICES ON ACCOUNT OF ADDITIONAL ing; CL•ttnses. Expense of transportation in coiuiection with the 10.4.1 Pac•ntents on account of the Architect's Additional Project, expenses in connection tvich authorizes! out-or-co«•n Services and for Reimbursable Expenses shall be made monthly travel: lung;tlL,t:uice conununirltions; 311d fcL•s paid fur secur• upon prLsent-.tion of the Architect'S Statenicnt of services ren•' ing;approval of authorities h:n ing jurisdiction over the Project. tiered or expenses incurred. Expense of reproductions, postage and handling of 10.5 PAYMENTS WITHHELD Dr,wings, Specifications and other documents. 10.5.1 Ku tictluctions shall be matte from the Architect's con• If authorized in ath;uiec by Elie O%ener, expense of penssation on account of pen:dty, liquidated damages of other w-crtiliic tvork requiring higher than regukir rates. sums n•itttheld from payments to cuntrtctors.or on account of Exlxtse of renderings,nu><Icis wid mock-ups requested the cost of changes in the'Xork other than thuse fur which the Architect h:u been fount) to be liable. b)• the Owner. Cxpense of additional insurance corem.ge or limits, 10.6 ARCHITECT'S ACCOUNTING RECORDS including professional IlahiliEy insurance, requested by the 10.6.1 RceortLti of Reimbursabe Expenses and expenses per• O��ncr in excess of that normally curried by the Architect asst raining to Addicional Services and services performed on the Arcliitecc's consultants• b..LSis of a multiple of Direct Pcrsomiel Expense shall be avuil- lixpense of cuniputer:citletl ticsigni and drafting able co the Owner or the owner's authorized represcncuice at equipment time When Used in connection with the Project. nutually cumenicnt (icocs. ARTICLE 11 BASIS OF COMPENSATION 1'he Owner shall compensate the Architect X' 11.1 AN INITIAL PAYMENT of N/A Dollar(S ) shall he netde upon execution of this Agreenacnt and credited to the Chcncr'S account at tin:d payment. 11.2 BASIC COMPENSATION 11.2.1 FOR BASIC SERVICC.S,.is described in Article 2,and:uiy other services included in Article 12:u p:1rt of Basic Services, B:Lsic Compensation shall be computed:u follows: (hrst•rr!>,rs/s of nose/+a•nsafiun. ilrifudi10,'q sri/mIrebel;11110.1. 11110/rild s of/w•rrrntrrlt s, run!ir/c10rrh-/rbrrxc•i fn rr/sib pardi a/ur ua•rlww/.c r,/oastf4wfu liter rgJ,(l,, • m�t•rrnrt•.J A fixed fee of as outlined in Article 11.2.2 AIA DOCUMENT 8141 • OWNLIK.AKC111TELT AGREEMrST• FOURTEF.NT11 EDITION •AIA* • OI9147 8141-1987 8 1'I IF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AltE:111TL i's.17.15 NEW YUNK AVENUE.N.W..WASHINGTON,D.C.2(A" WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates V.S.copyright laws and Is subject to legal prosecution. 11.2.2 Whcre compensation is based on a stipulated sum or percentage of Construction Cost, proaress payinents for Basic Scrviccs in each phase shall total the following percentages Of the total E3asie Compensation payable: !/nttrf rrddlf/orrul pbuses as npprulrrinte.J Sclicntadc Design Phase: ten perccnt(10°s) 636 Dcsiglt Development Pltasc: (including field work) thirty perccttt(30%.) 1910 fifty pCrccnt(50';6) 3183 Construction Doaunents Phase: 636 Bidding or Ncgo(iation Phase: ten percent(10%) (: (un perccnt %) stntctlon PI1•uc: _ _. _ •- •festal B:sie Compensation: one hundred percent(100%) $6365 11.3 COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES 11.3.1 FOR PROJECT' REiIRFSF.NTA•PiON t1GYOND 13ASiC SERVICE-5,x;cleserihcd in Panigrtph 3.2,compensation shall be cons- puted :u follows: $65.00 per hour 11.3.2 FOR ADDITIONAL SL•'R1'ICrS OF Ti H: :1l:CI Il'I'FC'I',a;described in Ardrlcs 3 :tilt[ 13,attune(that(1)Addidonal Itroiccc Ituprc:cnettion, as described in I'arngrlph .i.3, and(-')srrt'irrs included ht Article l3 ns part of Basic Services, but excluding services of consult:ti (S. compensation sh:Qi he ctmlputed :Li fullotrS: finger!hu.:is uj ranr/n•niufirur,ion frrrli,r,rules nnrLbr urnffiplrx q oinit 1'e,...oln•I Ntpen;e jru•1•rinciluds u„d rwphwivs•.