HomeMy WebLinkAbout89-1219 West Publishing Company Westlaw RESOLUTION
that Larry L. Rice, City Manager, be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute a
subscriber agreement on behalf of the City of Elgin with West Publishing Company for
computer assisted legal research service, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a
part hereof by reference.
George VanDeVoorde, Mayor
Presented: December 19, 1989
Vote: Yeas Nays
Marie Yearman, City Clerk
1.4 ,;;;
Subscriber Agreement
AGREEMENT entered into between CITY OF ELGIN
('Subscriber)and WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY('West')regarding West's computer-assisted legal research service,WESTLAW,as follows:
1.License written notice at least 30 days prior to the first day of a billing cycle,
During the term of this Agreement,subject to the terms and conditions effective as of the first day of such billing cycle; provided, however,
hereof, West grants Subscriber a non-exclusive, non-transferable, that no Schedule A may be adopted for less than a three-month
limited license to access data ('Data'which shall include Downloaded period. West may modify Charges prior to the effective date of this
Data as defined below)contained in the WESTLAW database through Agreement and upon 60 days' prior written notice after the initial one-
Equipment(as defined below)in Subscriber's office(s)at such times as year term hereof. Charges for WESTLAW features introduced after
WESTLAW is generally available and to use Data solely in the regular the effective date of this Agreement shall be determined by West.
course of legal and other research and related work. Such license Charges are exclusive of sales, use and other taxes, which are the
shall include the right to transfer, in the United States, insubstantial responsibility of Subscriber.
portions of Data in machine-readable form ('Downloaded Data') to a
storage device under Subscriber's exclusive control and to store such 7. Billing and Payment
Downloaded Data for up to 30 days solely to internally display such Atter the end of each WESTLAW billing cycle,Subscriber shall be sent
Downloaded Data and to quote such Downloaded Data (appropriately an invoice setting forth all Charges incurred by Subscriber during such
cited and credited) in memoranda, briefs and similar work product billing cycle. Subscriber shall pay the full amount of all such Charges
created by Subscriber. Such license further includes the right to create within 30 days atter receipt of each such invoice. If such payment is
printouts of the Data; provided, however, that such printouts shall not not made, Subscriber may thereafter be charged up to the maximum
be created or provided to third parties for specific consideration nor legal interest on any unpaid balance.
shall such printouts be made available to any third party without first
obtaining said third party's written agreement not to further 8.Copyright Notice
disseminate them. Unless each printout page or other form of retrieved Data contains a
West copyright notice, Subscriber shall insure that the following West
2.Limitation of License copyright notice (including the then-current calendar year) appears
Except as specifically provided herein or as allowed by 17 U.S.C.§107 thereon unless otherwise notified:
(the fair use provision of the Copyright Act of 1976), no part of the COPR.O WEST[YEAR]NO CLAIM TO ORIG. U.S.GOVT.WORKS
Data may be copied, downloaded, stored in a retrieval system,
published, transmitted or otherwise reproduced, transferred, stored, 9.Third Party Services
disseminated or used, in any form or by any means, without West's From time to time,West may notify Subscriber that third party services
prior written permission. ('Services') are available through WESTLAW or the Equipment.
Access to and use of Services may be governed by terms and
3.Rights in the Data conditions which are different than those contained herein. By
Except for the license granted herein, all right, title and interest in the accessing Services, Subscriber agrees to, and shall comply with, all
Data, in all languages, formats and media throughout the world, such terms and conditions.
including all copyrights therein, are and shall continue to be the
exclusive property of West and other contributors ('Contributors') of 10.Responsibility for Certain Matters
Data. Subscriber shall be responsible for all access to and use of
WESTLAW, the Data or Services by Subscriber's personnel and/or by
4.Passwords means of the Equipment and/or Passwords,whether or not Subscriber
West shall issue passwords ('Passwords') which can be used to has knowledge of or authorizes such access and use.
access and use WESTLAW to Subscriber and Subscriber's personnel
who will use WESTLAW hereunder. Subscriber shall complete 11.West Services,Inc.
