HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-0623 Kane County Raffle License SA- o6A3
WHEREAS, the City of Elgin, a municipal co 'oration, and the County of
Kane are respectively authorized and empowered t• license the conduct of
raffles pursuant to Public Act 81-1365; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to e-tablish a uniform system
of licensing within the County of Kane and the City of Elgin; and
WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 10 of the Co -titution of Illinois, 1970,
authorizes a municipal corporation to contract with individual associations
and corporations for purposes of implementing it. powers and in accordance
with the authority granted by the Intergovernmen .1 Cooperation Act, Ill.
Rev. Stat. , 1979, Ch. 127, §741 et seq.
ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that Leo Nelson, City Manager, : d Marie Yearman, City
Clerk, be and are hereby respectively authorized and directed to execute
an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with e County of Kane for the
licensing of raffles, a copy of which is attache. hereto and made a part
hereof by reference.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon execution •f the agreement herein
described by all parties, the City Clerk be and 's hereby authorized and
directed to file a certified copy of this resolu•ion with the Recorder of
Deeds of Kane County, Illinois, together with an executed copy of the agree-
s/ Elmer H-nsen Fr:
Elmer Hans=n, Mayor Pro Tem
Presented: June 23, 1982
Adopted: June 2 3, 1982
Vote: Yeas 5 Nays 1
s/ Marie Yearman
Marie Yearman, City Clerk
DAVID L . Count•
°" ° County Government Center
KANE COUNTY CLERK � 719 Batavia Avenue
�r4re•.Il t? Geneva, Illinois 60134
July 22, 1982
Marie Yearman, Clerk
City of Elgin
150 Dexter Ct.
Elgin, IL 60120
Dear Marie:
Enclosed is the signed copy of the Interg• ernmental Coopera-
tion Agreement for raffle licenses betwee the City of Elgin
and the County of Kane.
We have retained a copy of this agreement for our files. If
you have any questions regarding this raffle agreement, please
let me know.
David L. Pierce
Kane County Clerk
• t .
J . G 1982
City of Elgin , hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, and the
County of Kane, hereinafter referred to as the Cou ty, for the consideration
hereinafter set forth hereby agree as follows:
The purpose of this agreement is to enter int. an intergovernmental cooperation
agreement between the Municipality and the County hereby the parties will jointly
establish a system for the licensing of organizati•ns to operate raffles within the
unincorporated area of the County and within the corporate limits of the Municipal-
ity and within the corporate boundaries of any oth,r municipality entering into an
intergovernmental agreement with the County relati g to the operation of raffles.
The Municipality is a municipality existing b and under the laws of the State
of Illinois; the County is a body politic and corp.rate existing by and under the
laws of the State of Illinois; and each is a unit .f local government as defined
by Article VII, Section 1 of the Constitution of t e State of Illinois. This agree-
ment therefore, is entered into by the Municipalit and the County pursuant to and
in accordance with the authority granted them by he Intergovernmental Cooperation
Act, Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 127, Sec. 741 et seq. (1.79) , which implements Article VII,
Section 10 of the Constitution of the State of I1 inois.
In the construction of this agreement, the words , phrases, and definitions con-
tained in the Raffle Ordinance of Kane County (82 35) , hereinafter referred to as
the Raffle Ordinance, shall be observed and applied except when the context clearly
indicates otherwise.
The County agrees that it shall have and exe cise the following responsibilities
and powers:
A. Receive and review applications for lic- ses and issue licenses to conduct
raffles in the Municipality and unincorporated a eas of the County.
B. Enforce Public Act 81-1365, hereinafter referred to as the Act, and the
Raffle Ordinance. Enforcement of the Raffle Ordinance by the County shall not preclude
the Municipality from enforcing its own ordinanc relating to raffles.
,greement No. ,,
/ C. Retain all fees associated with the application for or the issuance
of raffles licenses from the County Clerk.
D. Allow and permit within its jurisdiction the sale, conveyance, issuance,
or transfer of raffle chances for and allow and permit within its jurisdiction the
conduct of all raffles licensed by the County or any municipality participating in
an intergovernmental agreement with the County relating to raffles.
