HomeMy WebLinkAbout97-74 Resolution No. 97-74
WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the formation of the
Channing YMCA Community Development Block Grant Task Force to
oversee facility repairs at the Channing YMCA and foster
cooperative relationships between the YMCA, City Parks and
Recreation Department, Boys and Girls Club and Salvation Army;
WHEREAS, the Channing YMCA Community Development Block
grant Task Force submitted its final report dated February 5,
1997 .
CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that it hereby accepts the final
report of the Channing YMCA Community Development Block Grant
Task Force dated February 5, 1997 .
s/ Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly, Mayor
Presented: March 12, 1997
Adopted: March 12, 1997
Omnibus Vote: Yeas 7 Nays 0
s/ Dolonna Mecum
Dolonna Mecum, City Clerk .
Agenda Item No.
City of Elgin
February 20, 1997
TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: Robert O. Malm, Interim City Manager
SUBJECT: Channing YMCA CDBG Task Force Report
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the Mayor and
members of the City Council with information regarding the
Channing YMCA CDBG Task Force Final Report.
In March of 1996, the Mayor and City Council approved $300, 000
of CDBG funding for the Channing YMCA. The funds were de-
r. signed for heating and air conditioning repairs, boiler
replacement, and asbestos removal . Moreover, $44,000 of
riverboat proceeds was appropriated for the remodeling of the
building lobby. The Channing YMCA Board contributed $44 , 000
towards the men' s fitness center improvements including a new
whirlpool and deck, carpeting, and painting.
A Task Force was appointed to oversee the facility repairs and
help foster cooperative relationships between the YMCA, City
Parks and Recreation Department, Boys and Girls Club and
Salvation Army. The Task Force established a subcommittee of
representatives from the participating agencies to implement a
cooperative partnership.
The subcommittee met monthly from April through December to
coordinate programs, schedule facility use, discuss project
updates and other facility issues . The subcommittee presented
its annual report to the Task Force on February 5 . The Task
Force requested the annual report be distributed to the Mayor
and members of the City Council .
The attached information packet includes the subcommittee' s
annual report and the original Task Force proposal .
'` Channing YMCA CDBG Task Force.
Channing YMCA CDBG Task Force Report
February 20, 1997
Page 2
The attached information from the Channing YMCA CDBG Task
Force is presented for City Council consideration.
Respectfully submitted,
Monica Bates
& Recreation Director
Rob O. Malm
Int rim City Manager
A. Task Force Member List
B. Subcommittee Annual Report
C. CDBG Proposal
D. CDBG Grant Program Guidelines
E. Committee Monthly Meeting Minutes
YMCA Task Force Member List:
Terry Gavin, Co-Chair
Bob Gilliam, Co-Chair
Mike Bailey Rev. David Peck
Carol Elias Steven Rauschenberger
Louise Steinway John Regan
Monica Bates Bob Schrieber
Maria Cumpata Robert Schumacher
Wayne Carlstedt John Shales
Pat Nelson Stuart Wasilowski
Joel Perez William Weir
Larry Sowell Len Winner
Jim Allen Herman Born
Harry Blizzard Helen Hoffer
Catherine Bork William Lovell
Sam Boytor Ina Dews
Donna Burnidge Luis Cabrera
Jeff Burns Ken Moran
Joe Butler Guy Eisenhuth
Charles Cassell Rev. James Marks
Elizabeth Clarke Judge Wiley Edmonson
Sarah Clements Peggy Kirby
David DeLaFuente Gail Patzygnat
Brian Frank Steve O'Mara
Curt Frank Barrett O'Connor
Ralph Hardy Larry Narum
Bud Heimberg Scott McGrath
Elizabeth Hoeft Bill Lauderdale
Doug Jones Clarence LaBar
Al Kirkland, Jr. Vicki Kirkland
Monica Bates, Director/Elgin Parks and Recreation
Wayne Carlstedt, Program Supv. /Elgin Parks and Recreation
Maria Cumpata, Recreation Supt. /Elgin Parks and Recreation
Tom Lee, Program Supv. /Channing YMCA
Marita Manning, Assistant Executive Director/YWCA
Pat Nelson, Executive Director/Channing YMCA
Joel Perez, Gang Interv. Supv. /Elgin Parks and Recreation
Larry Sowell, Executive Director/Elgin Boys and Girls Club
03/12/96 Task Force meeting
03/28/96 Task Force meeting
04/02/96 Subcommittee meeting (complete Council proposal)
05/15/96 Subcommittee meeting (organizing meeting)
06/05/96 Subcommittee meeting*
07/10/96 Subcommittee meeting*
08/15/96 Subcommittee meeting*
09/12/96 Subcommittee meeting*
11/20/96 Subcommittee meeting*
12/11/96 Subcommittee meeting (annual report coordination)
02/05/97 Task Force meeting (present annual report)
* Meeting minutes attached
Three infrastructure improvement projects were coordinated in
1996 through a combination of City and Channing YMCA funding
a. Mechanical Repairs- $300 , 000 was dedicated from Community
Development Block Grant funds through the City Council in March
and the funding available July 31, 1996 . Four major improvement
components encompass these Phase I repairs : Air handling system
improvements, plumbing repairs, pool repairs and asbestos
abatement for the areas disturbed. Currently, the architect has
presented the construction bid specifications for review by
staff and the YMCA with the anticipated bidding in January,
project award in February, construction start in March and
r°'' project completion in June.