(tore/idcufifl•1'ri,rcipnls uud dnii+(,r a•nr/,lr,ltnt. if rt•rprinvd. /drnri/r q-,vific:t veil to rn rr•biill p(u•tirnlur nplrl,: ij mt,:ccnritl Additional services to be performed by ARCHITECT shall not be performed without prior written approval by OWNER under such terms and conditions as may be agreed by the parties hereto. 11.3.3 FOR ADDITiONAL SERVICES OF CONSULTANTS, inHuding additional structural, mcchanic:d :uid elcarirtl cnginccritig services and those provided under Subparagraph 3••1.19 or idcltlirted in Article 12 as p:trt of Additional Services, a 111111 ipic of ( ) times the :tmuttnts billed to the Architect for such services. (1tMnlik specific hpes of t'turtu«untt in:Irfi4-la•.14 ,j,ttprLrd.J 11.4 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 11.4.1 FOR RElJIDURS:IOLL EXPENSES,a,th�cribcd in I'artgraph (().?,and any other items included in:\rticle 12:u Kcimbursabh Expenses,a multiple of ( }times the expenses incurred by the:Architect,the Architect's cntpio)-ces and consultants in the interest of the VrOict:l. 11.5 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 11.5.1 IF THE BASIC SERVICES covered by this Agreement have not been completed ithin twelve ( 12 )months of the d:ue hereof,through no Ludt 01'the.Ar:hilcct,extension of tilt Architect's scn'ices beyond chat time sh:dl be compensated as provided ill Sltbpar:i`pplls 10.3.3 and 11.3-1. 11.5.2 Payments are due and payable thirty ( 30 ) days from the dL•atc of the Architect's im'oice. :\mounts unp:dd thirty ( 30 )days after the im'oiee d to shall bear interest it the rant entered below,or •In the absence thereof at the legal rate prevailing from time to tittle it the princip:d puce of business of the Architect. (Invert rate nj(rnerts1 agrt•rr/ul,rnt.) (1:arty lun•s and requirt•wt•nft under av Foler•tel T roll)in Lrrulhlr .ii t.similar i«ut•unri traced conswncr rn-dif tOrr•s and Wbvr n ilrrliaas«t flit,l hron•r's sad art hi• M'r's principrd/,hens uj GrrsLrt71,fun•!tw'tuiu,t uj fury l htoj,i f curd tdseu Is-n•n:;n•:r/jai t 11t•nrlirtih•r j this lint-siun.Slot�•ijic ft,�(d rrrb•icv;Lurdrl lx•tdduintrl u•irb rtf/n1 r to dtrrrio«t of rntotrjk«riu,r:,unJ rrltu n,ortling rvilrrin•nrtrrrs guile,u+trittt'rr dist7niun7 or u'rrirt rs.) AIA DOCUMENT 8141 - OWNER-ARCHITECT AGREEMENT• FOCKTEENT11 EDITION - AIA' • (01787 9 8141-1907 'I'llF AMERICAN INSTITCTE OF ARCHITECTS.1735 NEW 1'0RK AVFNl'E,\W..AASl1lSGT0N,O.C.'-txx)0 WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. 11.5.3 The nines and multiples set forth for Additional Services shall be annually adiustcct in accordance with normal salary review pract►ccs of the Architect. ARTICLE CLE 12 OTHER CONDITIONS OR SERVICES (Insert eleseriptium of utLkr strr•ices.Idt-tttib rlddiliumd 5en•icrf included within atuic Cunt1wria1tirui and ntutlificatiuru to It',iwrmertt and comperuation terms included hr this A'grrtan•rtt.) This agreement may be terminated in the sole discretion of OWNER after the schematic phase or design phase as provided herein has been completed-upon seven days written notice. ARTICLE 13 THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SEVERABLE. IN THE EVENT ANY OF THE TERMS OR PROVISIONS OFItCASONAGREEMENT EMAINDI'It OF THIS VOID OR REMAIN SE UNENFORCEABLE FOR ANY IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. ARTICLE 14 THIS AGREEMENT SMALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO AS CREATE A PANTTHES IP, JOINT VENTURE, EMPLOYMENT OR OTHLR AGENCY RE HERETO, EXCEPT TO THE UTENT SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED FOR LIEREIN. This