HomeMy WebLinkAbout95-185 Resolution No. 95-185
ILLINOIS, that Richard B. Helwig, City Manager, be and is
hereby authorized and directed to execute a grant application
to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community
Oriented Policing Services, for funding of additional police
officers under the COPS Universal Hiring Program, a copy of
which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference.
s/ Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly, Mayor
Presented: August 23, 1995
Adopted: August 23, 1995
Vote: Yeas 7 Nays 0
s/ Dolonna Mecum
Dolonna Mecum, City Clerk
imium■mo U.S. Department of Justice
✓,c Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
COPS Universal Hiring Program
Yes,we are interested in participating in the COPS Universal Hiring Program. We
understand that COPS Universal Hiring Program hiring grants provide a maximum federal
contribution of 75% of the salary and benefits of each officer over three years,up to a cap
of 575,000 per officer,with the federal share decreasing from year to year.
Applicant Organization's Legal Name: City of Elgin, Illinois
Executive Information:
Law Enforcement Executive's Name: Chief Charles A. Gruber Title: Chief of Police
Agency Name: Elgin Police Department
Address: 150 Dexter Court
City: Elgin State: IL Zip Code: 60190
Telephone: (708)931-6000 FAX: (708)931-6028
Law Enforcement Agency EIN Number(Assigned by the IRS): 3 6—6 00 5 8 62
Law Enforcement Agency ORI Number(Assigned by FBI for UCR Reporting): 10450600
Government Executive's Name: Richard B. Helwig Title: City Manager
Name of Government Entity: City of Elgin
Address: 150 Dexter Court
City: Elgin State: IL Zip Code: 601 70
Telephone: (708) 931-6100 FAX: (708)931-5610
General Information:
Type of Police Agency:
in Municipal 0 County Police 0 State 0 Sheriff 0 Indian Tribal
❑ Other:
Is your jurisdiction the recipient of a COPS FAST or COPS AHEAD grant?
Page 1
Total number of new officers requested for 1995 : Full-Time 8 Part-Time
Date(s)by which you would like to hire the officer(s): SeptPmhPr, 1 495
Current authorized sworn force strength(as of May 1, 1995): 1 hn
Current actual sworn force strength and funded vacancies(as of May 1, 1995): 116
To assist the COPS Office in planning,how many additional officers would you like to have supported by the
COPS Office in each of the following calendar years:
Full-Tin Part-Time
1996: 8
Are you requesting a waiver of the local match requirement based upon extraordinary local fiscal hardship?
❑ Yes ® No If yes,attach a one page typewritten description of the extraordinary
local fiscal hardship upon which you are basing your request for a
I certify that the information provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the
Assurances and Certifications submitted in connection with the applicant's prior COPS AHEAD or COPS FAST application
remain in force. I understand that prior to any grant award, the applicant must comply with all application and program
requirements of the Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing ct of 1994 and other requirements of federal law.
Law Enforcement Executive's Signature: 1141/ Date: 9/Z,i 4s
(signature of person named on the front of this form)
Government Executive's Signature: l3 . Q Date: 414 tr
(signature of person named on the front of this form)
*Return this form, 2 copies and any additional: •
information postmarked by August 31, 1995 to:
COPS Universal Hiring Program
U. S.Department.of Justice
1100 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530
*Faxed copies will NOT be accepted
Page 2
COPS95 Proposed Budget
1996 X8 1997 X8 1998 X8
Saiary(starting salary w/step increases) $33,883.00 $271,064.00 $36,007.00 $288,056.00 $39,626.00 $317,008.00
Pension 2.5% $847.08 $6,776.60 $900.18 $7,201.40 $990.65 $7,925.20
Training $3,000.00 $24,000.00 $500.00 $4,000.00 $500.00 $4,000.00
Liability Insurance 2.54% $860.63 $6,885.03 $914.58 $7,316.62 $1,006.50 $7,925.20
Medicare 1.5% $508.25 $4,065.96 $540.11 $4,320.84 $594.39 $4,755.12
Police Pension(2.5% $847.08 $6,776.60 $900.18 $7,201.40 $990.65 $7,925.20
Workman's Comp 3.6% $1,219.79 $9,758.30 $1,296.25 $10,370.02 $1,426.54 $11,412.29
Unemployment Ins .50% $169.42 $1,355.32 •$180.04 $1,440.28 $198.13 $1,585.04
Medical Insurance $6,941.64 $55,533.12 $7,149.89 $57,199.11 $7,364.39 $58,915.09
• $41,335.23 $330,681.81 $41,238.32 $329,906.56 $45,332.86 $362,536.05 • •
Plus Equipment $8,355.00 $66,840.00 $0.00 $0.00
. Uniform mainticieaning $500.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 •
Squad(7) $27,200.00 $190,400.00 $0.00 $0.00
Squad use(7) $8,000.00 $56,000.00 $56,000.00 $56,000.00
Total Cost per year $85,390.23 $647,921.81 $389,906.56 $422,536.05 •
Federal share* $248,011.36 • 38.28% $247,429.92 63.46% $254,558.72 60.25% $750,000.00 51.36%
Local share-General Revenue Fund $399,910.45 61.72% $142,476.64 36.54% $167,977.32 39.75% • $710,365.40 48.64%
Total Project cost $1,460,365.40 100.00%
•75%of salaries only,up to$75,000 over three years
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Agenda Item No.