Channing YMCA Task Force Subcommittee Annual Report
page 3 . 47)
* The counter cabinets are a special order item and will not be
available until February. To reduce the amount of time the
lobby will be under construction, the demolition will begin when
the cabinets arrive.
Financial :
Source: City Riverboat Fund
Budget: $44, 000
Encumbered: $33,390
Remaining: $10, 610*
* The YMCA has requested to utilize the remaining funds to
purchase a computer system for the counter that will enable them
to perform data tracking and other functions . It was determined
that this was not the subcommittees authority and that the
current project must first be completed with all accounting
closed out and then the request for the remaining funds at that
point should be taken to the Task Force for approval and
recommendation back to the City Council for approval .
c. Men's Fitness Center Improvements- The YMCA originally
dedicated $44 , 000 toward improvements for the men ' s fitness
center. These improvements included a new whirlpool and deck,
carpeting, and painting. This project was completed in
December, 1996 .
06/96 Whirlpool and carpeting bids out
07/96 Whirlpool and carpeting work began
08/96 Carpeting complete
Painting and lighting bids out
09/96 Painting and lighting complete
12/96 Whirlpool/Project complete
Financial :
Source: YMCA
Budget: $42,000
Expenditures : $45,500
Remaining: . ($3,500) *
* Additional costs for new decking.
Channing YMCA Task Force Subcommittee Annual Report
page 5 .
d. Surveys- The City' s Parks and Recreation Department
created a two-sided survey card that rated the specific program
being offered as well as the facility. These survey cards were •
used primarily for classes held at the Channing facility through
the Parks and Recreation Department. Out of 78 cards
distributed to program participants, approximately 30 were
returned. The majority of participants rated the cleanliness of
the building and the service satisfactory and the staff
helpful .
The increase in program offerings had a positive effect on the
overall supervision of the facility with the additional staff
throughout the building. The following are additional
highlights :
a. YMCA Staff- See attached report from Pat Nelson.
b. Parks and Recreation Department Staff- The program staff
elm, has not yet established offices at the Channing YMCA. This
space has been made available and will be utilized if the
programming level at the facility deems this necessary.
See attached report from Pat Nelson.
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Post-ft brand tax t(aosmittal memo 7671
-To fri
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M E M O /i 'Fax.R FaX
TO: Monica Bates
FROM: Patrick Nelson
DATE January 17, 1997
RE: Relationship Progress Report
Summary: From the YMCA's perspective the past year has been very good and overall
positive. The YMCA facilities have been used by many participants (youth) who have
enjoyed themselves in a variety of activities. The groups using the Y have been the Boys and
Girls Club of Elgin, City Recreation Department, and a group referred to as Glenn's Angels
(letter enclosed). There have been a few complaints about crowding at certain times of the
day, but overall not significant The collaborative relatic•ri=hip we feel has been very good.