Agreement entered into as of the cilly and year first written above. ARCHITECT O ER (� ,n nut) (Sig,rcrnrre� `so5/c cy A , PAi�r� e� c i`Y' ` G Greg Berea (Prided neune and title) (Print d 1141111e 411141 tile) i ► CAUTION: You should sign an original i ot be obscured as may which has when documents printed ~ nls are reproduced An original assures that changes AIA DOCUMENT 8141 • OWNLIt•ARCIIITL'CT AGREEDIEA'P• FOURTEENTII EDITION •AIA' • m19A7 B141-1987 10 THE A�IF.RICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AvFNUF.,NAV.,WASIII, N.D.0 ?WOG WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and Is subject to legal prosecution. Agenda Item No. City of Elgin December 10, 1998 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Joyce A. Parker, City Manager SUBJECT: Architectural Services for a Facade Improvement Project - 168-172 East Chicago Street PURPOSE The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the Mayor and members of the City Council with information to consider an agreement for architectural services for a Facade Improvement Program project at 168-172 East Chicago Street (Central Barber Shop) . BACKGROUND Upon receipt of an application for Facade Improvement Program participation for the property at 168-172 East Chicago Street, a Request for Proposal was sent to firms to provide architec- tural services . Under the Facade Improvement Program, archi- tectural services are paid by the City. Services include design, preparation of construction documents, assistance with bidding and construction oversight . The architect will work with staff and the property owner to develop the building design. The scope of work will include exterior masonry cleaning and tuckpointing, cornice repairs, storefront restoration and window reopening. Further services provided will be contingent upon City Council approval of the project and a Facade Improvement Program Agreement being executed. Two firms responded to the Request for Proposal . A tabulation sheet of bids is attached. The firm demonstrating the desired expertise and submitting the lowest fee for services was Greg Berna, Berna Architect, Elgin, IL. A copy of the proposal submitted is provided. The architect is acquainted with the City' s Facade Improvement Program, having been the architect for several projects . COMMUNITY GROUPS/INTERESTED PERSONS CONTACTED None . Facade Improvement Project - 168-172 East Chicago Street December 10 , 1998 Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPACT The fixed fee for providing the architectural services associ- ated with a facade project at 168-172 East Chicago Street is $6 , 365 . Sufficient funds for this expenditure are available in account number 350-0000-795 . 78-99, Downtown Redevelopment Fund, Rehab Grants . *4�_EGAL IMPACT None . ALTERNATIVES 1) Approve the proposal by Berna Architect to provide architectural services for a facade improvement project at 168-172 East Chicago Street . 2) Reject the proposal by Berna Architect to provide archi- tectural services for a facade improvement project at 168-172 East Chicago Street . RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the proposal by Berna Architect for architectural services be approved in an amount of $6, 365 . Res ectfully submitted, Jo ce A. Parker City Manager amp Attachment TABLULATION OF BIDS CITY OF ELGIN Greg Berna Architect Perry Consulting 221 DuPage St 1061 E Main Street Invitation No: RFP#98-104 Elgin, IL 60120 Suite 300 Date of Opening: 10/23/98 East Dundee, IL 60118 Department: Business Services Item # Description AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT 1 Architectural Services $6,365.00 $8,000.00 for 168-172 E Chicago St Elgin, IL On-Site construction visits 65/hour Included TOTAL $6,365.00 $8,000.00