The Municipality agrees that it shall have an exercise the following respon-
sibilities and powers:
A. Allow and permit the sale, conveyance, issuance, or transfer of raffle chances
for and allow and permit the conduct of all raffles licensed by the County or any
municipality participating in an intergovernmental agreement with the County relating
to raffles.
B. Enforce its own ordinance relating to raffles within its jurisdiction.
C. Make applications available at its municipal building and assist organi-
zations in completing applications.
This agreement shall be in full force and effect from the date of execution
hereof until terminated by either party by giving 30 days' written notice of said
termination- to the Municipal Clerk or the County clerk.
This agreement represents the entire and in egrated agreement, subject to the
requirements of the Act and the Raffle Ordinance, between the municipality and the
County and supersedes all prior negotiations and representation, either written or
oral. None of the provisions of this agreement gay be waived, changed, or modified
except by an instrument in writing signed by bo h parties hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Kane, Il inois, by Resolution duly adopted
by the County Board caused this Agreement to be signed by its Chairman and attested
by its Clerk on this 2/ day of :124'65e , l9Z.
• �._ � e,ti -%!�� Phil p Elfstrom, airman
David L. P. erce,Clerk Coun'y Board of Kan County, Illinois
County Bo.rd, Kane County, Illinois G
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the municipality of lity of Elgin
by 4444AAA4* adopted by its legislative "ody, the City Council
, cause this Agreement to b: signed by its 'riding officer, the
City Manager , and attested by its I lerk on this 3) day of kr; [' ` ,
id.cx.-h....t_sL� -e--lett- c t,JC�(__, by:
Marie arman, •City Clerk eo elson, City Manager
May 14, 198'
TO: Mayor and Members of City Council
FROM: Erwin W. Jentsch, Corporation Course
SUBJECT: Intergovernmental Agreement for Lice ing of Raffles
As you are aware, raffles in the absence if a license are violations
of the Criminal Code of the State of Illinois.
State legislation was passed in the last lew years authorizing units
of local government to license raffles in acco dance with the statutory
Kane County has passed a licensing ordina ce and suggested form of
intergovernmental agreement for licensing in e county and participating
Attached are copies of a recent memorand t from the Chairman of the
Kane County Board with copies of the raffle ordinance and the agreements
You may wish to review this subject at a f ture meeting of the Committee
of the Whole.
COUNTY BOARDCoi • 719 So. Batavia Avenue
Geneva, Illinois 60134
Philip B. Elfstrom
-+ul Phone: (312) 232-2400
; y •— >
Chairman s, a5:
April 23, 1982
TO: All Mayors and Village Presidents
RE: Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement or Raffle Licensing
FROM: Philip B. Elfstrom, Chairman, Kane Count Board
The enclosed Raffle Ordinance, adopted by the Ka e County Board in March, was
developed with input from nine Kane County munic palities. It represents a
consensus and establishes the basis for a County wide system of licensing raffles.
The State legislation on raffles is somewhat con using, but it is clear that
raffles are illegal unless operated an ordinance
Without an intergovernmental agreement, tickets o a given raffle may only
be sold in the jurisdiction wherein the license s issued. Under the system as
proposed, tickets for a raffle may be sold in an jurisdiction entering into
the agreement.
In order to make this system work, all participaiing bodies should pass essen-
tially the same ordinance and enter into an intergovernmental agreement with
Kane County. Copies of alternative forms of an . greement are enclosed: •
Agreement 1 - allows the municipality to . dminister its ordinance;
i.e. , process applications, etc.
Agreement 2 - delegates the administratio of the ordinance to the
County Clerk.
Either of the above would effectuate the system.
Once an agreement with Kane County bus been exec ted, tickets to a raffle
licensed in one jurisdiction could be sold in an jurisdictions participating
in a similar agreement with the County.
Participation in this system of licensing in no ay precludes a municipality
from passing a separate ordinance with higher pr•ze limits. However, under
Illinois law, tickets to a raffle licensed under the separate ordinance could
only be sold within the bondaries of the municip.lity.