Statements related to specific points are as follows:
A. Data Tracking: We hey:: -rse ached several computer systems that would track
attendance and allow us to match financial information of participants with that
attendance. The pr i.e ,3nge has been 58,000 to S20.0OO depending on the
sophistication. Purchase, which was not in our budget or financial ability last year,
and implementation would have taken several more months only allowing us to have
about 1 to 2 months of statistics. Our commitment this year is to obtain the tracking
system and data for any CDBG funds requested in 1998 process.
a Commuru_Y Relationship In February 1996 we established our YMCA's corporate
goals for the next five years. One of those goals 'working in partnership with city,
businesses, and orbs, service agencies to achieve efficiency in the use of existing and
future community resources"_ This past year has been excellent at laying the
foundation for this goal to be achieved. Our objective this year, as well as last year,
is to continue our relationship with the- city and other service o anizations. Woridng
zogether has shown us all the ireipnrtance of each agency and that the sharing of
resources benefits a ,,a cat runny youth in our commun,.y
C. Supervision: As part of the City/YMCA relationship there were expressed concerns
regarding supervision. From mid March through mid lucre we added two facility
supervisors (one for the game toont and one hi the gym) to work and patrol weekday
evenings. This effectively decreased the problems and the complaints we were
receiving. Also we added an attendant that worked evenings circulating the locker
• rooms. This has been rnainEanted through the present tiine. An extra custodian has
also been hired and works primarily in the. locker rooms keeping them clean and
picked up.
YMCA 006 P01
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FAX 347 3V-2:51)
December 31, 1996
Pat Nelson
YMCA President
Iii N. Charming St.
Elgin, IL 60120
Dear Mr. Nelson,
1 would like to express my sincere appreciation to you and your entire staff for all of
the assistance given in providing facility space and backirle for the --Glenn's Angels"
neighborhood team. When the call for help was put out in the Historic District for facility
space, the YMCA immediately stepped forward and opened it's doors to the group. Your
staff's assistance was exemplary in manipulating the facility schedule in order to meet our
needs. Combined efforts such as these, linking city staff with YMCA support and
neighborhood volunteerism in support of those youth who choose not to be involved in gangs
and drugs is a sound investment in the future of our neighborhood.
Without the YMCA this successful and motivated team would have had no option but
to disband and the more than fifty children who make up the group would nor have been able
to reap the benefits of positive community support. Programs of this nature are not
uncommon, but to find one that can continue to operate with absolutely no budget is a
wonderful attestment to the value we place on youth in the city of Elgin. On behalf of all of
"GIenn's Angels", a sincere thank-you to you and your staff
ic. Glenn TheriauIr r
storic District Resident Officer
fl 11
December 23, 1996
To: Monica Bates, Parks and Recreation Director
From: Maria Cumpata, Recreation & Facilities Superintendent
Subject: Channing YMCA Facility Programming
Recreational program expansion has been made possible at the
Channing YMCA through a cooperative effort by both agencies . It
was originally anticipated that we would be able to move a
number of existing programs that are held at the Lords Park
pavilion or outside rental facilities to the Channing YMCA.
Instead of relocating programs, what we actually did was expand
our offerings by creating new programs .
Attached you will find a list of programs that were offered in
the summer, fall and winter sessions at the Channing facility.
Listed with each program is the age group that was targeted with
the program as well- as the total enrollment of the class or if
the class was cancelled. 47) ,
Also included is a description and evaluation of the current
programming that is being done with the Elgin Future Leaders .
This is a cooperative program that has been run for the past two
years by the Parks and Recreation Department and the YMCA.
Expanded programming of this sort will continue as we begin to
plan our spring session of programs .
Another area that had been previously discussed was office space
available for the Parks and Recreation Department ' s Youth and
Teen Program Supervisor as well as the department' s Gang
Intervention Program Supervisor. Although this space has not
yet been utilized it is available at the Channing facility.
Page 3 .
*Prep Basketball League
9/29-12/22, Sundays
12noon-8 : 00pm
*Fantasy Football
8/25-12/22, Sundays
Time Varies
*Little Quarterbacks
9/13-12/6 , Fridays
10 : 30am-12noon
17 participants
*Little Kickers
1/6-4/4 , Mon, Sat
rft. Preschool
*Little Dribblers
1/8-4/9, Wednesdays
10 :30am-12noon
*Little Slapshots
1/10-4/4, Fridays
11: 15am-12noon
*Prep Basketball League
1/19-3/5, Sundays
12noon-8 : 00pm
*Country Line Dance
1/5-3/5, Tuesdays
7:00-8: OOpm
<c 4•OF Eto
' City of Elgin Memorandum
December 23, 1996
TO: Maria Cumpata, Superintendent of Recreation
FROM: Wayne Carlstedt, Youth and Teen Coordinator
RE: Elgin Future Leaders Progress Report, 1996-1997
PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT- There were 17 members of the Elgin Future Leaders
Club during the 1995-1996 school year. All of the members were the recipients of awards
given by the Excellence in Elgin Committee during the Honoring Elgin's Youth Rally on
July 27, 1996. The members were nominated for these awards for their outstanding work
academically as well as within their community. This year, there are 38 members of the
Future Leaders Club. All of the members were chosen by the principals of their schools.