_ P
August 17, 1995
TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: Richard B. Heiwig, City Manager
SUBJECT: Grant Application- Universal Hiring Program
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the Mayor and
members of the City Council with information to consider the
submittal of an application to the United States Department
of Justice for eight additional police officers.
The City of Elgin is currently a Grant Recipient from the
COPS AHEAD Program and has been authorized to hire three
additional officers. The United States Department of Justice _
has now extended applications for the hiring of additional
officers under the Universal Hiring portion of the Crime
No specific guidelines are given for the number of officers
that may be authorized. The new program is funded and oper-
ates identically to the COPS AHEAD Grant currently awarded to
the City. As such, the funding must be over and above any
officers previously authorized and budgeted. The Five Year
Financial Plan currently allows for the hiring of two addi-
tional officers in 1996. We will be strongly recommending a
power shift during the 1996 Budget discussions. The proposed
power shift would consist of ten officers, including the
eight requested in this grant application.
The power shift would be deployed during the evening and
early morning hours, a time when the calls for service are at
their peak. The hiring of ten officers would allow an average
of seven additional officers, seven days per week, during
this time period, likely 7PM through 3AM. These additional
rofficers would be able to reduce the current need for call
stacking and allow closer interaction between the police and
the citizens we serve. The power shift officers would be
targeted (i.e. directed patrol) to work in areas of the City
with gangs and in high stress neighborhoods.
Grant Application - Universal Hiring Program
August 17, 1995
Page 2
This grant allows for funding 75% of the police officers '
salaries. The total grant may not be more than $75,000 per
officer over the three years. This formula results in Feder-
al funding of 75% of the salaries in 1996 ($230,011) , 75% in
1997 ($244,429) and 29.72% in 1998 ($125,558) . The City's
cost for the salaries of the eight officers is figured to be
$76,671, $81,476 and $232,977, respectively, for the three-
year period. In addition to salaries, the City is responsi-
ble for the purchase of squad cars, radios and other items
such as uniforms. These costs are estimated to be $341,240
(1996) , $64,000 (1997) and $64,000 (1998) . The total City
cost for both salaries and equipment during the three-year
grant period is $417,910 (1996) , $145,477 (1997) and $125,559
( 1998) .
r None.
It is recommended that . the City Manager be authorized to
submit this grant application.
Respectfully ubmitted,
Charles A. Gruber
Chief of Police
Richard B. Heiwig
City Manager
. .
U.S.Department of Justice
Air Office of Community Oriented Policing Services(COPS)
Office elks Director
1100 a D.C'20530 August 7, 1995
To all COPS FAST and COPS AHEAD Grant Recipients: •
Under the Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994, the Department of
Justice and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) are pleased to announce the
Universal Hiring Program. The Universal Hiring Program will fund the hiring of new officers devoted
to community policing on the streets and rural routes of this nation. As with all programs funded by
the COPS Office, the Universal Hiring Program is intended to encourage the development of police-
citizen cooperation to control crime, maintain order, and improve the quality of life in America. As
such, this program permits interested law enforcement agencies to supplement their current sworn •
forces through federal grants to defray costs of salary and benefits for up to three years.