It is our hope that this system will be implemen ed County-wide. Certainly,
uniformity will facilitate more effective enforc,ment in cases of abuse. If
-you decide to participate, please adopt the ordinance, execute one of the
enclosed agreements and send the signed copy to he Kane County Board Office,
719 Batavia Avenue, Geneva, Illinois 60134.
I( you have any quest ions, c al I : favid fierce, (aunty Clerk 212-2400 ext . 144
or Pam Jensen, As:;'t . SI at e':; At t ny. 212-2400 ext .i6O
Encl. : Raffle Ordinance, (2) Agreements
,hereinafter eferred to as the Municipality, and
the County of Kane, hereinafter referr-d to as the County, for the consideration
hereinafter set forth hereby agree as ollows:
The purpose of this agreement is o enter into an intergovernmental cooperation
agreement between the Municipality and the County whereby the parties will jointly
establish a system for the licensing of organizations to operate raffles within the
unincorporated area of the County and ithin the corporate limits of the Municipal-
ity and within the corporate boundaries of any other municipality entering into an
intergovernmental agreement with the C. my relating to the operation of raffles.
The Municipality is a municipality existing by and under the laws of the State
of Illinois; the County is a body polit c and corporate existing by and under the
laws of the State of Illinois; and each is a unit of local government as defined
by Article VII, Section 1 of the Consdt tion of the State of Illinois. This agree-
ment therefore, is entered into by the unicipality and the County pursuant to and
in accordance with the authority grante. them by the Intergovernmental Cooperation
Act, Ill. Rev, Stat. Ch. 127, Sec. 741 =t seq. (1979), which implements Article VII,
Section 10 of the Constitution of the S.ate of Illinois.
In the construction of this agreeme t. the words, phrases, and definitions con-
tained in the Raffle Ordinance of Kane C.unty (82-35), hereinafter referred to as
the Raffle Ordinance. shall be observed d applied except when the context clearly
indicates otherwise.
The Municipality agrees that it sha 1 have and exercise the following respon-
sibilities and powers:
A. Receive and review applications for licenses and issue licenses to conduct
raffles in the municipality.
B. Enforce its ordinance relating to raffles within its jurisdiction.
C. Retain all fees associated with he application for or the issuance of
raffles licenses from the Municipality's 'affle Licensing Agent.
Agreement No. 1
C. Retain all fees associated with the application for or the issuance
of raffles licenses from the County C erk.
D. Allow and permit within its jurisdiction the sale, conveyance, issuance,
or transfer of raffle chances for and allow and permit within its jurisdiction the
conduct of all raffles licensed by th- County or any municipality participating in
an intergovernmental agreement with t e County relating to raffles.
The Municipality agrees that it shall have an exercise the following respon-
sibilities and powers:
A. Allow and permit the sale, conveyance, issuance, or transfer of raffle chances
for and allow and permit the conduct of all raffles licensed by the County or any
municipality participating in an inter•overnmental agreement with the County relating
to raffles.
B. Enforce its own ordinance relating to raffles within its jurisdiction.
C. Make applications available at its municipal building and assist organi-
zations in completing applications.
This agreement shall be in full f.rce and effect from the date of execution
hereof until terminated by either part, by giving 30 days' written notice of said
termination to the Municipal Clerk or he County clerk.
This agreement represents the ent re and integrated agreement, subject to the
requirements of the Act and the Raffle Ordinance, between the municipality and the
County and supersedes all prior negotiations and representation, either written or
oral. None of the provisions of this .greement may be waived, changed, or modified
except by an instrument in writing sig ed by both parties hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Kane, Illinois, by Resolution duly adopted
by the County Board caused this Agreement to be signed by its Chairman and attested
by its Clerk on this day of , 19
Philip B. Elfstrom, Chairman
David L. Pierce,Clerk County Board of Kane County, Illinois
County Board, Kane County, Illinois
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the municipality of
by ordinance adopted by its legi,lative body, the
, cause this Agreem-nt to be signed by its presiding officer, the
, and attested by its Clerk on this day of
, hereinafter re erred to as the Municipality, and the
County of Kane, hereinafter referred to as the County, for the consideration
hereinafter set forth hereby agree as fellows:
The purpose of this agreement is t. enter into an intergovernmental cooperation
agreement between the Municipality and .he County whereby the parties will jointly
establish a system for the licensing of organizations to operate raffles within the
unincorporated area of the County and w thin the corporate limits of the Municipal-
ity and within the corporate boundaries of any other municipality entering into an
intergovernmental agreement with the Co my relating to the operation of raffles.