The principals of each school, K-12, were notified by letter requesting two nominations
from each school to participate in this program. In these letters, a description of the
program was provided and the response of the principals was overwhelming. The Future
Leaders meet every other Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. at the Charming YMCA.
PROGRAM CONTENT- The first meeting of the 1996-1997 Elgin Future Leaders was
held on October 16, 1996. At this meeting, we held elections for the officers of the club
and the City of Elgin Parks and Recreation Board Representatives. Elections were held
for the position of president, vice president, secretary and treasurer as well as for the
Parks and Recreation Board Representatives. The members were provided time to give
speeches on why they wanted to be elected to an officer position. We then had a written
vote for each officer position, and the officers were then elected.
During the bi-monthly meetings, the president performs the duties of presenting a written
agenda which includes an invocation, approval of minutes, old business, new business as
well as a report of the treasury. During the meetings we discuss possible public service
projects that are feasible. On November 27, 1996, we held a food drive which yielded six
complete Thanksgiving dinners for local needy families. December 11, 1996, the Future
Leaders members sang songs and brought Christmas cookies for the enjoyment of
residents of the Bowes Retirement Home. We are currently in the process of planning the
A total of $462 , 190 has been targeted as Priority #1
improvements to the buildings infrastructure including
mechanical, electrical and plumbing. The priority need of these
items is based on their outliving their expected useful life and
therefore, the systems are inefficient and costly to operate and
maintain. Infrastructure Repairs recommended are as follows :
Mechanical/Plumbing Repairs- $243, 600
Itemized breakdown included on pages 94 & 95 of the YMCA
Facility Assessment produced by Burnidge Cassell Associates .
Electrical Repairs- $ 89 , 750
Fire alarm system replacement $85, 000
Additional exit lighting $ 4 , 750
10% Contingency- $ 33, 340
For above mechanical, plumbing and electrical repairs .
Architectural Engineering Fees- $ 36 , 670
For above mechanical, plumbing and electrical repairs with 10%
Asbestos Abatement- $ 58, 830
Itemized breakdown included on pages 99 - 100 of the YMCA
Facility Assessment produced by Burnidge Cassell Associates .
10% contingency included in estimate.
Note: A general breakdown of the above Phase I improvements is
included in the attached 3/19/96 letter from Burnidge Cassell
Associates under "Phase 1 -Estimate" .
Benefit- The benefits to moving forward with the above
infrastructure repairs are: to reduce the operational and
maintenance costs burdening the YMCA budget through maintaining
inadequate boiler and air handling systems; replacing these
systems will essentially give the YMCA mechanical systems a new
life; the new systems will be considerably more efficient to
circulate heating and air conditioning to current areas of the
building that are too far from the boiler and furnace room to be
effectively serviced.
Although these infrastructure repairs are not items that users
of the facility can touch or see, they do effect the comfort
level of the users . Improving the air and water temperature of
the building will improve user satisfaction, reduce user
complaints, and hopefully, have a positive effect on membership
Channing YMCA CDBG Proposal
page 3 .
Channing YMCA have been targeted for a concentrated programming
effort, such as weekdays from 8 : 00 am. - 3 : 00 pm. and weekend
evenings .
Elgin Parks and Recreation Department- Because of the lack of
city-owned recreation facilities, the department rents space at
school district buildings, the YMCA' s, the YWCA, and the Izaak
Walton League. To expand the program offerings at the Channing
YMCA, several options may be considered:
*Relocate Existing Programs- Several of the Parks and
Recreation department's existing programs held in the above
mentioned facilities could be moved to the Channing YMCA. For
Wee Folks or Pre-K are preschool programs currently held at the
Izaak Walton League building during weekday hours that could be
moved to the Channing YMCA. This would save $300/month in
rental costs to the City ($2, 700 annually; 9 month program) .