Schedule J hereto or its equivalent as necessary to notify West of all West Services, Inc. ('WSI') may exercise any rights or perform any
personnel to whom Passwords should be issued and of Passwords obligations hereunder on behalf of West.
that should be revoked. Subject to the terms and conditions hereof,
Subscriber may allow non-Subscriber personnel to use such 12. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability
Passwords; provided, however, that Subscriber shall insure that each WESTLAW AND THE DATA ARE PROVIDED AS IS' WITHOUT
such person first signs the appropriate WESTLAW User Agreement. WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Subscriber's
5. Equipment exclusive remedy and West's,WSI's and/or Contributors'entire liability
hereunder, if any, for any claim(s) for damages made against them,
Equipment ('Equipment') (which must be certified by West as individually or jointly,whether based in contract or negligence, shall be
compatible with WESTLAW) used by Subscriber to access and use limited to the amount of Charges paid by Subscriber relative to the
WESTLAW shall be provided as set forth in the addendum and/or period of occurrence of the events which are the basis of the claim(s);
schedules hereto. Changes in or additions to the Equipment which provided, however, that West, WSI and/or Contributors shall have no
affect the compatibility of the Equipment with WESTLAW may be liability whatsoever to Subscriber for any claims)relating in any way to
made by Subscriber only with West's prior written approval. (i)Subscriber's inability or failure to perform legal or other research or
related work or to perform such legal or other research or work
6.Charges Payable by Subscriber properly or completely, even if assisted by West or WSI, (ii) any
The charges('Charges')payable by Subscriber hereunder shall be as Service, or (iii) any lost profits or other consequential, exemplary,
stated in the Schedule A Price Plan designated in the addendum incidental, indirect or special damages relating in whole or in part to
hereto. Subscriber may elect a different Schedule A by giving West Subscriber's rights hereunder or use of,or inability to use.WESTLAW
or the Data,even if West,WSI and/or Contributors have been advised 16. Force Majeure
of the possibility of such damages. West's performance hereunder is subject to interruption and delay due
to causes beyond its reasonable control such as acts of God, acts of
13.Limitation of Claims any government,war or other hostility,civil disorder,the elements,fire,
Except for daims relating to Charges or improper use of WESTLAW or explosion, power failure, equipment failure, industrial or labor dispute,
the Data, no claim, regardless of form,which in any way arises out of inability to obtain necessary supplies and the like.
this Agreement or the use of, or inability to use, WESTLAW or the
Data may be made, nor action based upon such claim brought, by 17.Notices
either party more than one year after the basis for the claim becomes All notices hereunder shall be given in writing to West at 50 West
known to the party desiring to assert it. Kellogg Boulevard, P.O. Box 64833, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-1803,
Attention:James E. Taylor and to Subscriber at the address set forth
14.Term and Termination below.
This Agreement shall become effective, subject to approval and
execution by West in St. Paul, Minnesota, on the date the Equipment 18.Governing Law
first accesses WESTLAW and shall continue in force until terminated This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of
by either party upon at least 60 days'prior written notice of termination the State of Minnesota.
to the other party;provided, however,that this Agreement may not be
terminated prior to one year after the effective date hereof. 19.General Provisions
Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may terminate this Neither this Agreement nor any part or portion hereof shall be
Agreement immediately upon giving written notice of termination to the assigned, sublicensed or otherwise transferred by Subscriber without
other party if the other party commits a material breach hereof. West's prior written consent. Should any provision of this Agreement
be held to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal by a court, the
15. Effect of Agreement validity and enforceability of the other provisions shall not be affected
This Agreement (which shall include all addenda and schedules thereby. Failure of either party to enforce any provision of this
hereto) embodies the entire understanding between the parties with Agreement shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of such
respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior provision or of the right to enforce such provision. The headings and
understandings and agreements, oral or written, relating thereto. captions contained in this Agreement are inserted for convenience
Except as otherwise provided herein,West may amend the terms and only and shall not constitute a part hereof.
conditions of this Agreement by giving Subscriber at least 60 days'
prior written notice thereof. Any other amendment must be in writing
and signed by both parties.