The Municipality is a municipality existing by and under the laws of the State
of Illinois; the County is a body politic and corporate existing by and under the
laws of the State of Illinois; and each is a unit of local government as defined
by Article VII, Section 1 of the Constit tion of the State of Illinois. This agree-
ment therefore, is entered into by the M nicipality and the County pursuant to and
in accordance with the authority granted them by the Intergovernmental Cooperation
Act, Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 127, Sec. 741 e seq. (1979), which implements Article VII,
Section 10 of the Constitution of the St=te of Illinois.
In the construction of this agreeme t, the words, phrases, and definitions con-
tained in the Raffle Ordinance of Kane C.unty (82-35), hereinafter referred to as
the Raffle Ordinance, shall be observed d applied except when the context clearly
indicates otherwise.
The County agrees that it shall have and exercise the following responsibilities
and powers:
A. Receive and review applications for licenses and issue licenses to conduct
raffles in the Municipality and unincorp.rated areas of the County.
B. Enforce Public Act 81-1365, her=inafter referred to as the Act, and the
Raffle Ordinance. Enforcement of the Ra fle Ordinance by the County shall not preclude
the Municipality from enforcing its own .rdinance relating to raffles.
• Agreement No. 2
D. Allow and permit within its juri.diction the sale, conveyance, issuance,
or transfer of raffle chances for and allow and permit within its jurisdiction the
conduct of all raffles licensed by the Co my or any municipality participating in
an intergovernmental agreement with the County relating to raffles.
The County agrees that it shall have . d exercise the following responsibilities
and powers:
A. Receive and review applications 'or licenses and issue licenses to conduct
raffles in the unincorporated areas of th• County in accordancae with the Raffle Ordinance.
B. Enforce Public Act 81-1365, hereinafter referred to as the Act, and the Raffle
Ordinance. Enforcement of the Raffle Ordi ance by the County shall not preclude the
Municipality from enforcing its own ordina ce.
This agreement shall be in full force and effect from the date of execution hereof
until terminated by either party by giving 30 days' written notice of said termination
to the Municipal Clerk or the County Clerk
VII. .
This agreement represents the entire •nd integrated agreement, subject to the
requirements of the Act and the Raffle Ord nance, between the Municipality and the
County and supersedes all prior negotiatio s and representation, either written or oral.
None of the provisions of this agreement m.y be waived, changed or modified except
by an instrument in writing signed by both parties hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Kan-, Illinois, by Resolution duly adopted by
the County Board caused this Agreement to 'e signed by its Chairman and attested by
its Clerk on this day of , 19
Philip B. Elfstrom, Chairman
David L. Pierce, Clerk County Board of Kane County, Illinois
County Board, Kane County, Illinois
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the municipality o
by ordinance adopted by its legislat ve body, the
caused this Agreement to be signed by its presiding officer, the
, and attested b its Clerk on this day of
STATE OF ILLINOIS Adopted 3/9/82
WHEREAS, the County of Kane may, pursuant to Public Act 81-1365 as amended,
enacted by the 81st General Assembly .f the State of Illinois, establish a system
for the licensing of organizations to operate raffles;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED b the County Board of the County of Kane,
Illinois, as follows:
Article I -- D finitions
Section 1. State Law. Whenev r reference herein is made to "State Law"
it shall mean and refer to an Act of he General Assembly of the State of Illinois,
entitled "an Act to provide for licen ing and regulating certain games of chance and
amending certain Acts herein named," approved August 5, 1981, as amended.
Section 2. Net Proceeds. Net P oceeds mean the gross receipts from the
conduct of raffles, less reasonable s ms expended for prizes, local license fees,
and other reasonable operating expens s incurred as a result of operating a raffle.