Toddlers Only, Toddlers Playtime, Bouncing Babies, Kid Rock,
Dancing To Disney and Parent-N-Tot Funtime are all preschool
programs held at the Lords Park Pavilion during weekday hours . 44)
This would not produce any financial savings to the City;
however, this would increase the programming of weekday hours at .
the Channing YMCA and would open-up more programming time at
the Lords Park Pavilion for rentals and more adult and senior
programming by the Recreation Division, thus the possibility of
increased revenue to the City.
*Expanded Senior Programming- A programming area that the
department has not been able to tap into yet is that of seniors,
due to the lack of daytime facilities available. Again, with
the "down time" of the Channing YMCA being during the day, this
is a wonderful opportunity to utilize the facility for a senior
center type atmosphere. (Fitness programs such as water
walking, lap swimming, etc. in the pool; cooking or hobby
classes in a multipurpose room; fitness programs in the gyms and
fitness center; and movies or lecture series could be offered. )
The opportunities are endless with today' s young seniors that
want to stay active and involved.
*Teen Programming- Youth and teens are already visiting the
Channing YMCA and the Parks and Recreation Department cosponsors
the Elgin/YMCA Future Leaders youth & teen group. Several
successful cooperative programs have already been initiated this
year such as a Friday night teen dance. Programs will be
expanded for after school, evenings and weekend activities such
as a supervised, membership Teen Club, that will work with staff
to coordinate activities, events , trips, etc . Also, more
supervised register and drop-in programs will be coordinated.
Channing YMCA CDBG Proposal
page 5 .
Visitor Day Pass- For guests that only visit the building
once or attend registered classes occasionally will receive a
visitor day pass to attend programs . Those registered for a
program will receive pass free of charge. Persons visiting drop
in programs will be charged a daily fee rate of $5, $7 or $10
for student, youth and adult respectively.
Sign In- Upon entering the building, all visitors will sign
in to track the type of use the facility is receiving and on
what days and at what times use is occurring. All drop-in users
will be asked for their name and address to track those users as
well .
Surveys- Questionnaires will be distributed to all program
participants, membership holders , and drop-in users as well as
always being available at the front counter to rate building,
staff and programs .
eft. The increase in programming will have a positive effect on the
supervision with the additional program staff and participants
in the building.
YMCA Staff- Currently, the YMCA staff is not at full
capacity; Pat Nelson, the Elgin Area YMCA Executive Director is
also acting as the Channing YMCA Branch Director; and two
Program Director positions are vacant . In the next month, the
two vacant Program Director positions will be filled. This
staffing will allow the YMCA staff to focus on their programming
and participant supervision efforts as well as work with the
Parks and Recreation Department staff to establish additional
cooperative programs .
Building Attendant- A part time staff person is proposed to
act as a building attendant to serve as an escort for youth and
teens who are not accompanied by an adult to get the their
program area. Also, this person would monitor the hallways,
locker rooms, and program areas . Of course, this person would
not be able to be everywhere in the building at once, but the
added presence would be helpful .
Parks and Recreation Department Staff- As mentioned in the
"Programming" section above, the Parks and Recreation Department
can house two of its Recreation Program Supervisors at the
rm. Channing YMCA (Youth/Teen Supv. and Gang Intervention Supv. ) .
Of Elgin Elgin, IL 60120
(708) 742-3996
Larry Sowell
Executive Director
TUESDAY - 4: 00 P.M. - 6 : 30 P .M. - GYM - 2 . 5 HRS.
WEDNESDAY - 4: 00 P.M. - 6: 30 P.M. - GYM - 2 . 5 HRS.
THURSDAY - 4: 00 P.M. - 6: 30 P.M. - GYM - 2 . 5 HRS.
FRIDAY - 4 : 00 P.M. - 6: 30 P.M. - GYM 2 . 5 HRS.
MONDAY - 11 : 30 A.M. - 1 : 30 P.M. (GYM) 1 : 30 P.M. -3 : 30 p.m ( SWIMMING)- 4 . 0
TUESDAY - 12 : 30 P.M. -2 : 30 P.M. - GYM - 2 .0 HRS.