By Signature
Title The City Manager
Date Date
Firm Name City of Elgin
Address 150 Dexter Court
Elgin, IL 60120-5555
1/31/87(1) 9385/88
WESTLAW® Subscriber Agreement
Addendum - WESTLAW Schedules
This Addendum is part of the WESTLAW Subscriber Agreement
('Subscriber Agreement') between Subscriber and West. All terms
used in this Addendum or the WESTLAW Schedules('Schedules')shall
have the meanings attributed to them in the Subscriber Agreement.
2.WESTLAW Schedules
The Schedules designated below shall be incorporated into and
deemed a part of the Subscriber Agreement:
a.Price Plan (fill in blank)
Schedule A-Plan
b. Equipment/WESTMATETM (check at least one)
_Schedule B1 -Cash Purchase and Security Agreement
Schedule B3-Lease Agreement
Schedule B4-WESTMATETM Software License and
Downloading Amendment
Schedule B5-Information Checklist for Equipment and
C. Miscellaneous Schedules (check as appropriate)
_Schedule C-WESTLAW User Agreement
_Schedule D-WESTLAW Public Terminal User Agreement
Schedule E-ABA Credit Form
_Schedule H-Third Party Services
_Schedule J-WESTLAW Passwords
_Schedule K-Legal Research Services
Schedule L-Educational Institution Options
Subject to approval by West, Subscriber may elect to add, delete or
substitute Schedules by notifying West in writing and entering into the
appropriate WESTLAW Schedule.
1/31/87(1) 9385'88
Amendment to WESTLAW Subscriber Agreement between WEST PUBLISHING
COMPANY ("West") and City of Elgin
("Subscriber") as follows:
1. Effect of Amendment The WESTLAW Subscriber Agreement,
including all schedules thereto, ("Agreement") between West and
Subscriber is amended as specifically set forth herein to incorporate
the terms of the Special Offer, a modification of Schedule A, Plan 1.
As amended, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect
according to its terms and conditions. All terms used in this
Amendment shall have the meaning attributed to them is said Agreement.
2. Special Offer. Under the Special Offer, the following
Schedule A, Plan 1 charges are waived from the effective date of the
Agreement through November 30, 1989, or a minimum of 30 days,
whichever is longer:
A. Monthly Subscription Charge
B. Database Charges
C. Connect Time Charges
D. Communications Charges
E. Three Hour Minimum Usage Requirement
F. Off-line Transmission Charges
G. Training Charges
3. Third Party Services. The charges for Third Party Services
shall be the responsibility of Subscriber.
By By
Title Title City Manager
Date Date
This offer expires November 30, 1989.
Schedule A to WESTLAW® Subscriber Agreement
PLAN 2 - Government Dial-Up Service
1. Monthly Subscription Charge Ii. Special Charges Special database charges shall
Subscriber shall pay a monthly subscription charge of $100 per apply to the databases indicated below:
a. Al!file Databases Each hour of use of the Allfle
2. Monthly Usage Charges Databases as identified in the WESTLAW Directory shall count as
a. Database Charges 1.65 hours of database use
I. Standard Options Except as otherwise provided in b. Current Awareness Databases The charge for
subparagraph (ii) below, Subscriber shall pay monthly database use of Current Awareness Databases as identified in the WESTLAW
charges pursuant to the option selected below. Such monthly Directory shall be$25 per hour.
database charges are available only to government personnel
accessing WESTLAW for government purposes. Access by non- C. Specialty Databases The charge for use of the
government personnel or for non-government purposes is strictly Specialty Databases as identified in the WESTLAW Directory shall be
prohibited. Subscriber may elect a different option or change its $150 per hour.
minimum monthly database commitment under the Block Option by
giving West written notice at least 30 days prior to the first day of a b. Connect Time Charges Subscriber shall pay connect time
billing cycle,effective as of the first day of such billing cycle. charges at the rate of$45 per hour. Connect time charges shall begin
Hourl O lion when Subscriber's password is transmitted and end when Subscriber's
y p telecommunications link is disconnected.