Section 3. Raffle Licensing Age t for Kane County is the Kane County Clerk.
Section 4. Other. Unless the •ontext otherwise requires, all words and
phrases used herein shall have the saoe meaning as the same or similar words or
phrases defined and used in this Stat: Law.
Article II --- Qualifications
Section 1. Applicants. A lice se to operate a raffle shall be issued only
to bona fide religious, charitable, 1-bor, fraternal, educational, or veterans'
organizations, that operate without p.ofit to their members and which have been in
existence continuously for a period o5 years immediately before making application
for a license and which have had duri g that entire 5 year period a bona fide
membership engaged in carrying out th=ir objects.
Section 2. No license shall be 'ssued to:
(a) any person who as been convicted of a felony.
(b) any person who 's or has been a professional gambler or
gambling promot=r;
(c) any person who 's not of good moral character;
(d) any firm or cor.oration in which a person defined in (a),
(b), or (c) has a proprietary, equitable, or credit interest,
or in which suc a person is active or employed;
(e) any organizatio in which such a person defined in (a),
(b), or (c) is =n officer, director or employee, whether
compensated or not;
(f) any organization in which a person defined in (a), (b),
or (c) is to participate in the management or operation
of a raffle as d fined by State Law.
Article III --- Application
Section 1. Required Information. Application forms shall be furnished
by the Raffle Licensing Agent and file. with same. Said applications shall
show the following:
(a) the name and add ess of the applicant;
(b) the date, time a d location at which winning chances
will be determin-d;
(c) place and date o chartering or incorporation of applicant,
if applicable;
(d) name, address, t-lephone number, Social Security number and
date of birth of presiding officer, secretary, and raffle
manager of appli ant;
(e) the area or area: in which raffle tickets will be sold;
(f) a list of prizes and the retail of each prize to be awarded
in a single raff e; and
(g) the price to be harged for each ticket sold.
Section 2. The license applicat on shall contain a sworn statement attesting
to the accuracy of the information pro ided and to the not-for-profit character of
the prospective licensee. Said atatem nt shall be signed by the presiding officer,
secretary, and raffle manager of that .rospective licensee.
Section 3. An application for a icense under this ordinance is valid for one
raffle only.
(0 ER)
Raffle Ordinance -2-
Section 4. Any raffle in which t e aggregate value of the prizes is less
than -$500 shall be considered automatically licensed without necessity of an
Article IV --- R :ulations Governin: Licensee
Section 1. Conduct of Raffles. he conducting of raffles in subject to
the following restrictions:
(a) The entire net pr.ceeds of any raffle must be exclusively
devoted to the la ful purposes of the licensee permitted to
conduct that game.
(b) No person except - bona fide member of the licensee organi-
zation may participate in the management or operation of the raffle.
(c) No person may rec-ive any remuneration or profit for partici-
pating in the man-gement or operation of the raffle.
(d) Raffle chances may be sold or issued only within the area or
areas specified .n the license.
(e) Winning chances ”ust be determined only at the time, date,
and location specified on the license.
(f) Any person selli g raffle chances must carry a copy of the
license issued f.r the raffle.
Section 2. Raffle Limits.
(a) The aggregate re ail value of all prizes or merchandise awarded
by a licensee in a single raffle, shall not exceed $50,000.00.
(b) The maximum reta l value of each prize awarded by a licensee
in a single raff e, shall not exceed $50,000.00.
(c) The maximum pric- which may be charged for each raffle chance
issued or sold, -hall not exceed $100.00.
(d) The maximum numb_r of days during which chances may be issued
or sold, shall n.t exceed 180.
(e) The license shal not be valid for more than 210 days.
Section 3. Raffle Mana:er and Bo d.
(a) All operation an. conduct of raffles shall be under the
supervision of a single raffle manager as designated on the
license applicat'on.
(b) A manager shall :ive a fidelity bond in the sum of the aggregate
retail value of .he prizes as set out on the application. The
bond shall be in favor of the organization conditioned upon the
raffle manager's honesty in the performance of his duties.
Said bond shall .rovide that notice shall be given in writing
to the licensing authority not less than thirty days prior to
its cancellation period. If the retail value of the prizes
exceed $15,000, -uch bond shall be a corporate surety.