THURSDAY - 11 : 30 A.M. - 1 : 30 P.M (GYM) 1 : 30 P.M.- 3 : 30 P.M. (SWIMMING)
4. 0 HRS.
" A Positive Place For Kids"
R-25 96 14:51 FRUM:000EAGriItJ 70 89316790
March 25 , 1996
TO: Members of the YMCA Task Force
FROM: Elgin Planning Department
SUBJECT: 1996 Community Development Block Grant Program and
the YMCA
Purpose :
To provide the members of the YMCA with information regarding the
Community Development Block Grant Program, eligibility criteria
for the Channing YMCA and financial constraints based upon the
preceding considerations .
I . Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and General
Eligibility for Funding:
Although a variety of activities and projects may be
undertaken with CDBG funds any activity, except
administration and planning, must meet one of two national
objectives . The two national objectives are:
( 1) Primary benefit to low and moderate income persons ( a
minimum of 70% of the grant must benefit low and
moderate income persons ) .
( 2 ) Elimination of slums and blighting influences ( a
maximum of 30% of the grant may be used under this
national objective) .
A. Primary benefit to low and moderate income persons may be
achieved as follows :
1 . Area Benefit - The service area of the proposed project
has a population of at least 51% low and moderate
income and the benefits of the proposed project are
- —ave-i-ka-blee- 11--tho r-ec idcnts of the s-er-v- e- area_
2 . Limited Clientele - The proposed project benefits are
limited to a clientele of which at least 51% are low
and moderate income . The activity may document benefit
R-25 96 .1:51 FROM:CODEADnIN 7989316759 TO:728 9=1 b144 PAGE:04
corporate limits and that within the corporate limits
members are from many parts of the community. Therefore,
this analysis failed to demonstrate low and moderate income
benefit .
2 . National Park Service Standards were used to determine a
service area for the facility as if it were city operated .
The standard of 15, 000 population per recreational center
was utilized. This second analysis provided documentation
for an area benefit of 55%, if the facility was publicly
owned and the service area publicly defined .
Under CDBG regulations acquisition of real property may be
in whole or in part by purchase, long term lease ( 15 years) ,
donation or otherwise for an eligible public purpose.
Aid in the Prevention of Blight;
1 . The work proposed for funding contained work items that
would eliminate specific conditions detrimental to health
and safety.
Therefore, as a result of the preceding analysis, it became Allit
evident that there were two means to achieve eligibility for the
Channing YMCA proposal under CDBG regulations . The two means
1 . To qualify for the greatest flexibility in the use of funds
and the least administrative complexity ( for CDBG) , the
facility would need to be city owned and operated with a
focus and benefit to the adjacent low and moderate income
neighborhoods; or
2 . To qualify for a the maximum of 30% of the total CDBG grant
allocation the proposed work would be eligible as
elimination of specific conditions detrimental to health and
Therefore, a recommendation for $617 , 000 in CDBG funding resulted
in a recommendation for city ownership.
One additional comment - it would appear that in the future the
Channing YMCA might be able to qualify as having low and moderate
income benefit if record keeping procedures are instituted that
would quantify facility useage and the addresses of the facility
users . This record keeping would extend to youth who "drop in"
as well as regular program participants . Absent improved record
keeping, it would appear that CDBG funds may only be used for Aq)
building -improvements that are related to code deficiencies .
---,,x, ,ngmv w7i4nnOCD . BG/CDBG . 96/AGENDAS . 96
CDBG YMCA Committee
Monthly Meeting Minutes; June 5, 1996
Attendees : Monica Bates, Elgin Parks and Recreation
Maria Prehm, Elgin Parks and Recreation
Pat Nelson, Channing YMCA
Marita Manning, Elgin Boys and Girls Club
Larry Sowell, Elgin Boys and Girls Club
Tom Lee, Channing YMCA
Group reviewed elements of CDBG proposal and discussed:
* Infrastructure/Aesthetic Repairs- Pat Nelson gave an
update on the YMCA fitness center renovations . Work is in
progress and should be completed by the end of the summer at an
estimated cost of $42, 000 . Monica said she would call Burnidge
Cassell Associates to get a price quote and proposal for the
$44, 000 lobby renovation project, since they were the firm that
did the facility assessment. Pat Nelson asked about the
schedule for the CDBG project for mechanical improvements .