Hours of Cumulative c. Communications Charges Subscriber shall pay
Database Use Hourly Rate Charges communications charges at the rate of$10 per hour for local network
0-3 $75 $ 225 access, $20 per hour for WATS network access and$18 per hour for
4-30 70 2115 access from locations in Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico. The per hour
31-up 65 rates shall be increased$10 per hour for access at a baud rate greater
than 1200 baud. Communications charges shall begin when
Under the Hourly Option, Subscriber's database use may be Subscriber's password is transmitted and end when Subscriber's
aggregated for billing purposes. telecommunications link is disconnected.
Block Option(complete minimum hours) 3. Off-Line Transmission Charges
The charge for off-line transmission, including printing, downloading
Minimum Monthly Database Commitment: hours and use of WESTPRINT, West's print and mail service, shall be $02
per line. In addition,a$15 handling charge per individual user per day
Under the Block Option, each agency must commit to a minimum shall be charged for use of WESTPRINT.
monthly database use of no fewer than 100 hours for which it agrees
to pay a monthly block charge pursuant to the following schedule, 4. Training Charges
regardless of actual use. Use of Current Awareness Databases and Each of Subscriber's personnel who will use WESTLAW must
Specialty Databases shall not be applied against the minimum monthly complete a WESTLAW basic training session. Basic training shall be
database commitment. Agencies are not permitted to aggregate provided to Subscriber at a charge of$70 per trainee with a minimum
database use for billing purposes under the Block Option. Hours used training charge of$280 for the initial session. The maximum training
in excess of the monthly database commitment shall be billed at the charge to be paid by each agency for basic training shall be $2,100.
excess rate set forth in the following schedule: Training charges include written instructional materials and
personalized instruction. For each trainee,Subscriber shall receive up
Minimum Monthly to one hour of free database use which must be used by such trainee
Database Commitment Monthly Excess Hourly within 15 days of such trainee's basic training session. Connect time
(In Hours) Block Charge Rate and communications charges shall also be waived for such database
100 $5,500 $55 00 use
200 10,000 50 00
300 13,500 45.00 Number of Subscriber's Personnel to be Trained
400 16,000 40.00
500 17,500 35.00 5. Modification of Charges and Taxes
750 18,750 25.00 West may modify Charges prior to the effective date of the Subscriber
Over 750 Available Upon Request Agreement and upon 60 days'prior written notice after the initial one-
year term thereof. Charges are exclusive of sales, use and other
taxes,which are the responsibility of Subscriber.
10/1/88 955'-1:88
Amendment to Schedule B3 to WESTLAW Subscriber Agreement between
WEST SERVICES, INC. ("WSI") and City of Elgin
("Subscriber") as follows:
1. Effect of Amendment: Schedule B3 to WESTLAW Subscriber
Agreement all exhibits thereto, ("Agreement") between WSI and
Subscriber is amended as specifically set forth herein to incorporate
the terms of the Special Offer. As amended, the Agreement shall
remain in full force and effect according to its terms and conditions.
All terms used in this Amendment shall have the meaning attributed to
them in said Agreement.
2. Special Offer. Under the Special Offer, WSI shall waive the
Monthly Charges for use of the following equipment during the first
twelve months the Agreement is in effect:
a. One WALT II (West's Automatic Law Terminal II) ; and
b. One WEST-JET Desk Top Printer
The telephone line and other supplies and materials required for
installation and operation of Equipment shall be the responsibility of
By By
Title Title City Manager
Date Date
This offer expires November 30, 1989.
Schedule B3 to WESTLAW® Subscriber Agreement
Lease Agreement and Software License
AGREEMENT entered into between City of Elgin ('Subscriber")
and WEST SERVICES, INC.('WSI')as follows:
Equipment Lease (d) Attachments or alterations to the Equipment may be made
only with WSI's prior written approval. Failure to obtain WSI's prior
written approval shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement.
1. Equipment Lease "Attachments' means any mechanical, electrical or other connection
to the Equipment. 'Alterations' means changes which cause the
Subscriber agrees to lease from WSI equipment('Equipment')as set Equipment to deviate from the manufacturers'mechanical,electrical
forth in Exhibit 1 hereto to access and use WESTLAW. or other specifications,whether or not attachments are made.