As COPS FAST and COPS AHEAD recipients, you have already submitted an application and
community policing plan to the COPS Office. Therefore, unlike other agencies, you need not submit
a new Application Kit for additional officers under the Universal Hiring Program. However,to
participate in this program and give us an indication of the level of additional hiring resources that
your agency needs, you must complete and mail the enclosed Officer Hiring Request to the COPS
Office, postmarked by August 31, 1995. You may have received a full Universal Hiring Program
Application Kit in the Mail. If so, you may disregard it.
A Fact Sheet providing additional information is enclosed. However, please disregard the three
application deadlines. You do not need to complete a Universal Hiring application, and therefore,the
application deadlines do not pertain to you. As COPS FAST and AHEAD grantees, you need only to
-complete and mail the enclosed Officer Hiring Request to the COPS Office, postmarked by August
31, 1995. Based upon the number of responses we receive and in light of available funding, we will
send to you a confirmation of the specific number of sworn officers that we anticipate being able to
Officers hired under the Universal Hiring Program are subject to the same conditions as your -
FAST or AHEAD grant, including the requirement that any hiring under the Universal Hiring Program
be in addition to, and not in lieu of, other hiring by your agency: Under the Universal Hiring Program,
waivers of the non-federal matching requirement may be requested, but will be granted only upon a
showing of extraordinary fiscal hardship.
for more information about the Universal Hiring Program or other grant opportunities available
from the COPS Office, please call the Department of Justice Crime Bill Response Center at 1-800-421-
6770. .
We look forward to continuing our productive partnership in fighting crime in cur country:
rely, Atitvii
seph E. Brann
• •
U.S.Department of Justice
• U.S. Department of Justice •
Fact Sheet
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
Universal Hiring Program
Program Information
but will be granted only upon a showing of extraordinary
The COPS Universal Hiring Program is one of several fiscal hardship.
ow approaches developed by the Department of Justice under
the Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing 0 Up to$120 million in grants will be made under the
Act of 1994 to deploy new officers devoted to community Universal Hiring Program to'state,local and other law
policing on the streets and rural routes of this nation.The enforcement agencies in FY 1995. If requests exceed the
Universal Hiring Program permits interested agencies to funds available,the amount or starting date of grants may
supplement their current sworn forces,or establish a new be adjusted to accommodate demand.
agency,through federal grants for up to three years. All
law enforcement agencies,as well as jurisdictions consid- O COPS grant funds must not be used to replace funds that
ering establishing new law enforcement agencies,are eli- eligible agencies otherwise would have devoted to future
gible to apply for this program. officer hking.In other words,any hiring under the Universal
Hiring Program must be in addition to,and not in lieu of,
Agencies that have received COPS grants through COPS officers that otherwise would have been hired.
AHEAD or COPS FAST need not submit a new application
for additional officers under the Universal Hiring Program. 0 In hiring new officers, agencies may not reduce the
Those grantees will be contacted by the COPS Wee scope of their customary screening and training procedures,
separately to determine their needfor additional resources. and must include community policing principles in their
training curricula.-
Funding Provisions
O There will be three application deadlines for the Universal
O Grants will be made for up to 75 percent of the total Hiring Program:July 31, 1995,for Round 1;October 15,
salary and benefits of each officer over three years,up to . 1995, for Round 2; and March 15, 1996, for Round 3.
a maximum of$75,000 per officer,with the remainder to •Funding for Rounds 2 and 3 are subject to future
be paid by state or local funds. Funding will begin once Congressional appropriations.
the new officers have been hired or on the date of the
award,whichever is later and will be paid over the course *O An award under the COPS Universal Hiring Program
of the grant. will not affect the consideration ofan agency's eligibility for
• a grant under other COPS programs.
O Waivers of the non-federal matching requirement
may be requested under the Universal Hiring Program, 0 Application kits are available by contacting the
Department of Justice Response Center at 1-800-421-6770.
Department of Justice Response Center. 14004214710
• June 7,1505