Monica said Pat Andrews was in the process of writing the
bidding specifications to hire an architect and funds ( $300, 000)
would not be released until the end of July. Project would not
be underway until fall . Monica said she would get an update
from Pat Andrews on the schedule.
* Programming- Maria provided Pat Nelson with a proposal
of preliminary Parks and Recreation programs for the fall to be
held in the YMCA. Cooperative summer programs are underway.
Larry noted that the Boys and Girls Club would be bringing a
group of kids to the YMCA for 10 hours per week to use the pool
and the gym to begin this week. Pat Nelson noted that the
Salvation Army was offered building time as well but has not yet
responded. Maria and Pat Nelson agreed to meet before the next
committee meeting to finalize programming.
* Miscellaneous- Maria asked if office space would be
available for Parks and Recreation staff who would be working in
the building. Pat Nelson said that the space would be made
available he would also look into providing a desk, chair, etc .
* Data Tracking- Considerable discussion was held on the
data tracking requirements for CDBG funding. Pat Nelson said
his staff was working on a system to acquire information from
daily facility visitors . Maria will be providing a survey card
to be used for program participants . Larry will provide data
regarding his participants, building usage, etc . from Boys and
Girls Club.
* Next meeting scheduled for July 10 at the YMCA.
cc: CDBG YMCA Task Force
CDBG YMCA Committee; July Meeting Minutes 47)
page 2 .
* Office Space- Discussion was held on office space being
provided to a Parks and Recreation program staff person in the
fall . Pat Nelson confirmed that this could be arranged at any
• * Data Tracking- Considerable discussion was held on data
tracking. Maria will create an evaluation card for program
participants and facility visitors . Pat Nelson will prepare a
survey/evaluation form to be used at the front counter at the
YMCA. Pat Nelson will also determine a method to track users of
the facility (i .e. , membership, facility use, user ages, etc. ) .
The Boys and Girls Club will keep their own data tracking for
the youth they are bringing over to the facility. The Parks and
Recreation Department will also keep data on the participants in
any programs held at the YMCA. It was agreed that all of the
systems be put in place as soon as possible to acquire adequate
data for 1996 .
* Next meeting scheduled for August 15 at the YMCA.
cc: CDBG YMCA Task Force
CDBG YMCA Committee; August Meeting Minutes
page 2 .
raised his request to use the YMCA for gym and pool time this
coming fall and winter. He will work with the Maria and Wayne
to provide Pat Nelson with a schedule of request .
* Transportation- Considerable discussion was held
• regarding transportation opportunities for cooperative
programming. The Parks and Recreation Department has one -
fifteen passenger van that is utilized by other city
departments , Jayne Shover Easter Seals, Boys and Girls Club,
Elgin Sharks and Elgin Recreation Center therefore, already
heavily used. Pat Nelson said the YMCA has two buses and he
would be open to looking at cooperative use. He will check with
his insurance company as to possibility and Maria will check
with the City as to contributing vehicle maintenance and City
insurance as well as full time recreation staff to acquire CDL
to drive bus (possibly Joel and Wayne) . Another option was
discussed to approach the United Way as to funding opportunities
for a community bus to be shared by recreation agencies . If
United Way provided purchasing funds the participating agencies
would budget funds for gas and maintenance. Maria will check
with Carol Geiske at the United Way on this program' s
possibilities .
* Data Tracking- Maria handed out copies of the evaluation
card that will be used for all programs held in the YMCA through
the Parks and Recreation Department for summer gymnastics and
upcoming fall programs . The cards will also be placed at the
front counter of the YMCA. Pat Nelson reported that the YMCA is
currently tracking a total head count of daily facility users
however, no system is in place to obtain data on facility use,
user statistics ( i .e. , age, sex, address , income, etc. ) . The
YMCA is investigating different computer systems for data
tracking. Data will be available on the YMCA fitness
memberships but not on daily users until a system is obtained.
* Next meeting scheduled for September 12 at the YMCA.
cc: CDBG YMCA Task Force
Page 2 .
* Data Tracking: This area is still problematic for the
YMCA. Pat Nelson is in the process of meeting with various
companies that specialize in tracking; however, these
systems are very costly and it is not in the YMCA budget.
Pat talked about seeking other sources for funding.
Without additional funding or board approval to purchase
a system such as this, this type of data would not be
*Next meeting scheduled for October 31, 1 : 00 p.m. Channing YMCA.