2. Delivery and Installation (e) Subscriber shall insure that the Equipment is used only in
The Equipment and connection cables shall be delivered by WSI. accordance with the applicable manufacturers' manuals or
Subscriber shall provide sufficient telecommunications lines with instructions and by competent and qualified personnel trained in the
direct inward dial capabilities and all other supplies and materials use thereof.
required for installation and operation of the Equipment. Subscriber
shall cooperate and assist in the installation of the Equipment. 5. Repair and Maintenance
Subscriber shall be responsible for all use of and any damage to the
Equipment after installation. WSI shall perform all repairs and maintenance necessitated by
normal use of the Equipment or, at its option, may replace the
3.Charges Equipment. Subscriber shall be responsible for all damage to and
During the term of this Agreement, Subscriber shall pay monthly repair or maintenance of the Equipment resulting from misuse,
lease charges for the Equipment in the amount of the 'Monthly abuse,theft or any other cause,normal use excepted.
Charge for Equipment' set forth in Exhibit 1 hereto, commencing
upon the earlier of the date the Equipment accesses WESTLAW or 6. Risk of Loss and Liability
60 days after delivery of the Equipment. WSI may modify the Except as specifically provided in paragraph 5 hereof, Subscriber
Monthly Charge for Equipment prior to the effective date hereof and assumes all risk of loss and liability, whether or not covered by
upon 60 days' prior written notice to Subscriber twelve months insurance,for any damage to or loss of the Equipment or for property
thereafter. In addition, Subscriber shall be responsible for any damage or personal injury arising out of or related to this Agreement
applicable sales,use and other taxes and for transportation charges or the Equipment provided hereunder.
and customs duties incurred in shipping the Equipment outside the
contiguous United States. All billing and collection shall be Limited Use Software License
performed by WSI or West Publishing Company('West')and,except Applicable to Lessees of WALT II Terminals
as otherwise provided herein, shall be governed by the provisions of
the WESTLAW Subscriber Agreement governing charges,billing and Software
As used herein, 'Software' shall mean the computer programs (and
4. Ownership and Use new releases thereof)contained in WALT II terminal cartridge(s).
(a)The Equipment shall remain the sole and exclusive property of 8. License
WSI. Subscriber shall have no rights therein except the right to use
the Equipment as provided herein. WSI may display notice of its WSI hereby grants Subscriber a non-exclusive, non-transferable,
ownership on the Equipment. limited license to use the Software with the WALT II terminal with
(b)Subscriber shall not pledge,lend,create a security interest in, COPY, MODIFY, MERGE, DISPLAY, TRANSMIT, DISTRIBUTE,
sublease, part with possession of or otherwise transfer, in any TRANSFER, OR OTHERWISE USE THE SOFTWARE, IN WHOLE
manner whatsoever, the Equipment or any portion thereof and shall OR IN PART,EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN.
immediately notify WSI of any attachment or other legal proceeding
affecting the Equipment. 9. New Releases
WSI may provide Subscriber with new releases of the Software from
(c) During the term of this Agreement, the Equipment shall be time to time, but is under no obligation whatsoever to do so. Upon
kept in Subscriber's sole possession at the address specified on the receipt of a new release, Subscriber shall immediately cease use of
final page hereof and shall not be removed therefrom without WSI's the prior release. Use of new releases shall be governed by the
prior written approval. WSI may enter Subscriber's premises to terms of this License. Upon receipt of new releases, Subscriber
inspect the Equipment during normal business hours and may agrees to return any prior release to WSI according to WSI's
remove the Equipment if Subscriber is in material breach hereof. instructions therefor or to pay WSI the then-current charge for failing
to do so.