Section 4. Records.
(a) Gross receipts f.om the operation of raffle programs shall be
segregated from .cher revenues of the licensee; (including bingo
gross receipts, f bingo games are also conducted uy the same
licensee pursuan. to license issued by the Department of Revenue
of the State of llinois), and placed in a separate account.
Each organizatio shall have separate records of its raffles.
The person who a.counts for gross receipts and expenses from
the operation of raffles shall not be the same person who
accounts for oth:r revenues of the organization.
(b) Each licensee sh.11 keep records of gross receipts, expenses,
and net proceeds for each single raffle at which winning chances
are determined. All reasonable operating expenses deducted from
gross receipts f.r each single raffle shall be documented with
receipts or other records indicating the amount, a description
of the purchased item or service or other reason for the deduct-
ion, and the rec pient. The distribution of net proceeds shall
be itemized as t. payee, purpose amount, and date of payment.
(c) Each licensee, w thin thirty days (30) of the raffle, shall report
to its membershi. and to the Raffle Licensing Agent each of the
(1) gross receipts generated by the conducting of
the raifle;
(2) an ite,ized list of all reasonable operating expenses
which ave been deducted from the gross receipts;
(3) net pr.ceeds from the conducting of the raffle;
(4) an ite,ized list of the distribution of the net
procee.s; and
(5) a list of prize winners.
(d) Records required by this Section shall be preserved for three
(3) years, and t e organization shall make available for public
inspection their records relati ng to the operation of a raffle
at reasonable ti es and places.
• Raffle Ordinance -3
Section 5. Nothing in the Ordnance shall be construed to authorize the
conducting or operating of any gamblng scheme, enterprise, activity, or device
other than raffles as provided by St:te Law.
Article V -- Fees
Aggregate Prize Value Fee
Less than $500 None
$501 to $5000 $ 5.00
$5001 and over $25.00
Article VI ---- A.ministration
Section 1. The Raffle Licensing,Agent shall be charged with the administration
of this Ordinance.
Section 2. The authority and j risdiction of Kane County to issue a license
to a prospective licensee shall exte d only to that area of Kane County which is
both within the borders of Kane Coun.y and outside the borders of any municipality.
Section 3. The Raffle Licensin: Agent shall act upon a license application
within ten (10) days from the date of the application.
Section 4. The Chairman of the County Board and the County Clerk may enter
into a written contract with one or oore Kane County municipalities which have
adopted a raffle Ordinance consisten with this Ordinance to jointly establish a
system for the licensing of organizations to operate raffles within the unincorporated
area of Kane County and within the c.rporate limits of any municipality that is party
of such contract. Such contract sha 1 be consistent with the limitations of this
Ordinance except that a license issu-d by one government unit shall be valid throughout
the jurisdiction of all parties to t e contract.
Article VII --- Enforcement
Section 1. Penalities. Failure to comply with any of the requirements of this
Ordinance shall constitute a violatia . Whoever violates any of the provisions of
this Ordinance is subject to Class "C' Misdemeanor provisions, which are thirty (30)
days imprisonment and/or a fine of $5 9.00 (Five Hundred Dollars). Each day the
violation continues shall be consider-d a separate offense.
Section 2. Abatement. The impo-ition of the penalties herein prescribed shall
not preclude the State's Attorney fro,. instituting appropriate action to prevent
unlawful raffles or to restrain, corr•ct, or abate a violation of this Ordinance or
of the conditions of a raffle license issued pursuant hereto.
Article VIII --- Sev-rabilit Clause
If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof is held to be
unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by a court of competetent jurisdiction,
such ruling shall not affect any othe provisions of this Ordinance not specifically
included in such ruling or which can 4e given effect without the unconstitutional
or invalid provision or application; :nd to this end, the provisions of this
Ordinance are declared severable.
This Ordinance will be effective April 1, 1982.
Passed by the Kane County Board .n March 9, 1982.
s/David L. Pierce s/Philip B. Elfstrom
Clerk, County Board Chairman, County Board
Kane County, Illinois Kane County, Illinois