10.Title to the other party; provided, however, that this Agreement may not
Subscriber acknowledges that the copy(ies)of the Software licensed be terminated prior to one year after the effective date.
hereunder shall remain the exclusive property of WSI and that Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may terminate this
Subscriber shall have no right to nor interest in said copy(ies)or the Agreement immediately upon written notice to the other party if the
Software other than as expressly granted herein. Subscriber shall other party commits a material breach hereof. Upon termination,
not remove any identification or notices affixed to said copy(ies), Subscriber shall be responsible for preparing the Equipment and
unless expressly instructed to by WSI. Software for shipment and for properly transporting it to WSI in
accordance with WSI's instructions.
General Provisions 14.Effect of Agreement
This Agreement(which shall include all exhibits hereto)embodies the
11.LIMITED WARRANTY AND UMITATIONS OF LIABILITY entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject
WSI warrants that it shall repair, maintain or replace the Equipment matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior understandings and
as set forth in paragraph 5 hereof and that it shall replace any WALT agreements, oral or written, relating thereto. Except as otherwise
II cartridge which is defective upon return of the defective cartridge to provided herein, any amendment hereof must be in writing and
RISK RELATING TO DUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE All notices hereunder shall be given in writing to WSI at 58 West
SOFTWARE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF Kellogg Boulevard, P.O. Box 64779, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-
ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, 0779, Attention: Andrew T. Piccione, and to Subscriber at the
PURPOSE. In no event shall WSI or West be liable to Subscriber 16.Governing Law
for any claim(s) relating in any way to Subscriber's inability or failure
to perform legal or other research or related work or to perform such This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws
ise State of Minnesota.
legal or other research or work properly or completely or for any lost
profits or other consequential, exemplary, incidental, indirect or
special damages relating in whole or in part to Subscriber's rights 17.General Provisions
hereunder or use of, or inability to use, the Equipment or the Neither this Agreement nor any part or portion hereof shall be
Software,even if WSI or West has been advised of the possibility of assigned,sublicensed or otherwise transferred by Subscriber without
such damages. WSI's prior written consent. Should any provision of this Agreement
be held to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal by a court, the
12. Limitation of Claims validity and enforceability of the other provisions shall not be affected
thereby. Failure of either party to enforce any provision of this
Except for claims relating to charges due hereunder, no claim, Agreement shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of such
regardless of form,which in any way arises out of this Agreement or provision or of the right to enforce such provision. The headings and
the use of,or inability to use,the Equipment or the Software may be captions contained in this Agreement are inserted for convenience
made, nor action based upon such claim brought, by either party only and shall not constitute a part hereof.
more than one year after the basis for the claim becomes known to
the party desiring to assert it.
13.Term and Termination
This Agreement shall become effective upon approval and execution
by WSI in St. Paul, Minnesota, and shall continue in force until
terminated by either party upon at least 60 days' prior written notice
By Firm Name City of Elgin
Date Address 150 Dexter Court
Elgin, IL 60120-5555
Address Of Equipment If Different From Above:
Firm Name
/15:87 9795-8/87
Schedule B3
Exhibit 1- WALT II and Related Equipment Lease
Total Monthly
Equipment Monthly Charges* Quantity Charges
WALT II Terminal 1 Unit $150/each r $ — G
unit(s) 50/each
Baud Rate"
WALT I Terminal 1 Unit $ 125/each
unit(s) 50/each
WEST-JET Desktop Printer 1 Unit $ 55/each � — u —
unit(s) 45/each
WESTLAW Custom Printer" $ 150/each
Monthly Charge for Equipment $ –O
• To determine the per unit charge for Equipment, Subscriber may " The WALT II Terminal can be programmed to access WESTLAW
combine terminals and printers acquired hereunder with eligible at 2400 baud. To determine any additional charges for 2400 baud
equipment of the same type that was acquired from WSI by access, Subscribers should refer to their current WESTLAW
Subscriber(or by each agency it a government subscriber)and is still Subscriber Agreement Schedule A.
being used by Subscriber to access WESTLAW. Eligible terminals
include WALT terminals, and eligible printers include WEST-JET and "'An additional charge of$200.00 will be added to Subscriber's first
Hewlett-Packard 2671A printers. monthly invoice for installation of each WESTLAW Custom Printer.
r-e)s-1 C/trf .' </ moo— O"` ��a0•-
11/15/87 9795-6'87